Codeforces 828F Best Edge Weight - 随机堆 - 树差分 - Kruskal - 倍增算法
You are given a connected weighted graph with n vertices and m edges. The graph doesn't contain loops nor multiple edges. Consider some edge with id i. Let's determine for this edge the maximum integer weight we can give to it so that it is contained in all minimum spanning trees of the graph if we don't change the other weights.
You are to determine this maximum weight described above for each edge. You should calculate the answer for each edge independently, it means there can't be two edges with changed weights at the same time.
The first line contains two integers n and m (2 ≤ n ≤ 2·105, n - 1 ≤ m ≤ 2·105), where n and m are the number of vertices and the number of edges in the graph, respectively.
Each of the next m lines contains three integers u, v and c (1 ≤ v, u ≤ n, v ≠ u, 1 ≤ c ≤ 109) meaning that there is an edge between vertices u and v with weight c.
Print the answer for each edge in the order the edges are given in the input. If an edge is contained in every minimum spanning tree with any weight, print -1 as the answer.
4 4
1 2 2
2 3 2
3 4 2
4 1 3
2 2 2 1
4 3
1 2 2
2 3 2
3 4 2
-1 -1 -1
题目大意 给定一个无向连通带权图,求每条边在所有最小生成树中的最大权值(如果可以无限大就输出-1)。
具体考虑一条树边会比较难做(不过好像有同学设计了时间戳把它搞定了),但是对于每条非树边都会对它连接的两端在树上形成的简单路径上的所有边有个边权的限制,就是不能超过它的边权 - 1,否则会被它替换掉。
于是便又有一个名为树差分 + 可并堆的zz做法。
* Codeforces
* Problem#828F
* Accepted
* Time: 420ms
* Memory: 57864k
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#ifdef WIN32
#define Auto "%I64d"
#define Auto "%lld"
using namespace std;
typedef bool boolean;
#define ll int
#define smin(_a, _b) _a = min(_a, _b)
#define smax(_a, _b) _a = max(_a, _b)
#define fi first
#define sc second
const signed int inf = (signed) (~0u >> );
const signed ll llf = (signed ll) (~0ull >> );
typedef pair<int, int> pii; template<typename T>
inline void readInteger(T& u) {
static char x;
while(!isdigit(x = getchar()));
for(u = x - ''; isdigit(x = getchar()); u = u * + x - '');
} template<typename T>
class Matrix {
T* p;
int row;
int col;
Matrix():p(NULL) { }
Matrix(int row, int col):row(row), col(col) {
p = new T[(row * col)];
} T* operator [] (int pos) {
return p + (pos * col);
#define matset(a, i, s) memset(a.p, i, sizeof(s) * a.row * a.col) typedef class Edge {
int u;
int v;
int w;
boolean seced;
int rid; Edge(int u = , int v = , int w = ):u(u), v(v), w(w), seced(false) { } boolean operator < (Edge b) const {
return w < b.w;
}Edge; typedef class Node {
int val;
Node *nxt[]; Node(int val = inf):val(val) { nxt[] = nxt[] = NULL; }
}Node; typedef pair<Node*, Node*> pnn;
#define limit 1000000 Node pool[limit];
Node *top = pool; Node* newnode(int x) {
if(top == pool + limit)
return new Node(x);
*top = Node(x);
return top++;
} Node* merge(Node* &l, Node* r) {
if(l == NULL) return r;
if(r == NULL) return l;
if(l->val > r->val) swap(l, r);
int p = rand() % ;
l->nxt[p] = merge(l->nxt[p], r);
return l;
} int n, m;
Edge* edge;
int* res;
int* ans; inline void init() {
edge = new Edge[(m + )];
for(int i = ; i <= m; i++) {
edge[i].rid = i;
} int *f; int find(int x) {
return (f[x] != x) ? (f[x] = find(f[x])) : (x);
} vector<int> *g;
vector<int> *add;
vector<int> *del; inline void Kruskal() {
f = new int[(n + )];
g = new vector<int>[(n + )];
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
f[i] = i;
sort(edge + , edge + m + );
int fin = ;
for(int i = ; i <= m && fin < n - ; i++) {
if(find(edge[i].u) != find(edge[i].v)) {
f[find(edge[i].u)] = find(edge[i].v);
edge[i].seced = true;
} const int BZMAX = ;
int* dep;
Matrix<int> bz;
Matrix<int> bzm; void dfs1(int node, int fa, int lastv) {
dep[node] = dep[fa] + ;
bz[node][] = fa;
bzm[node][] = lastv;
for(int i = ; i < BZMAX; i++)
bz[node][i] = bz[bz[node][i - ]][i - ], bzm[node][i] = max(bzm[node][i - ], bzm[bz[node][i - ]][i - ]);
for(int i = ; i < (signed)g[node].size(); i++) {
if(!edge[g[node][i]].seced) continue;
int e = (edge[g[node][i]].u == node) ? (edge[g[node][i]].v) : (edge[g[node][i]].u);
if(e == fa) continue;
dfs1(e, node, edge[g[node][i]].w);
} pii lca(int u, int v) {
if(dep[u] < dep[v]) swap(u, v);
int rtmax = ;
int ca = dep[u] - dep[v];
for(int i = ; i < BZMAX; i++)
if(ca & ( << i)) {
smax(rtmax, bzm[u][i]);
u = bz[u][i];
if(u == v) return pii(u, rtmax);
for(int i = BZMAX - ; ~i; i--) {
if(bz[u][i] != bz[v][i]) {
smax(rtmax, bzm[u][i]);
smax(rtmax, bzm[v][i]);
u = bz[u][i];
v = bz[v][i];
smax(rtmax, bzm[u][]);
smax(rtmax, bzm[v][]);
return pii(bz[u][], rtmax);
} pair<Node*, Node*> dfs2(int node, int fa, int tofa) {
Node* rt = NULL;
Node* dl = NULL;
for(int i = ; i < (signed)g[node].size(); i++) {
if(!edge[g[node][i]].seced) continue;
int e = (edge[g[node][i]].u == node) ? (edge[g[node][i]].v) : (edge[g[node][i]].u);
if(e == fa) continue;
pnn ap = dfs2(e, node, g[node][i]);
rt = merge(rt,;
dl = merge(dl,;
for(int i = ; i < (signed)add[node].size(); i++)
rt = merge(rt, newnode(add[node][i]));
for(int i = ; i < (signed)del[node].size(); i++)
dl = merge(dl, newnode(del[node][i]));
while(dl && rt->val == dl->val) {
rt = merge(rt->nxt[], rt->nxt[]);
rt = merge(rt->nxt[], rt->nxt[]);
dl = merge(dl->nxt[], dl->nxt[]);
res[tofa] = (!rt) ? (-) : (rt->val);
return pnn(rt, dl);
} inline void solve() {
res = new int[(m + )];
dep = new int[(n + )];
bz = Matrix<int>(n + , BZMAX);
bzm = Matrix<int>(n + , BZMAX);
dep[] = ;
for(int i = ; i < BZMAX; i++)
bz[][i] = bzm[][i] = ;
dfs1(, , );
add = new vector<int>[(n + )];
del = new vector<int>[(n + )];
for(int i = ; i <= m; i++) {
if(edge[i].seced) continue;
int u = edge[i].u, v = edge[i].v;
pii l = lca(u, v);
res[i] = - ;
add[u].push_back(edge[i].w - );
add[v].push_back(edge[i].w - );
del[].push_back(edge[i].w - );
dfs2(, , );
ans = new int[(m + )];
for(int i = ; i <= m; i++)
ans[edge[i].rid] = res[i];
for(int i = ; i <= m; i++)
printf("%d ", ans[i]);
} int main() {
return ;
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