1. 方法 一

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.IO; namespace SampleIIS
// Sample IIS class
class SampleIIS
public void StartIIS()
string url = "http://localhost:8080/";
string vm_ID = string.Empty;
HttpListener httpListener = new HttpListener(); httpListener.AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous;
httpListener.Prefixes.Add(url); // 1. Start Server
System.Console.WriteLine("[{1}] [system] Start Server, Port {0} \r\n", url, DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); httpListener.Start();
new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate
while (true)
// 2. Wating commad
System.Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [system] Wating commad ..... \r\n ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); HttpListenerContext httpListenerContext = httpListener.GetContext(); // 3. Receive request/ do something/ create VM // ceate VM and get vm_ID
vm_ID = string.Format("VM_ID:XiaoChen-123456-{0}-{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"), DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
System.Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Remote] Receive request. ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
System.Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Remote] Receive privillige, working...", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
System.Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Remote] {1} create successfully !", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), vm_ID); // 4. Respone header / contents
httpListenerContext.Response.StatusCode = ;
httpListenerContext.Response.Headers.Add(vm_ID); // Header, Key-Value 随意加
httpListenerContext.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(httpListenerContext.Response.OutputStream))
// response as xml
writer.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\">");
writer.WriteLine(" <result>{0}</result>", vm_ID);
writer.WriteLine(" <message>Success</message>");
writer.WriteLine(" <version>V1.0</version>");
writer.WriteLine(" <time>{0}</time>", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
} // 5. Ending
System.Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Remote] Completed!\r\n ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
} class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SampleIIS siis = new SampleIIS();


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading; namespace Bend.Util { public class HttpProcessor {
public TcpClient socket;
public HttpServer srv; private Stream inputStream;
public StreamWriter outputStream; public String http_method;
public String http_url;
public String http_protocol_versionstring;
public Hashtable httpHeaders = new Hashtable(); private static int MAX_POST_SIZE = * * ; // 10MB public HttpProcessor(TcpClient s, HttpServer srv) {
this.socket = s;
this.srv = srv;
} private string streamReadLine(Stream inputStream) {
int next_char;
string data = "";
while (true) {
next_char = inputStream.ReadByte();
if (next_char == '\n') { break; }
if (next_char == '\r') { continue; }
if (next_char == -) { Thread.Sleep(); continue; };
data += Convert.ToChar(next_char);
return data;
public void process() {
// we can't use a StreamReader for input, because it buffers up extra data on us inside it's
// "processed" view of the world, and we want the data raw after the headers
inputStream = new BufferedStream(socket.GetStream()); // we probably shouldn't be using a streamwriter for all output from handlers either
outputStream = new StreamWriter(new BufferedStream(socket.GetStream()));
try {
if (http_method.Equals("GET")) {
} else if (http_method.Equals("POST")) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());
// bs.Flush(); // flush any remaining output
inputStream = null; outputStream = null; // bs = null;
} public void parseRequest() {
String request = streamReadLine(inputStream);
string[] tokens = request.Split(' ');
if (tokens.Length != ) {
throw new Exception("invalid http request line");
http_method = tokens[].ToUpper();
http_url = tokens[];
http_protocol_versionstring = tokens[]; Console.WriteLine("starting: " + request);
} public void readHeaders() {
String line;
while ((line = streamReadLine(inputStream)) != null) {
if (line.Equals("")) {
Console.WriteLine("got headers");
} int separator = line.IndexOf(':');
if (separator == -) {
throw new Exception("invalid http header line: " + line);
String name = line.Substring(, separator);
int pos = separator + ;
while ((pos < line.Length) && (line[pos] == ' ')) {
pos++; // strip any spaces
} string value = line.Substring(pos, line.Length - pos);
Console.WriteLine("header: {0}:{1}",name,value);
httpHeaders[name] = value;
} public void handleGETRequest() {
} private const int BUF_SIZE = ;
public void handlePOSTRequest() {
// this post data processing just reads everything into a memory stream.
// this is fine for smallish things, but for large stuff we should really
// hand an input stream to the request processor. However, the input stream
// we hand him needs to let him see the "end of the stream" at this content
// length, because otherwise he won't know when he's seen it all! Console.WriteLine("get post data start");
int content_len = ;
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
if (this.httpHeaders.ContainsKey("Content-Length")) {
content_len = Convert.ToInt32(this.httpHeaders["Content-Length"]);
if (content_len > MAX_POST_SIZE) {
throw new Exception(
String.Format("POST Content-Length({0}) too big for this simple server",
byte[] buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE];
int to_read = content_len;
while (to_read > ) {
Console.WriteLine("starting Read, to_read={0}",to_read); int numread = this.inputStream.Read(buf, , Math.Min(BUF_SIZE, to_read));
Console.WriteLine("read finished, numread={0}", numread);
if (numread == ) {
if (to_read == ) {
} else {
throw new Exception("client disconnected during post");
to_read -= numread;
ms.Write(buf, , numread);
ms.Seek(, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Console.WriteLine("get post data end");
srv.handlePOSTRequest(this, new StreamReader(ms)); } public void writeSuccess() {
outputStream.WriteLine("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
outputStream.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/html");
outputStream.WriteLine("Connection: close");
} public void writeFailure() {
outputStream.WriteLine("HTTP/1.0 404 File not found");
outputStream.WriteLine("Connection: close");
} public abstract class HttpServer { protected int port;
TcpListener listener;
bool is_active = true; public HttpServer(int port) {
this.port = port;
} public void listen() {
listener = new TcpListener(port);
while (is_active) {
TcpClient s = listener.AcceptTcpClient();
HttpProcessor processor = new HttpProcessor(s, this);
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(processor.process));
} public abstract void handleGETRequest(HttpProcessor p);
public abstract void handlePOSTRequest(HttpProcessor p, StreamReader inputData);
} public class MyHttpServer : HttpServer { public string vm_ID; public MyHttpServer(int port)
: base(port) {
public override void handleGETRequest(HttpProcessor p) {
Console.WriteLine("request: {0} \r\n ", p.http_url); p.writeSuccess();
p.outputStream.WriteLine("\r\n <html><body><h1>test server</h1>");
p.outputStream.WriteLine("Current Time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
p.outputStream.WriteLine("url : {0}", p.http_url); p.outputStream.WriteLine("<form method=post action=/form>");
p.outputStream.WriteLine("<input type=text name=foo value=foovalue>");
p.outputStream.WriteLine("<input type=submit name=bar value=barvalue>");
} public override void handlePOSTRequest(HttpProcessor p, StreamReader inputData) {
Console.WriteLine("POST request: {0}", p.http_url);
string data = inputData.ReadToEnd();
vm_ID = string.Format("VM_ID:XiaoChen-123456-{0}-{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"), DateTime.Now.Millisecond); // response as xml
p.outputStream.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\">");
p.outputStream.WriteLine(" <result>{0}</result>", vm_ID);
p.outputStream.WriteLine(" <message>Success</message>");
p.outputStream.WriteLine(" <version>V1.0</version>");
p.outputStream.WriteLine(" <time>{0}</time>", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
p.outputStream.WriteLine(" <postbody>{0}</postbody>", data);
} public class TestMain {
public static int Main(String[] args) {
HttpServer httpServer;
if (args.GetLength() > ) {
httpServer = new MyHttpServer(Convert.ToInt16(args[]));
} else {
httpServer = new MyHttpServer();
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(httpServer.listen));
return ;
} } }

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