Redux 实现过程的推演
- /*
- * createStore 状态容器
- * @param reducers 容器总得需要知道是做什么样的改变
- * @param initialState 初始化(预置)的 state
- */
- const createStore = (reducers, initialState) => {
- // 通过 reducer 取到改变后的值,重新存储
- let currentReducer = reducers;
- // 存
- let currentState = initialState;
- // 取
- const getState = () => {
- return currentState;
- };
- // 改
- const dispatch = action => {
- currentState = currentReducer(currentState, action);
- return action;
- };
- // 这里可能还需要可被观察的,留坑、不实现,有兴趣的看文章后的源码阅读链接
- return {
- getState,
- dispatch
- };
- };
- /*
- * action
- * @property type 描述需要做什么操作
- * @property preload 预加载数据,包含 state 的新值
- */
- const RESET = "RESET";
- const RESET_ACTION = {
- type: RESET,
- preload: {
- count: 0
- }
- };
- /*
- * reducer
- * @currentState 当前的 state,旧值
- * @action 该做什么修改的类型描述
- */
- const reducer = (state = { count: 0 }, action) => {
- switch (action.type) {
- case RESET: {
- return {
- ...state,
- ...action.preload
- };
- }
- default: {
- return state;
- }
- }
- };
- const store = createStore(reducer);
- store.dispatch({ type: RESET, preload: { count: 10 } });
- store.getState(); // output { count: 10}
- store.dispatch(RESET_ACTION);
- store.getState(); // output { count: 0}
- dispatch({ type: "@redux/INIT" });
Middleware is the suggested way to extend Redux with custom functionality. Middleware lets you wrap the store's dispatch method for fun and profit. The key feature of middleware is that it is composable. Multiple middleware can be combined together, where each middleware requires no knowledge of what comes before or after it in the chain.
Middleware 是通过自定义功能来扩展 redux 的推荐方法,它能够让你有效的包裹 store 的 dispatch 方法已达到所需的目的,其关键特征在于组合,多个 middleware 能够进行组合,每个 middleware 都是独立的,它们不需要知道在流程的之前或之后会发生什么。
- var a = function(next) {
- console.log("a-before");
- next();
- console.log("a-after");
- };
- var dispatch = function(action) {
- console.log("do ", action);
- return action;
- };
- a(dispatch);
- // output:
- // a-before
- // do undefined
- // a-after
- var a = function(next) {
- return function(action) {
- console.log("a-before");
- next(action);
- console.log("a-after");
- };
- };
- var dispatch = function(action) {
- console.log("do ", action);
- return action;
- };
- a(dispatch)("test action");
- // output:
- // a-before
- // do test action
- // a-after
- var a = function(next) {
- return function(action) {
- console.log("a-before");
- next(action);
- console.log("a-after");
- };
- };
- var b = function(next) {
- return function(action) {
- console.log("b-before");
- next(action);
- console.log("b-after");
- };
- };
- var dispatch = function(action) {
- console.log("do ", action);
- return action;
- };
- a(b(dispatch))("test action");
- // output:
- // a-before
- // b-before
- // do test action
- // b-after
- // a-after
- var a = function(next) {
- return function(action) {
- console.log("a-before");
- next(action);
- console.log("a-after");
- };
- };
- var b = function(next) {
- return function(action) {
- console.log("b-before");
- next(action);
- console.log("c-after");
- };
- };
- var c = function(next) {
- return function(action) {
- console.log("c-before");
- next(action);
- console.log("c-after");
- };
- };
- var dispatch = function(action) {
- console.log("do ", action);
- return action;
- };
- var d = [a, b, c].reduce((pre, now) => (...args) => pre(now(...args)));
- d(dispatch)("test action");
- // output:
- // a-before
- // b-before
- // c-before
- // do test action
- // c-after
- // b-after
- // a-after
- const compose = (...funcs) => {
- if (funcs.length === 0) {
- return arg => arg;
- }
- if (funcs.length === 1) {
- return funcs[0];
- }
- return funcs.reduce((a, b) => (...args) => a(b(...args)));
- };
- /*
- * createStore 状态容器
- * @param reducers 容器总得需要知道是做什么样的改变
- * @param initialState 初始化(预置)的 state
- * @param enhancer 扩展的 middlewares
- */
- const createStore = (reducers, initialState, enhancer) => {
- // 参数互换 如果 initialState 是个函数,enhancer = undefined 则 enhancer 和 initialState 互换
- if (typeof initialState === "function" && typeof enhancer === "undefined") {
- enhancer = initialState;
- initialState = undefined;
- }
- // 如果有 middleware 的时候,则 createStore 稍后处理,处理详情参照 applyMiddleware 函数
- if (typeof enhancer !== "undefined" && typeof enhancer === "function") {
- // 为什么是这样写? 继续往下看
- return enhancer(createStore)(reducer, initialState);
- }
- // ...
- // 之前的代码
- };
- /*
- * applyMiddleware 实现中间件的应用
- * @param ...middlewares 插入的 state 处理流程的中间件
- */
- const applyMiddleware = (...middlewares) => {
- // 传入 middlewares
- return createStore => (...args) => {
- const store = createStore(...args);
- // middleware 内部能做的 state 操作
- const middlewareAPI = {
- getState: store.getState,
- dispatch: (...args) => dispatch(...args)
- };
- // 将 middleware 处理,以 middlewareAPI 作为参数执行并且取到 middleware 的内部函数
- const chain = => middleware(middlewareAPI));
- // 进行 compose 组合
- // 如存在 3 个 middleware A(ABefore,AAfter) B(BBefore,BAfter) C(CBefore,CAfter)
- // 则执行顺序是 ABefore - BBefore - CBefore - (真实的操作) - CAfter - BAfter - AAfter
- dispatch = compose(...chain)(store.dispatch);
- return {
- dispatch
- };
- };
- };
- const logger = ({ getState }) => {
- return next => action => {
- console.log("will dispatch", action);
- const returnValue = next(action);
- console.log("state after dispatch", getState());
- return returnValue;
- };
- };
- const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(logger));
- store.dispatch(RESET_ACTION);
- // output
- // will dispatch {type: "RESET", preload: {…}}
- // do dispatch
- // state after dispatch {count: 0}
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