jQuery plugin : bgStretcher 背景图片切换效果插件
bgStretcher 2011 (Background Stretcher)是一个jQuery的插件,可以为你的网页添加多张背景图,且多个背景图能够自动切换,同时背景图大小可以自适应浏览器窗口的大小。背景图的切换效果有淡入淡出,滚动,幻灯,其中选用滚动和幻灯时,可以选择方向,上下左右,或者左上右下,右上左下。图片切换顺序也可以设置正向,反向或者随机。更多选项就看你自己慢慢研究了。 插件特点:
1 |
< link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "./main.css" /> |
2 |
< link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "../bgstretcher.css" /> |
3 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../jquery-1.5.2.min.js" ></ script > |
4 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../bgstretcher.js" ></ script > |
接着把下面的代码,插入到上面代码之后,来初始化 bgStretcher 插件,要告知插件在哪个元素上起作用,同时可以配置插件的选项。同样,注意代码中的图片路径不要出错。
01 |
< script type = "text/javascript" > |
02 |
$(document).ready(function(){ |
03 |
04 |
// Initialize Backgound Stretcher |
05 |
$('.demoo').bgStretcher({ |
06 |
images: ['images/sample-1.jpg', 'images/sample-2.jpg', 'images/sample-3.jpg', 'images/sample-4.jpg', 'images/sample-5.jpg', 'images/sample-6.jpg'], |
07 |
imageWidth: 800, |
08 |
imageHeight: 400, |
09 |
slideDirection: 'N', |
10 |
slideShowSpeed: 1000, |
11 |
transitionEffect: 'fade', |
12 |
sequenceMode: 'normal', |
13 |
}); |
14 |
15 |
}); |
16 |
</ script > |
配置选项 | 缺 省 值 | 选项说明 |
imageContainer | bgstretcher | bgStretcher will automatically build structure for the images list in a DOM tree. This parameter is ID for the images holder. Try inspecting the tree with a FireBug to get an idea how it's constructed. |
resizeProportionally | true | Indicates if background image(s) will be resized proportionally or not. |
resizeAnimate | false | Indicates if background image(s) will be resized with animation. (Be careful, this may slow down some PCs if your images are large.) |
images | empty | An array containing list of images to be displayed on page's background. |
imageWidth | 1024 | Original image's width. |
imageHeight | 768 | Original image's height. |
maxWidth | auto | Maximum image's width. |
maxHeight | auto | Maximum image's height. |
nextSlideDelay | 3000 (3 seconds) | Numeric value in milliseconds. The parameter sets delay until next slide should start. |
slideShowSpeed | normal | Numeric value in milliseconds or jQuery string value ('fast', 'normal', 'slow'). The parameter sets the speed of transition between images. |
slideShow | true | Allows or disallows slideshow functionality. |
transitionEffect | fade | Transition effect (use also: none, simpleSlide, superSlide). |
slideDirection | N | Slide Diraction: N – north, S – south, W – west, E – East (if transitionEffect = superSlide use also: NW, NE, SW, SE). |
sequenceMode | normal | Sequence mode (use also: back, random) |
buttonPrev | empty | Previous button CSS selector |
buttonNext | empty | Next button CSS selector |
pagination | empty | CSS selector for pagination |
anchoring | 'left top' | Anchoring bgStrtcher area regarding window |
anchoringImg | 'left top' | Anchoring images regarding window |
preloadImg | false | For Preload images use true |
stratElementIndex | 0 | Start element index |
callbackfunction | null | Name of callback function |
方法名称 | 方法说明 |
$(objID).bgStretcher.play() | Resume background slideshow |
$(objID).bgStretcher.pause() | Pause background slideshow |
$(objID).bgStretcher.sliderDestroy() | Destroy background slideshow |
原文在这里,俺稍微翻译了一下,演示效果俺自己调整了参数。 http://www.ajaxblender.com/bgstretcher-2-jquery-stretch-background-plugin-updated.html
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