int rangeMinQuery(int segTree[], int qlow, int qhigh, int low, int high, int pos) {
if (qlow <= low && qhigh >= high)
return segTree[pos];
if (qlow > high || qhigh < low)
return maxVal;
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
return min(rangeMinQuery(segTree, qlow, qhigh, low, mid, 2*pos+1),
rangeMinQuery(segTree, qlow, qhigh, mid+1, high, 2*pos+2));
} void constructTree(int input[], int segTree[], int low, int high, int pos) {
if (low == high) {
segTree[pos] = input[low];
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
constructTree(input, segTree, low, mid, 2*pos+1);
constructTree(input, segTree, mid+1, high, 2*pos+2);
segTree[pos] = min(segTree[2*pos+1], segTree[2*pos+2]);


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