

  前面一篇博客使用Qemu运行Ubuntu文件系统 —— 搭建SVE学习环境(2)中才Qemu上运行了一个ubuntu16.04的系统,然后再在其中安装了ArmIE,来模拟SVE指令的执行。下面简单介绍一下ArmIE的安装方法,关于ArmIE的详细介绍,请参考ARM官网:Arm Instruction Emulator


sudo apt-get install environment-modules





tar -xvf  ARM-Instruction-Emulator_19.2_AArch64_Ubuntu_16.04_aarch64.tar.gz 

cd ARM-Instruction-Emulator_19.2_AArch64_Ubuntu_16.04_aarch64

sudo ./arm-instruction-emulator-.2_Generic-AArch64_Ubuntu-.04_aarch64-linux-deb.sh



export MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:/opt/arm/modulefiles/


pengdl@firefly:~$ module avail

-------------------------------------------------------------- /opt/arm/modulefiles --------------------------------------------------------------
Generic-AArch64/Ubuntu/16.04/arm-instruction-emulator/19.2 Generic-AArch64/Ubuntu/16.04/gcc_runtimes/8.2. ---------------------------------------------------------- /usr/share/modules/versions -----------------------------------------------------------
3.2. --------------------------------------------------------- /usr/share/modules/modulefiles ---------------------------------------------------------
dot module-git module-info modules null use.own ------------------------------------------------------------- /opt/arm/modulefiles/ --------------------------------------------------------------
Generic-AArch64/Ubuntu/16.04/arm-instruction-emulator/19.2 Generic-AArch64/Ubuntu/16.04/gcc_runtimes/8.2.0 pengdl@firefly:~$ module load Generic-AArch64/Ubuntu/16.04/arm-instruction-emulator/19.2
pengdl@firefly:~$ echo $PATH

为了实现以后每次开机都可以直接使用ArmIE,可以将 module load Generic-AArch64/Ubuntu/16.04/arm-instruction-emulator/19.2 加到.bashrc中。


pengdl@firefly:~$ armie
Execute binaries containing SVE instructions on Armv8-A hardware Usage:
armie [emulation parameters] -- <command to execute> Examples:
armie -msve-vector-bits= -- ./sve_program
armie -msve-vector-bits= --iclient libinscount.so -- ./sve_program --opt foo
armie -e libmemtrace_sve_512.so -i libmemtrace_simple.so -- ./sve_program Flags:
-m<string> Architecture specific options. Supported options:
-msve-vector-bits=<uint> Vector length to use. Must be a multiple of bits up to bits
-mlist-vector-lengths List all valid vector lengths
-e, --eclient <client> An emulation client based on the DynamoRIO API
If this is not specified, the default SVE client is used
-i, --iclient <client> An instrumentation client based on the DynamoRIO API
-x, --unsafe-ldstex Enables a workaround which avoids an exclusive load/store bug on certain AArch64 hardware
(See 'Known Issues' in RELEASE_NOTES.txt for details)
-s, --show-drrun-cmd Writes the full DynamoRIO drrun command used to execute ArmIE to stderr
This can be useful when debugging or developing clients
-h, --help Prints this help message
-V, --version Prints the version



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