Python Tutorial 学习(四)--More Control Flow Tools
4.1 if 表达式
>>> x = int(raw_input("Please enter an integer: "))
Please enter an integer: 42
>>> if x < 0:
... x = 0
... print 'Negative changed to zero'
... elif x == 0:
... print 'Zero'
... elif x == 1:
... print 'Single'
... else:
... print 'More'
if 后面可以跟上一个或者多个分支,代码上表现为else或者elif.toturial菌的说明里面这样解释的:elif是else if的缩写...
if ... elif ... elif ... 可以很好的作为类似C语言里面的switch ... case ... 的替代.
4.2. for 表达式
同 C 或者 Pascal比较的话,Python中的for长的又略有不同.与前面两者不同的是(至于怎么不同,只有知道了才知道了,哎呀),Python里面的for表达式 'iterates over the items of any sequence',也就是说,任何可以 '迭代'的'东西'都是可以作为for表达式的对象的(a list or string).
>>> # Measure some strings:
... words = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']
>>> for w in words:
... print w, len(w)
cat 3
window 6
defenestrate 12
If you need to modify the sequence you are iterating over while inside the loop (for example to duplicate selected items), it is recommended that you first make a copy. Iterating over a sequence does not implicitly make a copy. The slice notation makes this especially convenient:
>>> for w in words[:]: # Loop over a slice copy of the entire list.
... if len(w) > 6:
... words.insert(0, w)
>>> words
['defenestrate', 'cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']
4.3. range()函数
range(start, stop[, step])
>>> range(10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> range(1, 11)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
>>> range(0, 30, 5)
[0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
>>> range(0, 10, 3)
[0, 3, 6, 9]
>>> range(0, -10, -1)
[0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9]
>>> range(0)
>>> range(1, 0)
4.4. break and continue Statements, and else Clauses on Loops
欧耶,once more~
Python里面比较稀奇的是,对于循环(while, for)来说,还可以再跟上一个for循环.
4.5. pass Statements
pass 就是什么也不做.给出几个常用的地方
def foo():
class Foo(object):
if xxx:
do something
# if can
do something
# pass it
还有写地方必须要 '做些什么'的时候,但是又没有必要'做些什么',那么就也可以去做一点'什么也不做'的操作,比如说try的except里面
4.6. Defining Functions
def foo():
do something
函数支持别名,比如我定义了一个函数 def a_very_long_named_func():print 'hello';
f = a_very_long_named_func
当我调用f()的时候,同样的也会打印 'hello'
4.7. More on Defining Functions
4.7.1. Default Argument Values
i = 5 def f(arg=i):
print arg i = 6
Important warning: The default value is evaluated only once. This makes a difference when the default is a mutable object such as a list, dictionary, or instances of most classes. For example, the following function accumulates the arguments passed to it on subsequent calls:
def f(a, L=[]):
return L print f(1)
print f(2)
print f(3)
This will print
[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
If you don’t want the default to be shared between subsequent calls, you can write the function like this instead:
def f(a, L=None):
if L is None:
L = []
return L
4.7.2. Keyword Arguments
Python里面定义函数的时候,经常会看见诸如 def foo(request, *args, **kwargs)样子的函数
a, b, c, d = 1, 2, 3, 4
e, f, g = 5, 6, 7
def f(*args, **kwargs):
print args, type(args)
print kwargs, type(kwargs)
f(a, b, c, d, e=e, f= f, g=g, h=a)
[1, 2, 3, 4] list
{'e': 5, 'f': 6, 'g': 7, 'h': 1} dict
4.7.5. Lambda Expressions
Small anonymous functions can be created with the lambda keyword. This function returns the sum of its two arguments: lambda a, b: a+b. Lambda functions can be used wherever function objects are required. They are syntactically restricted to a single expression. Semantically, they are just syntactic sugar for a normal function definition. Like nested function definitions, lambda functions can reference variables from the containing scope:
>>> pairs = [(1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'), (4, 'four')]
>>> pairs.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1])
>>> pairs
[(4, 'four'), (1, 'one'), (3, 'three'), (2, 'two')]
f = lambda x, y: x + y # 冒号左边的是参数,右边的返回的值 f(1, 2) # 将会得到1和2的和3
4.7.6. Documentation Strings
一份好的代码,往往不需要注释都清晰明了一目了然,但当项目代码变得复杂,高度的模块化了的时候,嵌套引用有时候又会让人看的云里雾里.所以适当的注释同样是有必要的.Python里面的有这么个东西 docstring,使用方法是用三引号给标记出来,python在适当的时候会自动的把这些东西展现出来,比如说,这样:
>>> def my_function():
... """Do nothing, but document it.
... No, really, it doesn't do anything.
... """
... pass
>>> print my_function.__doc__
Do nothing, but document it. No, really, it doesn't do anything.
4.8. Intermezzo: Coding Style
代码风格:每个语言都会有自己的代码风格,Python同样如此.关于代码风格,这里建议看一下PEP8 和PEP20
Use 4-space indentation, and no tabs.
4 spaces are a good compromise between small indentation (allows greater nesting depth) and large indentation (easier to read). Tabs introduce confusion, and are best left out.
Wrap lines so that they don’t exceed 79 characters.
This helps users with small displays and makes it possible to have several code files side-by-side on larger displays.
Use blank lines to separate functions and classes, and larger blocks of code inside functions.
When possible, put comments on a line of their own.
Use docstrings.
Use spaces around operators and after commas, but not directly inside bracketing constructs: a = f(1, 2) + g(3, 4).
Name your classes and functions consistently; the convention is to use CamelCase for classes and lower_case_with_underscores for functions and methods. Always use self as the name for the first method argument (see A First Look at Classes for more on classes and methods).
Don’t use fancy encodings if your code is meant to be used in international environments. Plain ASCII works best in any case.
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