
The attached files provide a port of a combined TBDML/OSBDM/TBLCF code to a MC9S08JM16/32/60 processor. The primary motivation for this was to produce a single BDM that could be used with a range of Freescale microcontrollers. Other features have also been added.

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This version of the code & BDM hardware provides the following features:

  • A single BDM interface for programming and debugging of the following targets:

    • HCS12 (including those without SYNC feature (e.g. 9S12DP256B)
    • HCS08
    • RS08
    • Coldfire V1 microcontrollers
    • Coldfire V2, V3 & V4 microcontrollers
    • Kinetis ARM-Cortex microcontrollers
    • MC56F80xx Digital Signal Controllers (Limited range of devices in CW 10 & stand-alone programmer)
  • No re-flashing of the BDM is required when changing between targets
  • Compatible IDEs
    • Codewarrior V10.1 (Eclipse version)

      • Tested on Windows-XP-32bit, Windows-7-32bit, Windows-7-64bit
      • Tested on Ubuntu-32-bit
    • Codewarrior Legacy versions
    • Codewarrior Development Studio for HCS12(X)V5.1 & 
      CW for Microcontrollers V6.3 (RS08 is not supported)
      CW for Coldfire V7.1 CodeWarrior for DSC56800E v8.3 (USBDM-JMxx-CF or MC56F8006Demo board only)
      • Tested on Windows-XP-32bit, Windows-Vista-32bit
    • Initial support for CodeSourcery Lite for Coldfire
      • Tested on Windows-XP-32bit
    • Initial support for Coldfire Flasher (CFFlasher)
      • Tested on Windows-XP-32bit
  • Trimming of target internal clock (Eclipse version or standalone programming tools only).
  • Higher USB communication speed cf. JB16 version BDMs (USB full speed cf. USB low speed)
  • Vista compatible
  • Linux compatible
  • The Firmware in the BDM may be automatically updated using an in-circuit-programming (ICP) feature.
  • Hardware is physically small
  • Target Vdd supply & control. This allows the target power to be cycled when required for a reliable reset into BDM mode. It is also (obviously) convenient since it allows debugging small target boards without a separate target power supply. An external target supply may also be used instead. The Target supply is protected by a polyfuse and software detection of overload.
  • HCS12, HCS08, RS08, Coldfire V1 specific features:
  • Target reset detection & control (required for HC12 processors). This allows HC12 processors to be reset into BDM mode as required for debugging.
  • Target Vdd monitoring. This allows the hardware to detect changes in the Target supply to provide reliable resetting into BDM modes on HCS08 and RS08 microcontrollers. It also is used to implement the target power supply protection.
    • A higher BDM interface speed than the existing JB16 OSBDMs. Up to 56MHz. (BDM clock 28MHz).
    • Automatic re-connection. The software has an option to continuously update the interface speed to prevent loss of communication if the target BDM interface speed changes (as may occur with clock changes on some targets).
    • Control of BDM clock selection in HC12/HCS08/Coldfire microcontrollers. Most of these targets provide an alternative BDM clock selection. This can have advantages when connecting to high speed targets as the alternative clock may operate at a lower speed.
    • Selection of 3.3V and 5V target supply (if hardware supports this).
    • Trial-and-error determination of communication speed for earlier HC12 targets.
    • User prompting for target supply cycling with BKGD low as may be needed for HCS08 targets
  • Coldfire V2,3,4 specific features and limitations:
  • Higher communication speed with target - The target communication speed may be selected.
  • The BDM uses asychronous communication with the target i.e. the BDM signals are not synchronized with the target clock. This means that the BDM should not be used with early Coldfire targets. Check the description of the BDM interface timing in the appropriate Coldfire Processor manual to determine if this limitation applies.

Hardware Design

Please refer to the following document for hardware design details:

Differences to JB16 OSBDM etc

  • The JM60 microcontroller can only be initially programmed using a BDM interface. This is a significant disadvantage compared to the JB16 version.
  • The PCB artwork provided is for a double-sided plated-through-hole board using surface mount components. This seems a reasonable decision since the processor is only available in a SMT package in any case. While it is possible to prototype the board using a non-PTH board, assembly is quite demanding. The above images are for a commercially produced board that was hand assembled.
  • Software drivers (tbdml.dll & opensourcebdm.dll etc) need to be installed so that advantage can be taken of the new features.


  • The original base code is taken from the TBDML, OSBDM and TBLCF projects and I very much appreciate the effort involved in producing the original code. I hope this extension will be useful.
  • The hardware interface is based on TBDML, Freescale USBSPYDER08 and my own invention.


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