// <copyright file="KeyedPriorityQueue.cs" company="Microsoft">Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.</copyright>
namespace Microshaoft
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
//internal sealed class KeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedEventArgs<T> : EventArgs where T : class
// private T oldFirstElement;
// private T newFirstElement;
// public KeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedEventArgs(T oldFirstElement, T newFirstElement)
// {
// this.oldFirstElement = oldFirstElement;
// this.newFirstElement = newFirstElement;
// }
// public T OldFirstElement { get { return oldFirstElement; } }
// public T NewFirstElement { get { return newFirstElement; } }
///// <summary> Combines the functionality of a dictionary and a heap-sorted priority queue.
///// Enqueue and Dequeue operations are O(log n), Peek is O(1) and Remove is O(n).
///// Used by the SchedulerService classes to maintain an ordered list of running timers, etc.
///// Lesser priority values are higher priority.</summary>
///// <typeparam name="K">Key</typeparam>
///// <typeparam name="V">Value</typeparam>
///// <typeparam name="P">Priority</typeparam>
public class KeyedPriorityQueue<TKey, TValue, TPriority>
where TValue : class
//private ConcurrentBag<HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>> _heap = new ConcurrentBag<HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>>();
private List<HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>> _heap = new List<HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>>();
private int _size;
private Comparer<TPriority> _priorityComparer = Comparer<TPriority>.Default;
private HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority> _placeHolder = default(HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>);
//public event EventHandler<KeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedEventArgs<V>> FirstElementChanged;
private Action<TValue, TValue> _onKeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedProcessAction = null;
private Func<HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>, HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>, bool> _onPriorityComparerProcessFunction = null;
public KeyedPriorityQueue
Action<TValue, TValue> onKeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedProcessAction = null
, Func<HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>, HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>, bool> onPriorityComparerProcessFunction = null
_onKeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedProcessAction = onKeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedProcessAction;
_onPriorityComparerProcessFunction = onPriorityComparerProcessFunction;
_heap.Add(default(HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>)); // Dummy zeroth element, heap is 1-based
public void Enqueue
TKey key
, TValue value
, TPriority priority
TValue oldHead = _size > 0 ? _heap[1].Value : null;
int i = ++_size;
int parent = i / 2;
if (i == _heap.Count)
var heapNode = new HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>(key, value, priority);
bool isHigher = IsHigher(heapNode, _heap[parent]);
while (i > 1 && isHigher)
_heap[i] = _heap[parent];
i = parent;
parent = i / 2;
_heap[i] = heapNode;
TValue newHead = _heap[1].Value;
if (!newHead.Equals(oldHead))
RaiseHeadChangedEvent(oldHead, newHead);
public TValue Dequeue()
TValue oldHead = (_size < 1) ? null : DequeueImpl();
TValue newHead = (_size < 1) ? null : _heap[1].Value;
RaiseHeadChangedEvent(null, newHead);
return oldHead;
private TValue DequeueImpl()
Debug.Assert(_size > 0, "Queue Underflow");
TValue oldHead = _heap[1].Value;
_heap[1] = _heap[_size];
_heap[_size--] = _placeHolder;
return oldHead;
public TValue Remove(TKey key)
if (_size < 1)
return null;
TValue oldHead = _heap[1].Value;
for (int i = 1; i <= _size; i++)
if (_heap[i].Key.Equals(key))
TValue retval = _heap[i].Value;
Swap(i, _size);
_heap[_size--] = _placeHolder;
TValue newHead = _heap[1].Value;
if (!oldHead.Equals(newHead))
RaiseHeadChangedEvent(oldHead, newHead);
return retval;
return null;
public TValue Peek()
return (_size < 1) ? null : _heap[1].Value;
public int Count
return _size;
public TValue FindByPriority(TPriority priority, Predicate<TValue> match)
return _size < 1 ? null : Search(priority, 1, match);
public ReadOnlyCollection<TValue> Values
List<TValue> values = new List<TValue>();
for (int i = 1; i <= _size; i++)
return new ReadOnlyCollection<TValue>(values);
public ReadOnlyCollection<TKey> Keys
List<TKey> keys = new List<TKey>();
for (int i = 1; i <= _size; i++)
return new ReadOnlyCollection<TKey>(keys);
public void Clear()
_size = 0;
private void RaiseHeadChangedEvent(TValue oldHead, TValue newHead)
if (oldHead != newHead)
//EventHandler<KeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedEventArgs<V>> fec = FirstElementChanged;
if (_onKeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedProcessAction != null)
_onKeyedPriorityQueueHeadChangedProcessAction(oldHead, newHead);
private TValue Search(TPriority priority, int i, Predicate<TValue> match)
Debug.Assert(i >= 1 || i <= _size, "Index out of range: i = " + i + ", size = " + _size);
TValue value = null;
var isHigher = IsHigher(_heap[i], priority);
if (isHigher)
if (match(_heap[i].Value))
value = _heap[i].Value;
int left = 2 * i;
int right = left + 1;
if (value == null && left <= _size)
value = Search(priority, left, match);
if (value == null && right <= _size)
value = Search(priority, right, match);
return value;
private void Heapify(int i)
Debug.Assert(i >= 1 || i <= _size, "Index out of range: i = " + i + ", size = " + _size);
int left = 2 * i;
int right = left + 1;
int highest = i;
if (left <= _size && IsHigher(_heap[left], _heap[i]))
highest = left;
if (right <= _size && IsHigher(_heap[right], _heap[highest]))
highest = right;
if (highest != i)
Swap(i, highest);
private void Swap(int i, int j)
Debug.Assert(i >= 1 || j >= 1 || i <= _size || j <= _size, "Index out of range: i = " + i + ", j = " + j + ", size = " + _size);
HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority> temp = _heap[i];
_heap[i] = _heap[j];
_heap[j] = temp;
private bool IsHigher
HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority> compare
, TPriority compareWithPriority
var r = false;
if (_onPriorityComparerProcessFunction != null)
var compareWithHeapNode
= new HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority>
(default(TKey), default(TValue), compareWithPriority);
r = _onPriorityComparerProcessFunction(compare, compareWithHeapNode);
r = _priorityComparer.Compare(compare.Priority, compareWithPriority) < 1;
return r;
private bool IsHigher
HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority> compare
, HeapNode<TKey, TValue, TPriority> compareWith
var r = false;
if (_onPriorityComparerProcessFunction != null)
r = _onPriorityComparerProcessFunction(compare, compareWith);
r = _priorityComparer.Compare(compare.Priority, compareWith.Priority) < 1;
return r;
public struct HeapNode<KeyT, ValueT, PriorityT>
public KeyT Key;
public ValueT Value;
public PriorityT Priority;
public HeapNode(KeyT key, ValueT value, PriorityT priority)
Key = key;
Value = value;
Priority = priority;


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