Poj2826 An Easy Problem
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cmath>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- const double PI = acos(-1.0);
- const int N = ;
- const double EPS = 1e-;//实数精度
- //点结构类型
- struct Point{
- double x, y;
- Point(double a = , double b = ){ x = a; y = b; }
- };
- //线段结构类型
- struct LineSeg{
- Point s, e;
- LineSeg(){};
- LineSeg(Point a, Point b) : s(a), e(b){}
- };
- struct Line{
- double a, b, c;
- };
- Point operator-(Point a, Point b){
- return Point(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);
- }
- //重载==,判断点a,b是否相等
- bool operator==(Point a, Point b){
- return abs(a.x - b.x) < EPS&&abs(a.y - b.y) < EPS;
- }
- //比较实数r1与r2的大小关系
- int RlCmp(double r1, double r2 = ){
- if (abs(r1 - r2) < EPS)
- return ;
- return r1>r2 ? : -;
- }
- //返回向量p1-p0和p2-p0的叉积
- double Cross(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2){
- Point a = p1 - p0;
- Point b = p2 - p0;
- return a.x*b.y - b.x*a.y;
- }
- //判断线段L1与线段L2是否相交(包括交点在线段上)
- bool Intersect(LineSeg L1, LineSeg L2){
- //排斥实验和跨立实验
- return max(L1.s.x, L1.e.x) >= min(L2.s.x, L2.e.x)
- && min(L1.s.x, L1.e.x) <= max(L2.s.x, L2.e.x)
- && max(L1.s.y, L1.e.y) >= min(L2.s.y, L2.e.y)
- && min(L1.s.y, L1.e.y) <= max(L2.s.y, L2.e.y)
- && Cross(L1.s, L1.e, L2.s)*Cross(L1.s, L1.e, L2.e) <=
- && Cross(L2.s, L2.e, L1.s)*Cross(L2.s, L2.e, L1.e) <= ;
- }
- Line MakeLine(Point a, Point b){
- Line L;
- L.a = (b.y - a.y);
- L.b = (a.x - b.x);
- L.c = (b.x*a.y - a.x*b.y);
- if (L.a < ){ //保准x系数大于等于0
- L.a = -L.a;
- L.b = -L.b;
- L.c = -L.c;
- }
- return L;
- }
- //判直线X,Y是否相交,相交返回true和交点
- bool LineIntersect(Line X, Line Y, Point&P){
- double d = X.a*Y.b - Y.a*X.b;
- if (d == ) //直线平行或者重合
- return false;
- P.x = (X.b*Y.c - Y.b*X.c) / d;
- P.y = (X.c*Y.a - Y.c*X.a) / d;
- return true;
- }
- Point HighPoint(Point a, Point b){
- return a.y > b.y ? a : b;
- }
- Point LowPoint(Point a, Point b){
- return a.y < b.y ? a : b;
- }
- double Dot(Point a, Point b){
- return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y;
- }
- double Area(LineSeg L1, LineSeg L2){
- if (!Intersect(L1, L2))
- return ; //不相交
- Line X = MakeLine(L1.s, L1.e);
- Line Y = MakeLine(L2.s, L2.e);
- if (RlCmp(X.a*Y.a) == ) //有一条直线与x平行
- return ;
- Point inter;
- LineIntersect(X, Y, inter); //计算交点
- double y = min(max(L1.e.y, L1.s.y), max(L2.e.y, L2.s.y));
- double x1 = -(X.b*y + X.c) /X.a;
- double x2 = -(Y.b*y + Y.c) / Y.a;
- Point p1(x1, y), p2(x2, y);
- double area = abs(Cross(inter, p1, p2) / ); //计算面积
- if (RlCmp(X.b*Y.b) == ) //有一条线与Y轴平行
- return area;
- double k1 = -X.a / X.b; //X的斜率
- double k2 = -Y.a / Y.b; //Y的斜率
- Point high = HighPoint(HighPoint(L1.s, L1.e),HighPoint(L2.s, L2.e));
- Point low = LowPoint(HighPoint(L1.s, L1.e), HighPoint(L2.s, L2.e));
- if (RlCmp(high.y - low.y) == )
- return area;
- if (RlCmp(high.x - low.x) == )
- return ;
- double k = -(high.x - low.x) / (high.y - low.y);
- Point mid((high.x + low.x) / , (high.y + low.y) / );
- Point op = mid - inter;
- Point ans;
- if (RlCmp(Dot(op, Point(, k))) >= )
- ans = Point(, k);
- else
- ans = Point(-, -k);
- if ((ans.x > && ans.y > || (ans.x< && ans.y>)))
- return area;
- else
- return ;
- }
- int main(){
- int T;
- double a, b, c, d;
- scanf("%d", &T);
- while (T--){
- scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &a, &b, &c, &d);
- LineSeg L1(Point(a, b), Point(c, d));
- scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &a, &b, &c, &d);
- LineSeg L2(Point(a, b), Point(c, d));
- double area = Area(L1, L2);
- printf("%.2lf\n", area);
- }
- return ;
- }
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