9.150 Predefined macros
9.150 Predefined macros
The ARM compiler predefines a number of macros. These macros provide information about toolchain version numbers and compiler options.
Table 9-21 Predefined macros
Name | Value | When defined |
__arm __ |
- |
Always defined for the ARM compiler, even when you specify the
--thumb option.See also
ver |
Always defined. It is a decimal number, and is guaranteed to increase between releases. The format is
PVVbbbb where:
NoteUse this macro to distinguish between ARM Compiler 4.1 or later, and other tools that define
__arm__ . |
- |
When you specify the
--apcs /interwork option or set the target processor architecture to ARMv5T or later. |
- |
When you specify the
--apcs /ropi option. |
- |
When you specify the
--apcs /rwpi option. |
- |
When you specify the
--apcs /fpic option. |
- | In C++ compiler mode, to specify that array new and delete are enabled. |
name |
Always defined. Similar to
__FILE__ , but indicates the primary source file rather than the current one (that is, when the current file is an included file). |
- | If compiling for a big-endian target. |
- |
In C++ compiler mode, to specify that
bool is a keyword. |
__cplusplus |
- | In C++ compiler mode. |
__CC_ARM |
1 |
Always set to 1 for the ARM compiler, even when you specify the
--thumb option. |
__DATE__ |
date |
Always defined. |
__EDG__ |
- |
Always defined.
- |
In C++ mode when you specify the
--using_std option. |
- |
Always set to an integer value that represents the version number of the Edison Design Group (EDG) front-end. For example, version 3.8 is represented as
308 .NoteThe version number of the EDG front-end does not necessarily match the version number of the ARM compiler toolchain. |
1 |
In C++ mode when you specify the
--exceptions option. |
- |
When you specify the
--signed_chars option (used by CHAR_MIN and CHAR_MAX ). |
__FILE__ |
name |
Always defined as a string literal. |
- |
When you specify the
--fpmode=fast option. |
- |
When you specify the
--fpmode=ieee_full or --fpmode=ieee_fixed options. |
- |
When you specify the
--fpmode=ieee_full option. |
- |
When you specify the
--fpmode=ieee_full , --fpmode=ieee_fixed , or --fpmode=ieee_no_fenv options. |
- |
When you specify the
--fpmode=ieee_full option. |
- |
When you specify the
--implicit_include option. |
__LINE__ |
num |
Always set. It is the source line number of the line of code containing this macro. |
__MODULE__ |
mod |
Contains the filename part of the value of
__FILE__ . |
- | When you explicitly or implicitly use the --multifile option.a |
num |
Always set to 2 by default, unless you change the optimization level using the
-O option.a |
- |
When you specify the
-Ospace option. |
- |
When you specify the
-Otime option. |
- |
-O1 , -O2 , or -O3 is specified in GNU mode. |
- |
-Ospace is specified in GNU mode. |
- | In C++ mode to specify that placement delete (that is, an operator delete corresponding to a placement operator new , to be called if the constructor throws an exception) is enabled. This is only relevant when using exceptions. |
__RTTI |
- | In C++ mode when RTTI is enabled. |
__sizeof_int |
4 |
sizeof(int) , but available in preprocessor expressions. |
__sizeof_long |
4 |
sizeof(long) , but available in preprocessor expressions. |
__sizeof_ptr |
4 |
sizeof(void *) , but available in preprocessor expressions. |
__SOFTFP__ |
- |
If compiling to use the software floating-point calling standard and library. Set when you specify the
--fpu=softvfp option for ARM or Thumb, or when you specify --fpu=softvfp+vfpv2 for Thumb. |
__STDC__ |
- | In all compiler modes. |
- | Standard version information. |
- |
When you specify the
--strict option. |
- | Support for signalling NaNs when you specify --fpmode=ieee_fixed or --fpmode=ieee_full . |
num |
The number of the ARM base architecture of the target processor irrespective of whether the compiler is compiling for ARM or Thumb. For possible values of __TARGET_ARCH_ARM in relation to the ARM architecture versions, see the table below. |
num |
The number of the Thumb base architecture of the target processor irrespective of whether the compiler is compiling for ARM or Thumb. The value is defined as zero if the target does not support Thumb. For possible values of
__TARGET_ARCH_THUMB in relation to the ARM architecture versions, see the table below. |
- |
represents the target architecture and its value depends on the target architecture. For example, if you specify the compiler options --cpu=4T or --cpu=ARM7TDMI then __TARGET_ARCH_4T is defined. |
- |
represents the target processor. The value of is derived from the --cpu compiler option, or the default if none is specified. For example, if you specify the compiler option --cpu=ARM7TM then __TARGET_CPU_ARM7TM is defined and no other symbol starting with __TARGET_CPU_ is defined.If you specify the target architecture, then
__TARGET_CPU_generic is defined.If the processor name specified with
--cpu is in lowercase, it is converted to uppercase. For example, --cpu=Cortex-R4 results in __TARGET_CPU_CORTEX_R4 being defined (rather than __TARGET_CPU_Cortex_R4 ).If the processor name contains hyphen (-) characters, these are mapped to an underscore (
_ ). For example, --cpu=ARM1136JF-S is mapped to __TARGET_CPU_ARM1136JF_S . |
- |
ARMv5T and above.
- | If the DSP-enhanced multiplier is available, for example ARMv5TE. |
- |
If the target architecture supports the long multiply instructions
MULL and MULAL . |
- |
If the target architecture supports the hardware divide instruction (that is, ARMv7-M or ARMv7-R).
- | If the target architecture supports Thumb, ARMv4T or later. |
- |
One of the following is set to indicate the FPU usage:
In addition, if compiling with one of the following
--fpu options, the corresponding target name is set:
When you specify the --cpu=7-R option. |
When you specify any of the following options:
__thumb __ |
- |
When the compiler is in Thumb state. That is, you have either specified the
--thumb option on the command-line or #pragma thumb in your source code.Note
__TIME__ |
time |
Always defined.
- |
In C++ mode, to specify that
wchar_t is a keyword. |
, and how these values relate to versions of the ARM architecture.9.150 Predefined macros的更多相关文章
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