LintCode #30. Insert Interval (Easy)

LeetCode #57. Insert Interval (Hard)

class Solution {
vector<Interval> insert(vector<Interval> &intervals, Interval newInterval) {
vector<Interval> v;
auto it = intervals.begin();
while (it != intervals.end() && it->end < newInterval.start) {
auto left = it;
while (it != intervals.end() && it->start <= newInterval.end) ++it;
auto right = it;
if (right - left != 0) {
v.push_back(Interval(min(left->start, newInterval.start), max((right - 1)->end, newInterval.end)));
} else {
while (it != intervals.end()) {
return v;


  • 第一个while循环跳过所有不会与newInterval相交且小于newInterval的区间.
  • 中间一段计算相交区间.
  • 最后一个while循环跳过所有不会与newInterval相交且大于newInterval的区间.

时间复杂度: O(n)

空间复杂度: O(n)


class Solution {
vector<Interval> insert(vector<Interval> &intervals, Interval newInterval) {
vector<Interval> v;
int pos = 0;
for (auto interval : intervals) {
if (interval.end < newInterval.start) {
} else if (interval.start > newInterval.end) {
} else {
newInterval.start = min(newInterval.start, interval.start);
newInterval.end = max(newInterval.end, interval.end);
v.insert(v.begin() + pos, newInterval);
return v;

这算法简洁在于: 一个循环, 通过两个if滤掉所有不相交的区间; (若有)剩下的区间一定与newInterval相交, 将这些区间合并到newInterval里, 最后插入即可.


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