[React Native] Prevent the On-screen Keyboard from Covering up Text Inputs
When you bring up the on screen keyboard in a mobile app, it will cover any text input or buttons on the bottom half of the screen, which can be frustrating for users. There are a few common ways to deal with this in React Native - and this video shows the following solutions:
First, you can use the built in KeyboardAvoidingView
to move components around when the keyboard comes on screen. It has the advantage to being built in to React Native already - but it can be overly complicated to get this approach to work consistently across both iOS and Android.
There is also a third party library called KeyboardAwareScrollView
, which will allow your entire view to scroll, and will keep the currently selected text inputs up and out of the way of the keyboard.
- npm i -D react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view
- import { KeyboardAwareScrollView } from 'react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view'
- export default class App extends Component {
- render() {
- return (
- <KeyboardAwareScrollView
- style={{ flex: 1 }}
- >
- <View style={styles.loginHeader}>
- <Text style={styles.headerText}>App Name</Text>
- </View>
- <View style={styles.loginInputs}>
- <Text style={styles.label}>Username</Text>
- <TextInput
- placeholder="Username"
- style={styles.input}
- />
- <Text style={styles.label}>Password</Text>
- <TextInput
- placeholder="Password"
- style={styles.input}
- secureTextEntry={true}
- />
- <TouchableOpacity style={styles.loginButton}>
- <Text style={styles.loginText}>Login</Text>
- </TouchableOpacity>
- </View>
- </KeyboardAwareScrollView>
- );
- }
- }
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