Anjuta:,    a versatile software development studio featuring a number of advanced programming facilities including project management, application wizard, interactive debugger, source editor, version control, GUI designer, profiler and many more tools. It focuses on providing simple and usable user interface, yet powerful for efficient development.

codeblocks:,     Code::Blocks is a free C, C++ and Fortran IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is designed to be very extensible and fully configurable.  Finally, an IDE with all the features you need, having a consistent look, feel and operation across platforms.


Yocto项目是一个开源协作项目,可帮助开发人员创建基于Linux的定制系统,这些系统专为嵌入式产品而设计,无论产品的硬件架构如何。Yocto Project提供灵活的工具集和开发环境,允许全球的嵌入式设备开发人员通过共享技术,软件堆栈,配置和用于创建这些定制的Linux映像的最佳实践进行协作。




文件系统搭建,强烈建议直接用buildroot,官网 上有使用教程非常详细。


OpenWRT是一个高度模块化、高度自动化的嵌入式Linux系统,拥有强大的网络组件和扩展性,常常被用于工控设备、电话、小型机器人、智能家居、路由器以及VOIP设备中。 同时,它还提供了100多个已编译好的软件,而且数量还在不断增加,而 OpenWrt SDK 更简化了开发软件的工序。
OpenWRT不同于其他许多用于路由器的发行版,它是一个从零开始编写的、功能齐全的、容易修改的路由器操作系统。实际上,这意味着您能够使用您想要的功能而不加进其他的累赘,而支持这些功能工作的linux kernel又远比绝大多数发行版来得新。 
如果对 Linux 系统有一定的认识, 并想学习或接触嵌入式 Linux 的话, OpenWRT很适合。 而且OpenWRT支持各种处理器架构,无论是对ARM,X86,PowerPC或者MIPS都有很好的支持。 其多达3000多种软件包,囊括从工具链(toolchain),到内核(linux kernel),到软件包(packages),再到根文件系统(rootfs)整个体系,使得用户只需简单的一个make命令即可方便快速地定制一个具有特定功能的嵌入式系统来制作固件。

Desktop distros:


Dynamic Probes
 is one of the popular debugging tool for Linux which developed by IBM. This tool allows the placement of a “probe” at almost any place in the system, in both user and kernel space. The probe consists of some code (written in a specialized, stack-oriented language) that is executed when control hits the given point. Resources regarding dprobes / kprobes listed below

Linux Trace Toolkit is a kernel patch and a set of related utilities that allow the tracing of events in the kernel. The trace includes timing information and can create a reasonably complete picture of what happened over a given period of time. Resources of LTT, LTT Viewer and LTT Next Generation

MEMWATCH is an open source memory error detection tool. It works by defining MEMWATCH in gcc statement and by adding a header file to our code. Through this we can track memory leaks and memory corruptions. Resources regarding MEMWATCH

ftrace is a good tracing framework for Linux kernel. ftrace traces internal operations of the kernel. This tool included in the Linux kernel in 2.6.27. With its various tracer plugins, ftrace can be targeted at different static tracepoints, such as scheduling events, interrupts, memory-mapped I/O, CPU power state transitions, and operations related to file systems and virtualization. Also, dynamic tracking of kernel function calls is available, optionally restrictable to a subset of functions by using globs, and with the possibility to generate call graphs and provide stack usage. You can find a good tutorial of ftrace at

ltrace is a debugging utility in Linux, used to display the calls a user space application makes to shared libraries. This tool can be used to trace any dynamic library function call. It intercepts and records the dynamic library calls which are called by the executed process and the signals which are received by that process. It can also intercept and print the system calls executed by the program.

KDB is the in-kernel debugger of the Linux kernel. KDB follows simplistic shell-style interface. We can use it to inspect memory, registers, process lists, dmesg, and even set breakpoints to stop in a certain location. Through KDB we can set breakpoints and execute some basic kernel run control (Although KDB is not source level debugger). Several handy resources regarding KDB

KGDB is intended to be used as a source level debugger for the Linux kernel. It is used along with gdb to debug a Linux kernel. Two machines are required for using kgdb. One of these machines is a development machine and the other is the target machine. The kernel to be debugged runs on the target machine. The expectation is that gdb can be used to "break in" to the kernel to inspect memory, variables and look through call stack information similar to the way an application developer would use gdb to debug an application. It is possible to place breakpoints in kernel code and perform some limited execution stepping. Several handy resources regarding KGDB

Dynamic Probes
 is one of the popular debugging tool for Linux which developed by IBM. This tool allows the placement of a “probe” at almost any place in the system, in both user and kernel space. The probe consists of some code (written in a specialized, stack-oriented language) that is executed when control hits the given point. Resources regarding dprobes / kprobes listed below

Linux Trace Toolkit is a kernel patch and a set of related utilities that allow the tracing of events in the kernel. The trace includes timing information and can create a reasonably complete picture of what happened over a given period of time. Resources of LTT, LTT Viewer and LTT Next Generation

MEMWATCH is an open source memory error detection tool. It works by defining MEMWATCH in gcc statement and by adding a header file to our code. Through this we can track memory leaks and memory corruptions. Resources regarding MEMWATCH

ftrace is a good tracing framework for Linux kernel. ftrace traces internal operations of the kernel. This tool included in the Linux kernel in 2.6.27. With its various tracer plugins, ftrace can be targeted at different static tracepoints, such as scheduling events, interrupts, memory-mapped I/O, CPU power state transitions, and operations related to file systems and virtualization. Also, dynamic tracking of kernel function calls is available, optionally restrictable to a subset of functions by using globs, and with the possibility to generate call graphs and provide stack usage. You can find a good tutorial of ftrace at

ltrace is a debugging utility in Linux, used to display the calls a user space application makes to shared libraries. This tool can be used to trace any dynamic library function call. It intercepts and records the dynamic library calls which are called by the executed process and the signals which are received by that process. It can also intercept and print the system calls executed by the program.

KDB is the in-kernel debugger of the Linux kernel. KDB follows simplistic shell-style interface. We can use it to inspect memory, registers, process lists, dmesg, and even set breakpoints to stop in a certain location. Through KDB we can set breakpoints and execute some basic kernel run control (Although KDB is not source level debugger). Several handy resources regarding KDB

KGDB is intended to be used as a source level debugger for the Linux kernel. It is used along with gdb to debug a Linux kernel. Two machines are required for using kgdb. One of these machines is a development machine and the other is the target machine. The kernel to be debugged runs on the target machine. The expectation is that gdb can be used to "break in" to the kernel to inspect memory, variables and look through call stack information similar to the way an application developer would use gdb to debug an application. It is possible to place breakpoints in kernel code and perform some limited execution stepping. Several handy resources regarding KGDB

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