public function tt_add(){
$res = $this->arr_avg(,);
echo array_sum($res);
echo '----' . count($res);
} /***
* @param $amount '总数'
* @param $count '需要拆分数据个数'
* @return array|mixed '把总数amount拆分已标准差最小的标准,平均拆分成count个整数'
public function arr_avg($amount, $count)
$avg_num = $amount / $count;
$ceil_num = ceil($amount / $count); if ($avg_num == $ceil_num) {
$avg_res = array_fill(, $count, (int)$ceil_num);
} else {
if ($amount < $count) {
$avg_res_1 = array_fill(, $amount, (int)$ceil_num); // 这里只会填充1
$avg_res_2 = array_fill($amount - , $count - $amount, );
$avg_res = dealed_array_merge($avg_res_1, $avg_res_2);
} else {
$floor_num = floor($amount / $count);
$avg_res = array_fill(, $count, (int)$floor_num); $left_num = $amount - array_sum($avg_res);
if ( <= $left_num) {
$left_avg_res = $this->arr_avg($left_num, $count); foreach ($left_avg_res as $k => $v){
if ($v == ){
unset($v); $left_avg_res = array_values($left_avg_res);
$avg_res = $this->array_add($avg_res,$left_avg_res);
} }
} return $avg_res;
} /***
* @param $a
* @param $b
* @return mixed '2个一维数组相加,键名相同相加,不同的均保留'
public function array_add($a,$b)
$arr = array_intersect_key($a, $b); //遍历第二个数组,如果键名不存在与第一个数组,将数组元素增加到第一个数组
foreach ($b as $key => $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $a)) {
$a[$key] = $value;
} //计算键名相同的数组元素的和,并且替换原数组中相同键名所对应的元素值
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
$a[$key] = $a[$key] + $b[$key];
} //返回相加后的数组
return $a;
} 例:amount:20 count:14 20----8

<pre>array(8) {
[0] =&gt; int(3)
[1] =&gt; int(3)
[2] =&gt; int(3)
[3] =&gt; int(3)
[4] =&gt; int(2)
[5] =&gt; int(2)
[6] =&gt; int(2)
[7] =&gt; int(2)

例:amount: 20, count : 20


<pre>array(20) {
[0] =&gt; int(1)
[1] =&gt; int(1)
[2] =&gt; int(1)
[3] =&gt; int(1)
[4] =&gt; int(1)
[5] =&gt; int(1)
[6] =&gt; int(1)
[7] =&gt; int(1)
[8] =&gt; int(1)
[9] =&gt; int(1)
[10] =&gt; int(1)
[11] =&gt; int(1)
[12] =&gt; int(1)
[13] =&gt; int(1)
[14] =&gt; int(1)
[15] =&gt; int(1)
[16] =&gt; int(1)
[17] =&gt; int(1)
[18] =&gt; int(1)
[19] =&gt; int(1)

例: amount: 20, count: 22


<pre>array(22) {
[0] =&gt; int(1)
[1] =&gt; int(1)
[2] =&gt; int(1)
[3] =&gt; int(1)
[4] =&gt; int(1)
[5] =&gt; int(1)
[6] =&gt; int(1)
[7] =&gt; int(1)
[8] =&gt; int(1)
[9] =&gt; int(1)
[10] =&gt; int(1)
[11] =&gt; int(1)
[12] =&gt; int(1)
[13] =&gt; int(1)
[14] =&gt; int(1)
[15] =&gt; int(1)
[16] =&gt; int(1)
[17] =&gt; int(1)
[18] =&gt; int(1)
[19] =&gt; int(1)
[20] =&gt; int(0)
[21] =&gt; int(0)


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