1. Using for-loop

Iterate along row axis:

 import numpy as np
for i in x:


[1 2 3]

[4 5 6]

Iterate by index:

for i in range(len(x)):


[1 2 3]

[4 5 6]

Iterate by row and index:

for i, row in enumerate(x):
print('row', i, 'is', row)


row 0 is [1 2 3]

row 1 is [4 5 6]


2. Using ndenumerate object

for index, i in np.ndenumerate(x): 


(0, 0) 1

(0, 1) 2

(0, 2) 3

(1, 0) 4

(1, 1) 5

(1, 2) 6

3. Using nditer object

See: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.15.0/reference/arrays.nditer.html

4. Use zip to iterate over multiple iterables

 x2 = x**2
for i, j in zip(x, x2):


[[ 1  4  9]

[16 25 36]]

[1 2 3] + [1 4 9] = [ 2  6 12]

[4 5 6] + [16 25 36] = [20 30 42]

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