In a previous post we learned how we can use the inputs and outputs properties to set properties or files that need to be checked to see if a task is up to date. In this post we learn how a custom task class can use annotations to set input properties, file or files and output files or dir.

For input we can use @Input, @InputFile, @InputFiles or @InputDirectory annotations. Gradle uses the properties with annotations for checking if a task is up to date. Output file or directory can be marked with @OutputFile and @OutputDirectory.

00.task generateVersionFile(type: Generate) {
01.version = '2.0'
02.outputFile = file("$project.buildDir/version.txt")
05.task showContents << {
06.println generateVersionFile.outputFile.text
08.showContents.dependsOn generateVersionFile
10.class Generate extends DefaultTask {
12.String version
15.File outputFile
18.void generate() {
19.def file = getOutputFile()
20.if (!file.isFile()) {
24.file.write "Version: ${getVersion()}"

We can run our task and get the following output:

$ gradle showContents
Version: 2.0

And if we run it again we see the task is now up to date:

$ gradle showContents
:generateVersionFile UP-TO-DATE
Version: 2.0

We can change the version numer in our build script to 2.1 and see the output:

$ gradle showContents
Version: 2.1

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