Windows Server 2012/win8 iis8 上安装 4.5 当时用了mvc5 .net framework 4.5 所以得装下
vs2013+mvc5 framework 4.5 本地 iisexpress 调试一点问题没有,当部署到本机iis时 出现 无法识别 modules错误,具体错误提示是:
锁定是默认设置的(overrideModeDefault="Deny"),或者是通过包含 overrideMode="Deny" 或旧有的 allowOverride="false" 的位置标记明确设
所以没办法,重装下 iis吧。。。。,通过下面的方案搞定
Installing IIS Features on Windows 8
The following procedure describes how to install IIS and the required features for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client on Windows 8.
To install IIS features on Windows 8
On the Start page, choose Control Panel, and then choose Programs.
Under Programs and Features, choose Turn Windows features on or off.
In the Windows features dialog box, expand .NET Framework 4.5 Advanced Services, and then select ASP.NET 4.5.
Expand WCF Services, and then select HTTP Activation.
If the .NET Framework 3.50 is installed, then expand Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (including .NET 2.0 and 3.0), and then select Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation.
In the Windows features list, expand Internet Information Services, and then expand World Wide Web Services.
Expand Application Development Features, and select the following features:
- .NET Extensibility 3.5 (if .NET Framework 3.5 is installed)
- .NET Extensibility 4.5
- ASP.NET 3.5 (if .NET Framework 3.5 is installed)
- ASP.NET 4.5
- ISAPI Extensions
- ISAPI Filters
Expand Common HTTP Features, and then select the Static Content feature.
Expand Security, and then select the following features:
- Request Filtering
- Windows Authentication
To install Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager, under Internet Information Services, expand Web Management Tools, and then select IIS Management Console.
This step is optional. You use Internet Information Service IIS Manager to manage local and remote web servers and sites.
Choose the OK button to complete the installation.
To verify that the web server has been installed correctly, start your browser, and then type http://localhost in the address.
The default web site opens and should display an IIS 8 image.
Installing IIS Features on Windows Server 2012
The following procedure describes how to install IIS and the required features for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client on Windows Server 2012.
To install IIS features on Windows Server 2012
On the Start page, choose Server Manager.
In the navigation pane, choose Dashboard, and then choose Add roles and features.
In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, in the Before You Begin page, choose the Next button.
On the Select installation type page, select Role-based or feature-based installation, and then choose the Next button.
On the Select destination server page, select Select a server from the server pool, select your server from Server Pool list, and then choose the Nextbutton.
In the Select Server Roles window, select Web Server (IIS), and then choose the Next button.
If the Add features that are required for Web Server (IIS) dialog box appears, then choose Add Features.
If you do not want to install the IIS Management Console, clear the Include management tools check box, and then choose the Continue button. On the Select features page, expand .NET Framework 4.5, and then select ASP.NET 4.5.
Expand WCF Services, and then select HTTP Activation.
In the Add features that are required for ASP.NET 4.5? dialog box, choose the Add Features button.
The following additional features are added.
- ASP.NET 4.5
- ISAPI Extensions
- ISAPI Filters
- .NET Extensibility 4.5
If .NET Framework 3.5 is installed, then do the following:
- Expand the .NET Framework 3.5 Features node.
- Select HTTP Activate.
- If the Add features that are required for ASP.NET 3.5 dialog box appears, choose the Add Features button.
The following additional features are added.
- .NET Framework 3.5 (including .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
- .NET Extensibility 3.5
On the Select Features page, choose the Next button.
On the Web Server Role (IIS) page, choose the Next button.
On the Select role services page, verify that the following role services are selected at a minimum.
- Common HTTP Features
- Static Content
- Security
- Request Filtering
- Windows Authentication
- Application Development
- .NET Extensibility 3.5 (if .NET Framework 3.5 is installed)
- .NET Extensibility 4.5
- ASP.NET 3.5 (if .NET Framework 3.5 is installed)
- ASP.NET 4.5
- ISAPI Extensions
- ISAPI Filters
- Management Tools (optional)
- IIS Management Console (optional)
You can leave other role services that are selected by default as selected. - Common HTTP Features
Choose the Next button
On the Confirm installation selections page, choose the Install button.
On the Installation progress page, confirm that your installation completed successfully, and then choose the Close button.
To verify that the web server has been installed correctly, start your browser, and then type http://localhost in the address.
The default website opens and should display an IIS 8 image.
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