Google Code Jam 2016 Round 1B B
1.1 都标为0,看下一个位。
1.2&1.3 将一位标为1,另一个位标为0,并更新答案,终结状态。(这表示我们主动在高位制造了一个差值以便后面取得整体差值最小。例如:?0?,?9?,答案是100,099)
3.1 标为与该位相等,看下一个位。
3.2 标为该位减1,赋值后续问号,更新答案,终结状态。
3.3 标为该位加1,赋值后续问号,更新答案,终结状态。
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; #define d(x) const int MAX_LEN = ; char st[][MAX_LEN];
char ans[][MAX_LEN];
char temp[][MAX_LEN];
long long diff;
int n; void input()
scanf("%s", st[]);
scanf("%s", st[]);
n = strlen(st[]);
} long long get_value(char st[])
long long ten = ;
long long ret = ;
for (int i = n - ; i >= ; i--)
ret += (st[i] - '') * ten;
ten *= ;
return ret;
} bool ok(long long temp_diff)
if (temp_diff > diff)
return false;
if (temp_diff < diff)
return true;
if (strcmp(ans[], temp[]) > )
return true;
if (strcmp(ans[], temp[]) < )
return false;
return strcmp(ans[], temp[]) > ; } void update()
long long a = get_value(temp[]);
long long b = get_value(temp[]);
long long temp_diff = abs(a - b);
if (ok(temp_diff))
diff = temp_diff;
strcpy(ans[], temp[]);
strcpy(ans[], temp[]);
} void make(int index, int a, int b)
if (a < || b < || a > || b > )
return; strcpy(temp[], st[]);
strcpy(temp[], st[]); temp[][index] = a + '';
temp[][index] = b + ''; int ch_a = '';
int ch_b = '';
if (a > b)
swap(ch_a, ch_b);
for (int i = index + ; i < n; i++)
if (temp[][i] == '?')
temp[][i] = ch_a;
if (temp[][i] == '?')
temp[][i] = ch_b;
d(printf("a=%d\n", a));
d(printf("b=%d\n", b));
} void work()
diff = 1LL << ;
for (int i = ; st[][i]; i++)
if (st[][i] == st[][i] && st[][i] != '?')
if (st[][i] == st[][i] && st[][i] == '?')
make(i, , );
make(i, , );
st[][i] = st[][i] = '';
//reach here means st[0][i] != st[1][i]
if (st[][i] != '?' && st[][i] != '?')
make(i, st[][i] - '', st[][i] - '');
//reach here means only one of them is ?.
if (st[][i] == '?')
make(i, st[][i] - '' + , st[][i] - '');
make(i, st[][i] - '' - , st[][i] - '');
st[][i] = st[][i];
if (st[][i] == '?')
make(i, st[][i] - '', st[][i] - '' + );
make(i, st[][i] - '', st[][i] - '' - );
st[][i] = st[][i];
} }
make(n - , st[][n - ] - '', st[][n - ] - '');
} int main()
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
int case_num = ;
while (t--)
printf("Case #%d: ", case_num);
printf("%s %s\n", ans[], ans[]);
return ;
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