class ExtendsNode(Node):
must_be_first = True
context_key = 'extends_context' def __init__(self, nodelist, parent_name, template_dirs=None):
self.nodelist = nodelist
self.parent_name = parent_name
self.template_dirs = template_dirs
self.blocks = { n for n in nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(BlockNode)} def __repr__(self):
return '<ExtendsNode: extends %s>' % self.parent_name.token def find_template(self, template_name, context):
This is a wrapper around engine.find_template(). A history is kept in
the render_context attribute between successive extends calls and
passed as the skip argument. This enables extends to work recursively
without extending the same template twice.
# RemovedInDjango20Warning: If any non-recursive loaders are installed
# do a direct template lookup. If the same template name appears twice,
# raise an exception to avoid system recursion.
for loader in context.template.engine.template_loaders:
if not loader.supports_recursion:
history = context.render_context.setdefault(
self.context_key, [context.template.origin.template_name],
if template_name in history:
raise ExtendsError(
"Cannot extend templates recursively when using "
"non-recursive template loaders",
template = context.template.engine.get_template(template_name)
return template history = context.render_context.setdefault(
self.context_key, [context.template.origin],
template, origin = context.template.engine.find_template(
template_name, skip=history,
return template def get_parent(self, context):
parent = self.parent_name.resolve(context)
if not parent:
error_msg = "Invalid template name in 'extends' tag: %r." % parent
if self.parent_name.filters or\
isinstance(self.parent_name.var, Variable):
error_msg += " Got this from the '%s' variable." %\
raise TemplateSyntaxError(error_msg)
if isinstance(parent, Template):
# parent is a django.template.Template
return parent
if isinstance(getattr(parent, 'template', None), Template):
# parent is a django.template.backends.django.Template
return parent.template
return self.find_template(parent, context) def render(self, context):
compiled_parent = self.get_parent(context)#获取父模板对象 if BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY not in context.render_context:
context.render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY] = BlockContext()#在context中块上下文,默认词典
block_context = context.render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY] # Add the block nodes from this node to the block context
block_context.add_blocks(self.blocks)#为块上下文添加当前页的块。 # If this block's parent doesn't have an extends node it is the root,
# and its block nodes also need to be added to the block context.
for node in compiled_parent.nodelist:
# The ExtendsNode has to be the first non-text node.
if not isinstance(node, TextNode):
if not isinstance(node, ExtendsNode):
blocks = { n for n in#取得父类中的块节点
break # Call Template._render explicitly so the parser context stays
# the same.
return compiled_parent._render(context)#看块节点怎么样render??? @register.tag('extends')
def do_extends(parser, token):#从html文件中生成extend node
Signal that this template extends a parent template. This tag may be used in two ways: ``{% extends "base" %}`` (with quotes)
uses the literal value "base" as the name of the parent template to extend,
or ``{% extends variable %}`` uses the value of ``variable`` as either the
name of the parent template to extend (if it evaluates to a string) or as
the parent template itself (if it evaluates to a Template object).
bits = token.split_contents()
if len(bits) != 2:
raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument" % bits[0])
parent_name = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])#父模板名字
nodelist = parser.parse()#当前html的所有node列表。
if nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(ExtendsNode):
raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' cannot appear more than once in the same template" % bits[0])
return ExtendsNode(nodelist, parent_name)
class BlockNode(Node):
def __init__(self, name, nodelist, parent=None):, self.nodelist, self.parent = name, nodelist, parent def __repr__(self):
return "<Block Node: %s. Contents: %r>" % (, self.nodelist) def render(self, context):
block_context = context.render_context.get(BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY)#从上下文取得块node的信息
with context.push():
if block_context is None:
context['block'] = self
result = self.nodelist.render(context)
push = block = block_context.pop(弹出块node,排在后面的先出
if block is None:
block = self
# Create new block so we can store context without thread-safety issues.
block = type(self)(, block.nodelist)
block.context = context
context['block'] = block
result = block.nodelist.render(context)
if push is not None:
block_context.push(, push)
return result

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