May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.


May my life soar on the wings of a eagle in flight, reach as high as I can.

Yesterday's Experience was indeed a heavy blow to me.

The HR of Huawei called me to have an interview about the job in its Network Power's department.

I went for the interview, spending two hours on the road and expecting that it would be very easy.

Yes, it was really very easy, especially in the stage of technical interview.

However, in the last stage, the interview with the manager of its human rescourse, I was heavily beat down.

She asked why I had spent six years at the college, really, that was a stain of my life, and an indelibale stain, I even haven't gotten rid of its influence yet.

I didn't answer the question clearly, I didn't want to recall that memory. But it is unavoidable, I shouldn't avoid it, I need to face up to it.

But how and what I should do to make up for the previous mistakes?

At its best, schooling can be about how to make a life, which is quite different from how to make a living.


Really a heavy blow on me, and I was almost on the brink of collapse.

Can I rebuild my life and my abilities through my persistent efforts?

Sometime I found the harder I worked, the worst the result was.

I was a loser in my college's life, and that remains an indelible stain in my life.

It is saying that it's never too late to turn, but I can't any trend toward the turn.

May this day the last day I wrote these words.

May this day the turning point in my life.

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