10 Consensus and Profile
A matrix is a rectangular table of values divided into rows and columns. An m×nm×n matrix has mm rows and nn columns. Given a matrix AA, we write Ai,jAi,j to indicate the value found at the intersection of row ii and column jj.
Say that we have a collection of DNA strings, all having the same length nn. Their profile matrix is a 4×n4×n matrix PP in which P1,jP1,j represents the number of times that 'A' occurs in the jjth position of one of the strings, P2,jP2,j represents the number of times that C occurs in the jjth position, and so on (see below).
A consensus string cc is a string of length nn formed from our collection by taking the most common symbol at each position; the jjth symbol of cc therefore corresponds to the symbol having the maximum value in the jj-th column of the profile matrix. Of course, there may be more than one most common symbol, leading to multiple possible consensus strings.
A T C C A G C T | |
G G G C A A C T | |
A T G G A T C T | |
DNA Strings | A A G C A A C C |
T T G G A A C T | |
A T G C C A T T | |
A T G G C A C T | |
A 5 1 0 0 5 5 0 0 | |
Profile | C 0 0 1 4 2 0 6 1 |
G 1 1 6 3 0 1 0 0 | |
T 1 5 0 0 0 1 1 6 | |
Consensus | A T G C A A C T |
Given: A collection of at most 10 DNA strings of equal length (at most 1 kbp) in FASTA format.
Return: A consensus string and profile matrix for the collection. (If several possible consensus strings exist, then you may return any one of them.)
Sample Dataset
Sample Output
A: 5 1 0 0 5 5 0 0
C: 0 0 1 4 2 0 6 1
G: 1 1 6 3 0 1 0 0
T: 1 5 0 0 0 1 1 6 方法一:
### 10. Consensus and Profile ### from collections import Counter
from collections import OrderedDict fh = open('consesus_and_profile_output2.txt', 'wt') rosalind = OrderedDict()
seqLength = 0
with open('Sample Dataset.txt') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith('>'):
rosalindName = line
rosalind[rosalindName] = ''
rosalind[rosalindName] += line
seqLength = len(rosalind[rosalindName]) #len(ATCCAGCT) A, C, G, T = [], [], [], []
consensusSeq = ''
for i in range(seqLength):
seq = ''
for k in rosalind.keys(): # rosalind.keys = Rosalind_1...Rosalind_7
seq += rosalind[k][i] # 把 Rosalind_1...Rosalind_7 相同顺序的碱基加起来
counts = Counter(seq) # 为seq计数
consensusSeq += counts.most_common()[0][0] #从多到少返回,是个list啊,只返回第一个 fh.write(consensusSeq + '\n')
fh.write('\n'.join(['A:\t' + '\t'.join(map(str, A)), 'C:\t' + '\t'.join(map(str, C)),
'G:\t' + '\t'.join(map(str, G)), 'T:\t' + '\t'.join(map(str, T))]))
#.join(map(str,A)) 把 A=[5, 1, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0] 格式转化成 A:5 1 0 0 5 5 0 0
# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
import os
from collections import Counter fhand = open('Sample Dataset.txt')
t = []
for line in fhand:
if line.startswith('>'):
line = line.rstrip()
line_list = list(line) #变成一个list
t.append(line_list) # 再把list 放入list
a = np.array(t) # 创建一个二维数组 L1, L2, L3, L4 = [], [], [], []
comsquence = '' for i in range(a.shape[1]): # shape[0],是7 行数,shape[1]是8 项目数
l = [x[i] for x in a] # 调出二维数组的每一列
comsquence = comsquence + Counter(l).most_common()[0][0]
print comsquence
print 'A:', L1, '\n', 'T:', L2, '\n', 'C:', L3, '\n', 'G:', L4
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