"xxadmin" user: No protocol specified 错误
1 查看DISPLAY是否设置:env| grep DISPLAY
如未设置则,export DISPLAY= (斜体字修改为自己的服务器的ip)
2 root用户执行 xhost +
3 切换到oracle用户安装即可
Running X apps as root
By default, and for security reasons, root will be unable to connect to a non-root user's X server. There are multiple ways of allowing root to do so, if it is necessary.
The most secure methods
The most secure methods are simple. They include:
- kdesu (included with KDE)
$ kdesu name-of-app
- gksu (included with GNOME)
$ gksu name-of-app
- bashrun (in community)
$ bashrun --su name-of-app
- sudo (must be installed and properly configured with
$ sudo name-of-app
- sux (wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials)
$ sux root name-of-app
These are the preferred methods, because they automatically exit when the application exits, negating any security risks quite completely.
Alternate methods
These methods will allow root to connect to a non-root user's X server, but present varying levels of security risks, especially if you run ssh. If you are behind a firewall, you may consider them to be safe enough for your requirements.
- Temporarily allow root access
- xhost
$ xhost +
will temporarily allow root, or anyone to connect your X server. Likewise,
$ xhost -
will disallow this function afterward.
Some users also use:
$ xhost + localhost
(Your X server must be configured to listen to TCP connections for xhost + localhost
to work).
- Permanently allow root access
- Method 1: Add the line
session optional pam_xauth.so
to /etc/pam.d/su
and /etc/pam.d/su-l
. Then switch to your root user using 'su' or 'su -'.
- Method 2: Globally in
Add the following to /etc/profile
export XAUTHORITY=/home/non-root-usersname/.Xauthority
This will permanently allow root to connect to a non-root user's X server.
Or, merely specify a particular app:
export XAUTHORITY=/home/usersname/.Xauthority kwrite
(to allow root to access kwrite, for instance.)
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