Last week ,I lead the meeting for new project. i'm  very excited. The meeting is divided into the following sections.

1 project introduce.

The project will be an upgraded version of the existing Yitoa GPTimer. Additional features are required to facilitate the use of the Eco Compliant Controller in  multiple products. These multiple products will then include the ECC GP2 as their primary controller to meet the European Eco-design Directive 2009/125/EC, specifically LOT20 for local space heaters.

The additional features will include (In configuration 3 only):
1. A temperature probe (NTC).
2. Set-point temperature readout on the LCD display.
3. User adjustable time and temperature profiles.
4. The ability to select one of three operating configurations. The plastic housing for the EP4078 ECC/GP2 will have the same physical dimensions as the existing Yitoa GP timer. This dictates that the 2 internal PCBs will also have the same dimensions as the PCBs in the existing GP Timer. The plastic housing will have to be modified to accommodate the wire for NTCthermistor. The NTC thermistor wire should be located in the top left hand side of the GP timer as in the photo below.

2 designed schedule

     The product consists of several parts , hadeware, sofeware,and mechined.

  1 technical scheme selection  (according the customer data )

  2 bom and package (priority use the already existed  the pakeage need double confirm)  

  3 schematic and layout  (after review meeting is ok   )

  4 machanical cover  (It's not my responsibility )

 3 engineering schedule

    NPI( new project input)

    ES:   sep 1  

           1 we need accompled the layout and  recall pcb .

           2 propare the test specifiation for the projuct.

           3 pmc Purchase materials on duty.

           4 NPI  arrange produation

           5 PIE and ATE    prepare fixture. and FCT(include Semi-finished produst test and finshed product test )

    EP:need product 100 pcs

     pp: Hold


4 System designed concept

5 postcript


hadeware designed is easy for me. but the software designed is  differcult .

stm8L151 is same as stm32. I can find lib whtn web, but i haven't programmed in a long time .

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