For intergration tests, always remember when you create a 'mass' you should aslo clean up the 'mass'.

For example when you start the server, you need to close the server after the tests. See the post:

Also for authentication, when you create a new user for testing, you should also clean it up.

There is a help function for tests, to create a new user:

async function createNewUser(overrides) {
const password = faker.internet.password()
const userData = generateUserData(overrides)
const {email, username} = userData
const user = await api
.post('users', {user: {email, password, username}})
return {
cleanup() {
return api.delete(`users/${user.username}`)

In the return value, it also provide a function to clean up the user.

const api = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000/api',
}) describe('authenticated', () => {
let cleanupUser
beforeAll(async () => {
const results = await createNewUser()
cleanupUser = results.cleanup
api.defaults.headers.common.authorization = `Token ${results.user.token}` // set default http header, add authorization for JWT token
}) afterAll(async () => {
await cleanupUser()
api.defaults.headers.common.authorization = ''
}) })

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