1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
  3. layout="vertical"
  4. verticalAlign="middle"
  5. backgroundColor="white">
  7. <mx:Style>
  8. .allButtons2 {
  9. /* Creates a gradient from red/orange when button is in the
  10. "out" state. */
  11. fillColors: red, haloOrange;
  12. }
  14. .allButtons4 {
  15. /* Creates a gradient from red/orange when button is in the
  16. "out" state. Creates a gradient from green/blue when
  17. button is in the "over" state. */
  18. fillColors: red, haloOrange, haloGreen, haloBlue;
  19. }
  21. .allButtonsSolid {
  22. fillColors: red, red;
  23. }
  25. .allButtonsSolidOpaque {
  26. fillAlphas: 1.0, 1.0;
  27. fillColors: red, red;
  28. }
  29. </mx:Style>
  31. <mx:ViewStack id="viewStack"
  32. visible="false"
  33. includeInLayout="false">
  34. <mx:VBox label="One">
  35. <mx:Label text="One" />
  36. </mx:VBox>
  37. <mx:VBox label="Two">
  38. <mx:Label text="Two" />
  39. </mx:VBox>
  40. <mx:VBox label="Three">
  41. <mx:Label text="Three" />
  42. </mx:VBox>
  43. </mx:ViewStack>
  45. <mx:Form>
  46. <mx:FormItem label="2 fill colors defined:">
  47. <mx:ButtonBar id="buttonBar2"
  48. buttonStyleName="allButtons2"
  49. dataProvider="{viewStack}" />
  50. </mx:FormItem>
  51. <mx:FormItem label="4 fill colors defined:">
  52. <mx:ButtonBar id="buttonBar4"
  53. buttonStyleName="allButtons4"
  54. dataProvider="{viewStack}" />
  55. </mx:FormItem>
  56. <mx:FormItem label="solid fill:">
  57. <mx:ButtonBar id="buttonBarSolid"
  58. buttonStyleName="allButtonsSolid"
  59. dataProvider="{viewStack}" />
  60. </mx:FormItem>
  61. <mx:FormItem label="solid opaque fill:">
  62. <mx:ButtonBar id="buttonBarSolidOpaque"
  63. buttonStyleName="allButtonsSolidOpaque"
  64. dataProvider="{viewStack}" />
  65. </mx:FormItem>
  66. </mx:Form>
  68. </mx:Application>

[Flex] ButtonBar系列——flex3 ButtonBar样式之颜色的填充的更多相关文章

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  3. [Flex] ButtonBar系列——flex3 ButtonBar圆角菜单的运用

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  4. [Flex] ButtonBar系列——flex3 皮肤和外观设置

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  5. [Flex] ButtonBar系列——flex3 labelFunction用户提供的函数,在每个项目上运行以确定其标签

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  6. [Flex] ButtonBar系列——控制ButtonBar菜单是否可用

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  7. CSS系列——浏览器默认样式

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