
template<class T, class Container = deque<T>> class stack;
   LIFO stack
   Stacks are a type of container adaptor, specifically designed to operate in a LIFO context (last-in first-out), where elements are inserted and extracted only from one end of the container.
   stacks are implemented as containers adaptors, which are classes that use an encapsulated object of a specific container class as its underlying container, providing a specific set of member functions to access its elements. Elements are pushed/popped from the "back" of the specific container, which is known as the top of the stack.
   The underlying container may be any of the standard container class templates or some other specifically designed container class. The container shall support the following operations:
   The standard container classes vector, deque and list fulfill these requirements. By default, if no container class is specified for a particular stack class instantiation, the standard container deque is used.

//construct stack
stack (const container_type& ctnr = container_type()); ctnr
Container object.
container_type is the type of the underlying container type (defined as an alias of the second class template parameter, Container; see member types).
[ctnr的数据类型container_type是内在容器的数据类型,即第二个模板参数Container] A container adaptor keeps internally a container object as data. This container object is a copy of the ctnr argument passed to the constructor, if any, otherwise it is an empty container.
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <deque> int main()
std::deque<int> mydeque(, );
std::vector<int> myvector(, ); std::stack<int> first; // empty stack with deque as underlying container
std::stack<int> second(mydeque); // stack initialized to copy of deque with deque as underlying container std::stack<int, std::vector<int>> third; //empty stack with vector as underlying container
std::stack<int, std::vector<int>> fourth(myvector); //statck initialized to copy of vector with vector as underlying container std::cout << "size of first: " << first.size() << '\n';
std::cout << "size of second: " << second.size() << '\n';
std::cout << "size of third: " << third.size() << '\n';
std::cout << "size of fourth: " << fourth.size() << '\n'; system("pause");
return ;
bool empty() const;
size_type size() const;
void push(const value_type& val);
void pop();
value_type& top();
#include <iostream>
#include <stack> int main()
std::stack<int> mystack; for(int i=; i<; i++)
mystack.push(i*); std::cout<<"mystack containes: ";
std::cout<<mystack.top()<<' ';
} std::cout<<'\n'; system("pause");
return ;


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