Thee(你) I’ll chase(追逐;追捕) hence(因此;今后), thou(你;尔,汝) wolf in sheep’s array.
—William Shakespeare, The First Part of Henry the Sixth
An array is a linear(线的,线型的;直线的,线状的;长度的) allocation(分配,配置;安置) of memory in which elements are accessed by integers that are used to compute offsets. Arrays can be very fast data structures. Unfortunately, JavaScript does not have anything like this kind of array.

Instead, JavaScript provides an object that has some array-like characteristics. It converts array subscripts(下标) into strings that are used to make properties. It is significantly slower than a real array, but it can be more convenient to use. Retrieval and updating of properties work the same as with(正如) objects, except that there is a special trick with integer property names. Arrays have their own literal format. Arrays also have a much more useful set of built-in methods, described in Chapter 8.

Array Literals

Array literals provide a very convenient notation(记号法) for creating new array values. Anarray literal is a pair of(一对,一副) square brackets surrounding zero or more values separated by commas. An array literal can appear anywhere an expression can appear. The first value will get the property name '0', the second value will get the property name '1', and so on:

> var empty = [];
> var numbers = [
... 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four',
... 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'
... ];
> empty[1] // undefined
> numbers[1] // 'one'
> empty.length //
> numbers.length //

The object literal:

> var numbers_object = {
... '0': 'zero', '1': 'one', '2': 'two',
... '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five',
... '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight',
... '9': 'nine'
... };
> numbers_object[0]

produces a similar result. Both numbers and number_object are objects containing 10 properties, and those properties have exactly the same names and values. But there are also significant differences. numbers inherits from Array.prototype, whereas number_object inherits from Object.prototype,so numbers inherits a larger set of useful methods. Also, numbers gets the mysterious length property, while number_object does not.

In most languages, the elements of an array are all required to be of the same type.JavaScript allows an array to contain any mixture of values:

> var misc = [
... 'string', 98.6, true, false, null, undefined,
... ['nested', 'array'], {object: true}, NaN,
... Infinity
... ];
> misc.length //
> misc.string
> misc['string']
> misc[0]


Every array has a length property. Unlike most other languages, JavaScript’s array length is not an upper bound. If you store an element with a subscript that is greater than or equal to the current length, the length will increase to contain the new element. There is no array bounds error.

The length property is the largest integer property name in the array plus one. This is not necessarily the number of properties in the array:

> var myArray = [];
> myArray.length //
> myArray[1000000] = true;
> myArray.length //
> // myArray contains one property.

The [] postfix subscript(下标) operator converts its expression to a string using the expression’s toString method if it has one. That string will be used as the property name. If
the string looks like a positive integer that is greater than or equal to the array’s current length and is less than 4,294,967,295, then the length of the array is set to the new subscript plus one.

> myArray[0] = 100
> myArray[0]
> myArray['0']
> myArray['0'] = 9
> myArray['0']
> myArray[0]

The length can be set explicitly. Making the length larger does not allocate more space for the array. Making the length smaller will cause all properties with a subscript that is greater than or equal to the new length to be deleted:

> numbers.length = 10
> numbers
[ 'zero',
'nine' ]
> numbers.length = 11
> numbers
[ 'zero',
> numbers.length = 3
> numbers
[ 'zero', 'one', 'two' ]

A new element can be appended to the end of an array by assigning to the array’s current length:

> numbers[numbers.length] = 'shi'
> numbers
[ 'zero',
'shi' ]

It is sometimes more convenient to use the push method to accomplish the same thing:

> numbers.push('go')
> numbers
[ 'zero',
'go' ]


Since JavaScript’s arrays are really objects, the delete operator can be used to remove elements from an array:

> delete numbers[2]
> numbers
[ 'zero',
'go' ]

Unfortunately, that leaves a hole in the array. This is because the elements to the right of the deleted element retain their original names. What you usually want is to decrement the names of each of the elements to the right.

Fortunately, JavaScript arrays have a splice method. It can do surgery(外科;外科手术) on an array,deleting some number of elements and replacing them with other elements. The first
argument is an ordinal(序数) in the array. The second argument is the number of elements to delete. Any additional arguments get inserted into the array at that point:

> numbers.splice(2,1)
[ ]
> numbers
[ 'zero',
'go' ]
> numbers.splice(2,1,'two')
[ 'shi' ]
> numbers
[ 'zero',
'go' ]

The property whose value is 'shi' has its key changed from '4' to '3'. Because every property after the deleted property must be removed and reinserted with a new key,this might not go quickly for large arrays.


Since JavaScript’s arrays are really objects, the for in statement can be used to iterate over all of the properties of an array. Unfortunately, for in makes no guarantee about the order of the properties, and most array applications expect the elements to be produced in numerical order. Also, there is still the problem with unexpected properties being dredged up(疏浚;回忆起) from the prototype chain.

Fortunately, the conventional(符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的) for statement avoids these problems. JavaScript’s for statement is similar to that in most C-like languages. It is controlled by three clauses—the first initializes(初始化) the loop, the second is the while condition, and the third does the increment:

> myArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
[ 1,
7 ]
> var i;
> for (i = 0; i < myArray.length; i += 1) {
... console.log(myArray[i]);
... }


A common error in JavaScript programs is to use an object when an array is required or an array when an object is required. The rule is simple: when the property names are small sequential integers, you should use an array. Otherwise, use an object.

JavaScript itself is confused about the difference between arrays and objects. The typeof operator reports that the type of an array is 'object', which isn’t very helpful.

> typeof myArray

JavaScript does not have a good mechanism for distinguishing between arrays and objects. We can work around that deficiency(缺陷,缺点;缺乏;不足的数额) by defining our own is_array function:

var is_array = function (value) {
return value &&
typeof value === 'object' &&
value.constructor === Array;
> var is_array = function (value) {
... return value &&
... typeof value === 'object' &&
... value.constructor === Array;
... };
> is_array(myArray)

Unfortunately, it fails to identify arrays that were constructed in a different window or frame. If we want to accurately detect those foreign arrays, we have to work a little harder:

var is_array = function (value) {
return value &&
typeof value === 'object' &&
typeof value.length === 'number' &&
typeof value.splice === 'function' &&




<script type="text/javascript">
function is_array(value) {
return value &&
typeof value === 'object' &&
value.constructor === Array;
myArray = [1,2,3,4,5];
alert("father windown:" + is_array(myArray)); child ='child_windown.html', 'newwindow', 'height=100, width=400, top=0,left=0, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no,location=no, status=no') </script>


<script type="text/javascript">
myArray = [1,2,3,4,5];
var obj=window.opener;
alert("son windown:" + obj.is_array(myArray));//false


First, we ask if the value is truthy. We do this to reject null and other falsy values.Second, we ask if the typeof value is 'object'. This will be true for objects, arrays,and (weirdly) null. Third, we ask if the value has a length property that is a number.This will always be true for arrays, but usually not for objects. Fourth, we ask if the value contains a splice method. This again will be true for all arrays. Finally, we ask if the length property is enumerable (will length be produced by a for in loop?).That will be false for all arrays. This is the most reliable test for arrayness that I have found. It is unfortunate that it is so complicated.

Having such a test, it is possible to write functions that do one thing when passed a single value and lots of things when passed an array of values.


JavaScript provides a set of methods for acting on arrays. The methods are functions stored in Array.prototype. In Chapter 3, we saw that Object.prototype can be augmented. Array.prototype can be augmented as well.

For example, suppose we want to add an array method that will allow us to do computation on an array:


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