Objective-C 观察者模式--简单介绍和使用
比如我们订阅杂志, 会有一个订阅服务中心, 他负责管理期刊号, 添加用户 和 发送期刊
这里订阅服务中, 期刊, 用户 我们看做3个因素:
用户要订阅, 需要遵循一定的订阅规范(协议)
订阅服务中心负责管理, 当有某一期刊更新时, 通知该期刊的订阅用户或者发送新期刊给订阅用户
这里把订阅服务中心看做一个对象, 并把它设计成一个单例 因为一般只会有一个订阅服务中心管理所有的期刊和用户
添加/删除期刊, 给某一期刊添加/删除订阅用户, 检查期刊号是否存在, 当有更新时通知订阅用户
期刊管理订阅用户信息时, 不能持有订阅用户对象造成内存泄露, 所以用NSHashTable来保存用户信息
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @protocol SubscriptionCustomerProtocol <NSObject>
- @required
- - (void)subscriptionMessage:(id)message subscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber;
- @end
- #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
- #import "SubscriptionCustomerProtocol.h"
- @interface SubscriptionServiceCenter : NSObject
- /**
- 初始化单例方法
- @return 返回单例对象
- */
- + (instancetype)shareInstance;
- /**
- alloc初始化方法
- @param zone 地址空间
- @return 返回单例对象
- */
- + (id)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone;
- /**
- copy方法
- @param zone 地址空间
- @return 返回单例对象
- */
- - (id)copWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone;
- #pragma mark - 维护订阅信息
- /**
- 创建订阅号
- @param subscriptionNumber 订阅号码
- */
- - (void)createSubscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber;
- /**
- 删除订阅号
- @param subscriptionNumber 订阅号码
- */
- - (void)removeSubscriptionNUmber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber;
- #pragma mark - 维护客户信息
- /**
- 添加客户到具体的订阅号中
- @param customer 客户
- @param subscriptionNumber 订阅号码
- */
- - (void)addCustomer:(id <SubscriptionCustomerProtocol>)customer withSubscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber;
- /**
- 从具体订阅号中移除客户
- @param customer 客户
- @param subscriptionNumber 订阅号码
- */
- - (void)removeCustomer:(id <SubscriptionCustomerProtocol>)customer withSubcriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber;
- /**
- 发送消息到具体的订阅号中
- @param message 消息
- @param subscriptionNumber 订阅号码
- */
- - (void)sendMessage:(id)message toSubscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber;
- /**
- 获取用户列表
- @param subscriptionNumber 订阅号码
- @return 返回用户列表
- */
- - (NSHashTable *)existSubscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber;
- @end
- #import "SubscriptionServiceCenter.h"
- static NSMutableDictionary *_subscriptionDictionary = nil;
- @implementation SubscriptionServiceCenter
- static SubscriptionServiceCenter *_instance = nil;
- + (instancetype)shareInstance {
- static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
- dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
- _subscriptionDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- _instance = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
- });
- return _instance;
- }
- + (id)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone {
- return [SubscriptionServiceCenter shareInstance];
- }
- - (id)copWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone {
- return [SubscriptionServiceCenter shareInstance];
- }
- - (void)createSubscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber {
- NSParameterAssert(subscriptionNumber);
- NSHashTable *hashTable = [self existSubscriptionNumber:subscriptionNumber];
- if (hashTable == nil) {
- hashTable = [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable];
- [_subscriptionDictionary setObject:hashTable forKey:subscriptionNumber];
- }
- }
- - (void)removeSubscriptionNUmber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber {
- NSParameterAssert(subscriptionNumber);
- NSHashTable *hashTable = [self existSubscriptionNumber:subscriptionNumber];
- if (hashTable) {
- [_subscriptionDictionary removeObjectForKey:subscriptionNumber];
- }
- }
- - (void)addCustomer:(id <SubscriptionCustomerProtocol>)customer withSubscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber {
- NSParameterAssert(customer);
- NSParameterAssert(subscriptionNumber);
- NSHashTable *hashTable = [self existSubscriptionNumber:subscriptionNumber];
- [hashTable addObject:customer];
- }
- - (void)removeCustomer:(id <SubscriptionCustomerProtocol>)customer withSubcriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber {
- NSParameterAssert(subscriptionNumber);
- NSHashTable *hashTable = [self existSubscriptionNumber:subscriptionNumber];
- [hashTable removeObject:customer];
- }
- - (void)sendMessage:(id)message toSubscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber {
- NSParameterAssert(subscriptionNumber);
- NSHashTable *hashTable = [self existSubscriptionNumber:subscriptionNumber];
- if (hashTable) {
- NSEnumerator *enumerator = [hashTable objectEnumerator];
- id <SubscriptionCustomerProtocol> object = nil;
- while (object = [enumerator nextObject]) {
- if ([object respondsToSelector:@selector(subscriptionMessage: subscriptionNumber:)]) {
- [object subscriptionMessage:message subscriptionNumber:subscriptionNumber];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- - (NSHashTable *)existSubscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber {
- return [_subscriptionDictionary objectForKey:subscriptionNumber];
- }
- @end
下面在Controller中实现, Controller作为用户即观察者
- #import "ViewController.h"
- #import "SubscriptionCustomerProtocol.h"
- #import "SubscriptionServiceCenter.h"
- static NSString * SCIENCE = @"SCIENCE";
- @interface ViewController () <SubscriptionCustomerProtocol>
- @end
- @implementation ViewController
- - (void)viewDidLoad {
- [super viewDidLoad];
- //创建一个订阅服务中心单例
- SubscriptionServiceCenter *center = [SubscriptionServiceCenter shareInstance];
- //创建一个订阅号
- [center createSubscriptionNumber:SCIENCE];
- //添加一个用户
- [center addCustomer:self withSubscriptionNumber:SCIENCE];
- //发送一个通知消息
- [center sendMessage:@"有新的期刊啦" toSubscriptionNumber:SCIENCE];
- }
- #pragma mark - SubscriptionCustomerProtocol
- - (void)subscriptionMessage:(id)message subscriptionNumber:(NSString *)subscriptionNumber {
- NSLog(@"期刊号: %@ 收到消息: %@", subscriptionNumber, message);
- }
- @end
Cocoa touch中的KVO和NSNotificationCenter的原理是观察模式的很好实现, 下面用代码分别演示下用法
- - (void)viewDidLoad {
- [super viewDidLoad];
- // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- self.model = [Model new];
- //添加KVO
- [self.model addObserver:self
- forKeyPath:@"name"
- options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew
- context:nil];
- //发送信息, 通过修改属性
- self.model.name = @"v1.0";
- }
- #pragma mark - KVO方法
- - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary<NSKeyValueChangeKey,id> *)change context:(void *)context {
- NSLog(@"%@", change);
- }
- - (void)dealloc {
- //移除KVO
- [self.model removeObserver:self
- forKeyPath:@"name"];
- }
- - (void)viewDidLoad {
- [super viewDidLoad];
- // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- //添加
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- selector:@selector(notificationCenterEvent:)
- name:@"SCIENCE"
- object:nil];
- //发送信息
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"SCIENCE"
- object:@"v1.0"];
- }
- #pragma mark - 通知中心方法
- - (void)notificationCenterEvent:(id)sender {
- NSLog(@"%@", sender);
- }
- - (void)dealloc {
- //移除通知中心
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
- forKeyPath:@"SCIENCE"];
- }
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