ZOJ1608 Two Circles and a Rectangle
Time Limit: 2 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536 KB
Give you two circles and a rectangle, your task is to judge wheather the two circles can be put into the rectangle with no part of circles outside the retangle.
There are multiple test cases. In every test cast, there are four float-point numbers:
a, b, r1, r2
where, a and b are two sides of the rectangle, r1 and r2 are radii of the two circls.
Print a "Yes", if the circles can be put into the rectangle. Otherwise, print a "No".
You can safely assume x < y, where x and y are float-point numbers, if x < y + 0.01.
Sample Input
5 4 1 1
5 4 1.5 2
Sample Output
/*by SilverN*/
using namespace std;
const int mxn=;
double a,b,r1,r2;
int main(){
double x1=a-r1-r2;
double y1=b-r1-r2;
double r=r1+r2;
else printf("No\n");
return ;
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