hdu---1506(Largest Rectangle in a Histogram/dp最大子矩阵)
Largest Rectangle in a Histogram
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 11541 Accepted Submission(s): 3174
histogram is a polygon composed of a sequence of rectangles aligned at a
common base line. The rectangles have equal widths but may have
different heights. For example, the figure on the left shows the
histogram that consists of rectangles with the heights 2, 1, 4, 5, 1, 3,
3, measured in units where 1 is the width of the rectangles:
histograms are used to represent discrete distributions, e.g., the
frequencies of characters in texts. Note that the order of the
rectangles, i.e., their heights, is important. Calculate the area of the
largest rectangle in a histogram that is aligned at the common base
line, too. The figure on the right shows the largest aligned rectangle
for the depicted histogram.
input contains several test cases. Each test case describes a histogram
and starts with an integer n, denoting the number of rectangles it is
composed of. You may assume that 1 <= n <= 100000. Then follow n
integers h1, ..., hn, where 0 <= hi <= 1000000000. These numbers
denote the heights of the rectangles of the histogram in left-to-right
order. The width of each rectangle is 1. A zero follows the input for
the last test case.
each test case output on a single line the area of the largest
rectangle in the specified histogram. Remember that this rectangle must
be aligned at the common base line.
#define maxn 100005
__int64 ll[maxn],rr[maxn],hh[maxn];
int main()
int n,i,t;
__int64 res=;
return ;
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