
Given a positive integer n, find the least number of perfect square numbers (for example, 1, 4, 9, 16, ...) which sum to n.

给定正整数 n,找到若干个完全平方数(比如 1, 4, 9, 16, ...)使得它们的和等于 n。你需要让组成和的完全平方数的个数最少。

Example 1:

Input: n = 12
Output: 3
Explanation: 12 = 4 + 4 + 4.

Example 2:

Input: n = 13
Output: 2
Explanation: 13 = 4 + 9.



class Solution {
int numSquares(int n) {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
vector<int> steps(n + 1, INT_MAX);
steps[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
for (int j = 1; j * j <= i; ++j) {
steps[i] = min(steps[i], steps[i - j * j] + 1);
return steps[n];






class Solution {
int numSquares(int n) {
queue<pair<int, int>> q;
// pair.first 代表将n拆解后的数字,pair.second代表所走的步数
// 刚开始推入未拆解的n,步数为0
q.push(make_pair(n, 0)); bool visited[n + 1];
memset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited));
visited[n] = true; // 开始广度优先搜索
while (!q.empty()) {
// 取队头,进行拆解
auto pair = q.front();
q.pop(); int i = 1;
int next_num = pair.first - i * i; // 在推入队列前先看看能不能解答
while (next_num >= 0) {
if (next_num == 0) {
return pair.second + 1;
// 还有余数没扣完,就将可以的下一步都推入队列
if (!visited[next_num]) {
q.push(make_pair(next_num, pair.second + 1));
visited[next_num] = true;
// 计算下一步
next_num = pair.first - i * i;
return 0;


Runtime: 16 ms, faster than 86.01% of C++ online submissions for Perfect Squares.
Memory Usage: 11.6 MB, less than 24.62% of C++ online submissions for Perfect Squares.


Lagrange四平方定理:任何一个正整数都可以表示成不超过四个整数的平方之和。 推论:满足四数平方和定理的数n(四个整数的情况),必定满足 n=4^a(8b+7)。



class Solution {
int numSquares(int n) {
// Lagrange四平方定理:任何一个正整数都可以表示成不超过四个整数的平方之和。
// 推论:满足四数平方和定理的数n(四个整数的情况),必定满足 n=4^a(8b+7)。
while (n % 4 == 0)
n /= 4; if (n % 8 == 7)
return 4; int a = 0;
while (a * a <= n) {
int b = (int)sqrt(n - a * a);
if (a * a + b * b == n) {
return (a ==0 || b == 0) ? 1 : 2;
return 3;


Runtime: 0 ms, faster than 100.00% of C++ online submissions for Perfect Squares.
Memory Usage: 8.4 MB, less than 90.15% of C++ online submissions for Perfect Squares.

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