
Today, 3D models are used in a wide variety of industries. The movie industry uses them as characters and objects for animated and real-life motion pictures. The video game industry uses them as assets for computer and video games.The architecture industry
uses them to demonstrate proposed buildings and landscapes through Software Architectural Models. The medical industry uses detailed models of organs.

We understand how useful a 3D model could be. Thus, we’ve crawled into Internet and search for free 3D models which are available for download. Here are as much as
60 websites to download Free 3D Models. Full list after jump!

Note: Some of these 3D models have limited rights. That means they are not allowed for commercial usage. We urge that you check the rights before using them for business purposes.

More: You might also be interested in 25 (Free) 3D Modeling Applications You
Should Not Miss

  1. 3D Total

    3D Total provides free stuff on 3D model in categories of human characters, household, body parts, vehicles, weapons, alien characters, architecture, medieval, cartoon, star wars, scenes, animals, sci-fi, low-polu and mechaniods.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo, mb

  2. TurboSquid

    TurboSquid is the largest library of 3D products in the world. They offers over 300 free 3D models for download.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, oth, obj, lwo, mb

  3. Great Buildings

    The models range in detail from very simple formal massing models of just a few blocks, through basic interior/exterior spatial walkthrough models, up to detailed interior/exterior models complete with furnishings and landscaping.

    Model formats: 3dmf

  4. Archive3D.net

    Free 15000+ 3D models for download without registration required.

    Model formats: gms, 3ds

  5. Google 3D Warehouse

    The Google 3D Warehouse is a online repository of 3D models. Anyone can search for and download models, but to publish your own, you’ll need to sign in using your Google account.

    Model formats: skp

  6. 3DModelFree

    Free 3D models download.

    Model formats: 3ds

  7. 3DXtras

    Download High Quality 3D Models for 3DSMAX, Maya, Softimage, Lightwave. (3D Cars, 3D People, 3D Furnitures, etc). For use in all your 3D Animation and multimedia works.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, c4d, dwg, obj, mb

  8. DLegend

    A collection of 3ds ,max ,prj and obj files for you to use in diffrent applications of 3d programs.

    Model formats: 3ds ,max ,prj, obj, mb

  9. Artist-3D

    Artist-3d.com is a free exchange directory of royalty free 3d models, 3ds studio max & similar type models. 3D artists and graphic designers can freely submit 3d models or download ones for personal and non-commercial use.

    Model formats: 3ds, obj, pz3, pp2, max, mb

  10. NASA 3D Model

    3D resources for free 3D models which provided by NASA.

    Model formats: 3ds

  11. 3dm3

    You would certainly find 3DMS something interesting and useful, receive answers to most of yourquestions, to download 3D models which you need in one of the biggest Models Bank on-line.

    Model formats: max, 3ds, obj, mb

  12. Amazing3D

    You may use these models (meshes) royalty-free in your own work to create 2D images, animations, print graphics or web graphics. You may also include them as part of your software package in a proprietary format with credits and written permission from Amazing
    3D Graphics, Inc.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds

  13. 3D Download Blog

    Free download for materials, mdels, textures, shaders.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, mb

  14. Dewantoro Network

    The purpose of this blog is, to collect tutorial, free stuff like 3d object, photoshop brush, filters, free software, templates and many more.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds

  15. CGI

    All 3d models are free for any type of use (c/p). The version one is collection of very useful and handy 3d models in .3ds format.

    Model formats: 3ds

  16. DD-Freebies

    Model formats: Obj

  17. Exchange 3D

    Model formats: blend, max, 3ds,

  18. Corporate Media News

    Need a 3D model? Here is a collection of styles, sizes, themes and formats.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, wrl, lwo

  19. WireCase

    Download 3D models from a catalog of the highest quality online.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo, blend, obj, fbx

  20. Adobe-Tools

    Enchance the new 3d features of Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended version! Download free 3d models from Adobe-Tools.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds

  21. Mr Furniture

    Over 5000 free 3D models for furniture, textures, CAD in .3ds, .max and .dxf.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf

  22. 3D Plants

    Each month a different model from the 3dplants.com CDs and downloadable products will be offered as a free sample.

    Model formats: obj, 3ds, dxf, lwo

  23. ShareCG

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, car, wire, jas, c4d, daz, dwg

  24. 3Delicious

    Only delicious free 3d models.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, gsm, lwo

  25. Archibase

    Download Free 3D CAD models.

    Model formats: 3ds, dxf, max, dwg

  26. Top 3D Models

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, obj

  27. CG-Files

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, pz2, pp2, obj

  28. Top3D

    Free download for 3D animation and 3D models.

    Model formats: Max, c4d, 3ds

  29. Oyonale

    The objects are freely usable for your personal or commercial 3D art and animations. The 3D models are available in POV-Ray, Cinema 4D and/or Wavefront OBJ formats.

    Model formats: POV-Ray, C4D, Obj

  30. DMI Car 3D Models

    Free 3D models for vehicles.

    Model formats: lwo, max, 3ds, dxf, obj, gsm

  31. Creative-3D

    This collection of 104 royalty free 3D objects is available for download. Perfect for furnishing your interior design spaces and architectural renderings.

    Model formats: 3ds

  32. Infinitee-Designs

    Free 3D Models for Autodesk Maya, 3D Studio Max and other 3D programs – Free models for beginners to advanced users of Autodesk Maya 3D animation and special effects software program.

    Model formats: 3D Studio Max, XSI, Zbrush, Blender, Softimage, Cinema 4D, Terragen, Bryce & Poser

  33. Telias

    Free the models is a site that offers royalty free 3d models in 3ds, bryce, poser, lightwave and md2 format. Also a great collection of textures to use in your favorite modeling and rendering program.

    All the content is free for any use.

    Model formats: 3ds, poser, md2, lwo

  34. Render Light

    Render Light offers our visitors FREE collections of 3D modeling, shaders, textures and materials, tutorials to know the procedures to get high quality render images and animations and more.

    Model formats: Max

  35. Sci-Fi 3D

    The ultimate 3D Sci-Fi resources.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, fbx, lwo

  36. Altair Models

    Download over 1500 high quality 3d model files free of charge. Most models are available in Max, Dxf, 3ds, Obj. 3D formats for Pc, Mac and Unix platforms. In this collection you can find cars, humans, ships, animals and much more.

    Model formats: Max, Dxf, 3ds, Obj

  37. Kit 3D

    Kit3dmodels, a great collection of 3d furniture, lamps and accesories.

    Model formats: Max, dxf

  38. 3DAllusions

    Free 3D models in diferent formats.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo

  39. 3d Content Central

    3D ContentCentral® is a free service for locating, configuring, downloading, and requesting 3D parts and assemblies, 2D blocks, library features, and macros. Join an active community of 493,038 CAD users who share and download user contributed and supplier-certified
    3D parts & assemblies, 2D blocks, library features and macros.

    Model formats: cad, 3ds

  40. Klicker

    Free 3DS Models for interior and furniture. All models are in 3DS-format and packed in ZIP.

    Model formats: 3ds

  41. 3d Model Sharing

    3DModelSharing.com is a showcase of CAD related media. 3DModelSharing invite you to browse through their library of hundreds of different CAD files.

    Model formats: cad

  42. 3d Auto Club

    Model formats: MAX, 3DS, C4D

  43. Toucan

    Free 3D models for fishes, insects and flowers.

    Model formats: 3ds

  44. Rocky3d

    Rocky3d specializew in providing the finest useful 3D models for your scenes and animations. They have thousands of models (many of which are FREE!) ranging from small but useful objects.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo

  45. Trekmeshes

    Download Star Terk meshes and 3D objects.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, cob, lwo

  46. Large Geometric Models Archive

    The purpose of this site is to provide large models to researchers in computer graphics and related fields.

    Model formats: PLY, VRML, dxf, lwo

  47. Digital Animators

    A small archive of 3D models that Digital Animators has obtained over the years. Digital Animators has gone ahead and catagorized them by catagory for your visual preferences.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo

  48. The 3d Archive

    Standardized 3D object database.

    Model formats: q3o

  49. Model3D

    A source of high quality 3D models and free section contains some models, which you can download gratis, they are free of charge.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, arcon, o2c

  50. Cadalyst

    Cadalyst offers worlds largest selection of free 3D models, textures, tutorials, plugins an dupdates for 3D studio and lightwave 3D.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, cad, lwo

  51. Apollo Maximus

    Free Poser Downloads include free 3D models, free Poser body morphs, free Poser face morphs, free poses, free 3D clothing library, free Poser python scripts, free Poser light sets, free Poser face room module, free Poser face poses, free Poser character
    poses, free figure texture maps, free clothing textures, & more.

    Model formats: obj

  52. Silver-Wings

    Downloadable 3D aircraft model in 3ds, max, lwo and c4d format.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, c4d, lwo

  53. PlanIT 3D

    All of the models / meshes available on PlanIT 3D for download may be used royalty-free in your own work if you give proper credit to PlanIT 3D.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo

  54. The Singularity

    Model formats: 3ds, lwo

  55. Total-3d

    Free 3D model download for interior design.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo

  56. 2001 3D Archive

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, cob, lwo, lws

  57. 3D Valley

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, mb, cob, obj

  58. 3D Gurukul

    3D Gurukul offers this free stuff for betterment of CG Environment.Great source for 3D Modeling, Games, Designs, Textures, 3D Home, 3D Graphic, 3D Animations.

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo

  59. 3D Faws

    Model formats: obj, lha

  60. 3DXO

    Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo

    1. 3DVIA

    2. 3DVIA is the newest of Dassault Systèmes’ 6 brands. Their mission is to extend 3D content creation and experience to new businesses and consumers with the goal of utilizing 3D as their common language.
    3. Model formats: 3DXML, kmz


  1. 3D模型网站分享

    http://www.cgjoy.com/work.php  CG作品网 http://www.cgmxw.com/ CG模型王 http://www.cgmodel.cn/ CG模型网

  2. 分享一个WebGL开发的网站-用JavaScript + WebGL开发3D模型

    这张图每位程序员应该都深有感触. 人民心目中的程序员是这样的:坐在电脑面前噼里啪啦敲着键盘,运键如飞. 现实中程序员是这样的:编码5分钟,调试两小时. 今天我要给大家分享一个用WebGL开发的网站,感 ...

  3. 在SAP UI中使用纯JavaScript显示产品主数据的3D模型视图

    在Jerry写这篇文章时,通过Google才知道,SAP其实是有自己的3D模型视图显示解决方案的. 故事要从Right Hemisphere说起,这是一家专业的企业级2D/3D模型浏览及转换的软件供应 ...

  4. Unity3D游戏开发初探—2.初步了解3D模型基础

    一.什么是3D模型? 1.1 3D模型概述 简而言之,3D模型就是三维的.立体的模型,D是英文Dimensions的缩写. 3D模型也可以说是用3Ds MAX建造的立体模型,包括各种建筑.人物.植被. ...

  5. Mask裁切UI粒子特效或者3D模型

    刚好前几天有人问我这个问题,再加上新项目也可能用,所以这两天就研究了一下.其实如果粒子特效 和3D模型 都用RenderTexture来做的话就不会有裁切的问题,但是粒子特效用RenderTextur ...

  6. HT for Web自定义3D模型的WebGL应用

    有不少朋友询问<HTML5 Web 客户端五种离线存储方式汇总>文章例子的3D表计模型是如何生成的,这个例子是通过导入3dmax设计好的表计模型,然后通过obj格式导入到HT for We ...

  7. 3D模型展示以及体积、表面积计算

    本文原创 如转载请注明出处!!! 本博客地址http://www.cnblogs.com/we-jack 本文原创,如果有同样需求的小伙伴请第一时间联系我 或者在留言区留言 上次为大家提供了3D模型的 ...

  8. QT QML 3D模型查看器

    原文链接:http://amin-ahmadi.com/2018/01/28/viewing-3d-models-using-qt/ 本文使用QT Quick中的Scene3D QML类型来查看3D模 ...

  9. 【Unity】3.0 第3章 创建和导入3D模型

    分类:Unity.C#.VS2015 创建日期:2016-04-02 一.简介 利用Unity内置的基本模型和工具,不需要借助任何其他的三维建模软件,就可以直接创建出各种3D模型,这是这一章我们首先学 ...


  1. 51nod1256 乘法逆元【扩展欧几里得】

    给出2个数M和N(M < N),且M与N互质,找出一个数K满足0 < K < N且K * M % N = 1,如果有多个满足条件的,输出最小的. Input 输入2个数M, N中间用 ...

  2. Xcache3.2.0不支持php7.0.11

    编译安装xcache3.2.0时在make这一步报错: AUTOCHECK missing : "arg_flags" "cache_size" AUTOCHE ...

  3. 【ownCloud】添加信任域

    如果在安装ownCloud后,更换了访问方式,比如刚开始是http://,变成了http://,那么在访问时可能得到这样的页面: 您 ...

  4. Bootstrap关于表单控件(Radio,CheckBox)

    表单控件(复选框checkbox和单选择按钮radio) Bootstrap框架中checkbox和radio有点特殊,Bootstrap针对他们做了一些特殊化处理,主要是checkbox和radio ...

  5. android 权限问题分析

    Android系统是运行在Linux内核上的,Android与Linux分别有自己的一套严格的安全及权限机制, 很多像我这样的新手,尤其是习惯了windows低安全限制的用户,很容易在这方面弄混淆,下 ...

  6. HDU - 1723 - Distribute Message

    先上题目: Distribute Message Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java ...

  7. redis(四))——多实例化——实现主从配置

    引言 redis是一个key-value存储系统. 和Memcached类似,它支持存储的value类型相对很多其它,包含string(字符串).list(链表).set(集合)和zset(有序集合) ...

  8. 分享一个iOS输入框特殊限制的代码 UITextField (Validation)

    //个人总结.欢迎新增或改动 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> typedef enum{ VALIDATION_TYPE_NUM_VALIDATED = 0,//数字 VA ...

  9. OC中使用UI自己定义控件实现计算器的设计(版本号1简单的加减乘除,连加,连减,连除,连乘)

    OC中使用UI自己定义控件实现计算器的设计(版本号1简单的加减乘除,连加.连减,连除,连乘) #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ViewControll ...

  10. POJ3090 Visible Lattice Points 欧拉筛

    题目大意:给出范围为(0, 0)到(n, n)的整点,你站在原点处,问有多少个整点可见. 线y=x和坐标轴上的点都被(1,0)(0,1)(1,1)挡住了.除这三个钉子外,如果一个点(x,y)不互质,则 ...