The new Helpers folder in the project, to create the CheckBoxListHelper and RadioBoxListHelper classes.

CheckBoxListHelper code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc; namespace SHH.Helpers
public static class CheckBoxListHelper
public static MvcHtmlString CheckBoxList(this HtmlHelper helper, string name, bool isHorizon = true)
return CheckBoxList(helper, name, helper.ViewData[name] as IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, new { }, isHorizon);
} public static MvcHtmlString CheckBoxList(this HtmlHelper helper, string name, IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList, bool isHorizon = true)
return CheckBoxList(helper, name, selectList, new { }, isHorizon);
} public static MvcHtmlString CheckBoxListFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper helper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList, bool isHorizon = true)
string[] propertys = expression.ToString().Split(".".ToCharArray());
string id = string.Join("_", propertys, 1, propertys.Length - 1);
string name = string.Join(".", propertys, 1, propertys.Length - 1); return CheckBoxList(helper, id, name, selectList, new { }, isHorizon);
} public static MvcHtmlString CheckBoxList(this HtmlHelper helper, string name, IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList, object htmlAttributes, bool isHorizon = true)
return CheckBoxList(helper, name, name, selectList, htmlAttributes, isHorizon);
} public static MvcHtmlString CheckBoxList(this HtmlHelper helper, string id, string name, IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList, object htmlAttributes, bool isHorizon = true)
IDictionary<string, object> HtmlAttributes = HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes); HashSet<string> set = new HashSet<string>();
List<SelectListItem> list = new List<SelectListItem>();
string selectedValues = (selectList as SelectList).SelectedValue == null ? string.Empty : Convert.ToString((selectList as SelectList).SelectedValue);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedValues))
if (selectedValues.Contains(","))
string[] tempStr = selectedValues.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i <tempStr.Length; i++)
} }
} foreach (SelectListItem item in selectList)
item.Selected = (item.Value != null) ? set.Contains(item.Value) : set.Contains(item.Text);
selectList = list; HtmlAttributes.Add("type", "checkbox");
HtmlAttributes.Add("id", id);
HtmlAttributes.Add("name", name);
HtmlAttributes.Add("style", "border:none;"); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SelectListItem selectItem in selectList)
IDictionary<string, object> newHtmlAttributes = HtmlAttributes.DeepCopy();
newHtmlAttributes.Add("value", selectItem.Value);
if (selectItem.Selected)
newHtmlAttributes.Add("checked", "checked");
} TagBuilder tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("input");
tagBuilder.MergeAttributes<string, object>(newHtmlAttributes);
string inputAllHtml = tagBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing);
string containerFormat = isHorizon ? @"<label> {0} {1}</label>" : @"<p><label> {0} {1}</label></p>";
inputAllHtml, selectItem.Text);
return MvcHtmlString.Create(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
private static IDictionary<string, object> DeepCopy(this IDictionary<string, object> ht)
Dictionary<string, object> _ht = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (var p in ht)
_ht.Add(p.Key, p.Value);
return _ht;

RadioBoxListHelper code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc; namespace SHH.Helpers
public static class RadioBoxListHelper
public static MvcHtmlString RadioBoxList(this HtmlHelper helper, string name)
return RadioBoxList(helper, name, helper.ViewData[name] as IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, new { });
} public static MvcHtmlString RadioBoxList(this HtmlHelper helper, string name, IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList)
return RadioBoxList(helper, name, selectList, new { });
} public static MvcHtmlString RadioBoxList(this HtmlHelper helper, string name, IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList, object htmlAttributes)
IDictionary<string, object> HtmlAttributes = HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes); HtmlAttributes.Add("type", "radio");
HtmlAttributes.Add("name", name); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
foreach (SelectListItem selectItem in selectList)
string id = string.Format("{0}{1}", name, j++); IDictionary<string, object> newHtmlAttributes = HtmlAttributes.DeepCopy();
newHtmlAttributes.Add("value", selectItem.Value);
newHtmlAttributes.Add("id", id);
var selectedValue = (selectList as SelectList).SelectedValue;
if (selectedValue == null)
if (i++ == 0)
newHtmlAttributes.Add("checked", null);
else if (selectItem.Value == selectedValue.ToString())
newHtmlAttributes.Add("checked", null);
} TagBuilder tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("input");
tagBuilder.MergeAttributes<string, object>(newHtmlAttributes);
string inputAllHtml = tagBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing);
stringBuilder.AppendFormat(@" {0} <label for='{2}'>{1}</label>",
inputAllHtml, selectItem.Text, id);
return MvcHtmlString.Create(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
private static IDictionary<string, object> DeepCopy(this IDictionary<string, object> ht)
Dictionary<string, object> _ht = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (var p in ht)
_ht.Add(p.Key, p.Value);
return _ht;

Enumeration to help the class code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web; namespace SHH.Helpers
/// <summary>
/// Enumeration helper classes
/// </summary>
public class EnumHelper
/// <summary>
/// Such as: "enum1, enum2 conversion, enum3" string to the enumeration values
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Enumeration types</typeparam>
/// <param name="obj">The enumerated string</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static T Parse<T>(string obj)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj))
return default(T);
return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), obj);
} public static T TryParse<T>(string obj, T defT = default(T))
return Parse<T>(obj);
return defT;
} public static readonly string ENUM_TITLE_SEPARATOR = ",";
/// <summary>
/// According to the enumeration value, return a string describing the
/// If multiple enumeration, return to the "," separated string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetEnumTitle(Enum e, Enum language = null)
if (e == null)
return "";
string[] valueArray = e.ToString().Split(ENUM_TITLE_SEPARATOR.ToArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Type type = e.GetType();
string ret = "";
foreach (string enumValue in valueArray)
System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi = type.GetField(enumValue.Trim());
if (fi == null)
EnumTitleAttribute[] attrs = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnumTitleAttribute), false) as EnumTitleAttribute[];
if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0 && attrs[0].IsDisplay)
ret += attrs[0].Title + ENUM_TITLE_SEPARATOR;
return ret.TrimEnd(ENUM_TITLE_SEPARATOR.ToArray());
} /// <summary>
/// According to the enumeration value, return a string describing the
/// If multiple enumeration, return to the "," separated string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetAllEnumTitle(Enum e, Enum language = null)
if (e == null)
return "";
string[] valueArray = e.ToString().Split(ENUM_TITLE_SEPARATOR.ToArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Type type = e.GetType();
string ret = "";
foreach (string enumValue in valueArray)
System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi = type.GetField(enumValue.Trim());
if (fi == null)
EnumTitleAttribute[] attrs = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnumTitleAttribute), false) as EnumTitleAttribute[];
if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)
ret += attrs[0].Title + ENUM_TITLE_SEPARATOR;
return ret.TrimEnd(ENUM_TITLE_SEPARATOR.ToArray());
} public static EnumTitleAttribute GetEnumTitleAttribute(Enum e, Enum language = null)
if (e == null)
return null;
string[] valueArray = e.ToString().Split(ENUM_TITLE_SEPARATOR.ToArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Type type = e.GetType();
EnumTitleAttribute ret = null;
foreach (string enumValue in valueArray)
System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi = type.GetField(enumValue.Trim());
if (fi == null)
EnumTitleAttribute[] attrs = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnumTitleAttribute), false) as EnumTitleAttribute[];
if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)
ret = attrs[0];
return ret;
} public static string GetDayOfWeekTitle(DayOfWeek day, Enum language = null)
switch (day)
case DayOfWeek.Monday:
return "Monday";
case DayOfWeek.Tuesday:
return "Tuesday";
case DayOfWeek.Wednesday:
return "Wednesday";
case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
return "Thursday";
case DayOfWeek.Friday:
return "Friday";
case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
return "Saturday";
case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
return "Sunday";
return "";
} /// <summary>
/// Returns the key value pairs, built for the name of the specified enumeration of EnumTitle and synonym name, value is the enumeration entries
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Enumeration types</typeparam>
/// <param name="language"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Dictionary<string, T> GetTitleAndSynonyms<T>(Enum language = null) where T : struct
Dictionary<string, T> ret = new Dictionary<string, T>();
//Enumeration values
Array arrEnumValue = typeof(T).GetEnumValues();
foreach (object enumValue in arrEnumValue)
System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi = typeof(T).GetField(enumValue.ToString());
if (fi == null)
} EnumTitleAttribute[] arrEnumTitleAttr = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnumTitleAttribute), false) as EnumTitleAttribute[];
if (arrEnumTitleAttr == null || arrEnumTitleAttr.Length <1 || !arrEnumTitleAttr[0].IsDisplay)
} if (!ret.ContainsKey(arrEnumTitleAttr[0].Title))
ret.Add(arrEnumTitleAttr[0].Title, (T)enumValue);
} if (arrEnumTitleAttr[0].Synonyms == null || arrEnumTitleAttr[0].Synonyms.Length <1)
} foreach (string s in arrEnumTitleAttr[0].Synonyms)
if (!ret.ContainsKey(s))
ret.Add(s, (T)enumValue);
return ret;
} /// <summary>
/// Based on the enumeration to obtain contains all all values and describe the hash table, the text is composed by the application in the enumeration values on the EnumTitleAttribute set
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Dictionary<T, string> GetItemList<T>(Enum language = null) where T : struct
return GetItemValueList<T, T>(false, language);
} /// <summary>
/// Based on the enumeration to obtain contains all all values and describe the hash table, the text is composed by the application in the enumeration values on the EnumTitleAttribute set
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Dictionary<T, string> GetAllItemList<T>(Enum language = null) where T : struct
return GetItemValueList<T, T>(true, language);
} /// <summary>
/// Access to enumerate all the title, the text is composed by the application in the enumeration values on the EnumTitleAttribute set
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Enumeration types</typeparam>
/// <param name="language">Language</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Dictionary<int, string> GetItemValueList<T>(Enum language = null) where T : struct
return GetItemValueList<T, int>(false, language);
} /// <summary>
/// Access to enumerate all the title, the text is composed by the application in the enumeration values on the EnumTitleAttribute set
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Enumeration types</typeparam>
/// <param name="isAll">Whether to build the "all"</param>
/// <param name="language">Language</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Dictionary<TKey, string> GetItemValueList<T, TKey>(bool isAll, Enum language = null) where T : struct
if (!typeof(T).IsEnum)
throw new Exception("The parameter must be enumerated!");
Dictionary<TKey, string> ret = new Dictionary<TKey, string>(); var titles = EnumHelper.GetItemAttributeList<T>().OrderBy(t => t.Value.Order);
foreach (var t in titles)
if (!isAll && (!t.Value.IsDisplay || t.Key.ToString() == "None"))
continue; if (t.Key.ToString() == "None" && isAll)
ret.Add((TKey)(object)t.Key, "All");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Value.Title))
ret.Add((TKey)(object)t.Key, t.Value.Title);
} return ret;
} public static List<T> GetItemKeyList<T>(Enum language = null) where T : struct
List<T> list = new List<T>();
Array array = typeof(T).GetEnumValues();
foreach (object t in array)
return list;
} public static Dictionary<T, EnumTitleAttribute> GetItemAttributeList<T>(Enum language = null) where T : struct
if (!typeof(T).IsEnum)
throw new Exception("The parameter must be enumerated!");
Dictionary<T, EnumTitleAttribute> ret = new Dictionary<T, EnumTitleAttribute>(); Array array = typeof(T).GetEnumValues();
foreach (object t in array)
EnumTitleAttribute att = GetEnumTitleAttribute(t as Enum, language);
if (att != null)
ret.Add((T)t, att);
} return ret;
} /// <summary>
/// Access to enumerate all the title, the text is composed by the application in the enumeration values on the EnumTitleAttribute set
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Enumeration types</typeparam>
/// <param name="isAll">Whether to build the "all"</param>
/// <param name="language">Language</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Dictionary<TKey, string> GetAllItemValueList<T, TKey>(Enum language = null) where T : struct
return GetItemValueList<T, TKey>(true, language);
} /// <summary>
/// Gets an enumeration pairs
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEnum">Enumeration types</typeparam>
/// <param name="exceptTypes">Exclude the enumeration</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Dictionary<int, string> GetEnumDictionary<TEnum>(IEnumerable<TEnum> exceptTypes = null) where TEnum : struct
var dic = GetItemList<TEnum>(); Dictionary<int, string> dicNew = new Dictionary<int, string>();
foreach (var d in dic)
if (exceptTypes != null && exceptTypes.Contains(d.Key))
dicNew.Add(d.Key.GetHashCode(), d.Value);
return dicNew;
} } public class EnumTitleAttribute : Attribute
private bool _IsDisplay = true; public EnumTitleAttribute(string title, params string[] synonyms)
Title = title;
Synonyms = synonyms;
Order = int.MaxValue;
public bool IsDisplay { get { return _IsDisplay; } set { _IsDisplay = value; } }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Letter { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Synonyms
/// </summary>
public string[] Synonyms { get; set; }
public int Category { get; set; }
public int Order { get; set; }

Enumeration data code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web; namespace SHH.Helpers
public class EnumData
/// <summary>
/// Gender
/// </summary>
public enum EnumSex
[EnumTitle("Hello, sir")]
Sir = 1, [EnumTitle("Ma'am")]
Miss = 2
/// <summary>
/// Make an appointment
/// </summary>
public enum EnumBespeakDate
[EnumTitle("Working days (Monday to Friday)")]
BespeakDate1 = 1, [EnumTitle("The weekend")]
BespeakDate2 = 2, [EnumTitle("Weekdays or weekends")]
BespeakDate3 = 3
/// <summary>
/// Appointments
/// </summary>
public enum EnumBespeakTime
BespeakTime1 = 1, [EnumTitle("The afternoon")]
BespeakTime2 = 2, [EnumTitle("Night")]
BespeakDate3 = 3, [EnumTitle("At any time")]
BespeakDate4= 4
} /// <summary>
/// The price
/// </summary>
public enum EnumPriceGroup
[EnumTitle("Unlimited", IsDisplay = false)]
None = 0, [EnumTitle("300000 the following")]
Below30 = 1, [EnumTitle("30-50 million")]
From30To50 = 2, [EnumTitle("50-80 million")]
From50To80 = 3, [EnumTitle("80-100 million")]
From80To100 = 4, [EnumTitle("100-150 million")]
From100To50 = 5, [EnumTitle("150-200 million")]
From150To200 = 6, [EnumTitle("More than 2000000")]
Above200 = 7
} /// <summary>
/// The measure of area
/// </summary>
public enum EnumAcreageGroup
{ [EnumTitle("Unlimited", IsDisplay = false)]
None = 0, [EnumTitle("The following 50mm")]
Below50 = 1, [EnumTitle("50-70mm")]
From50To70 = 2, [EnumTitle("70-90mm")]
From70To90 = 3, [EnumTitle("90-120mm")]
From90To120 = 4, [EnumTitle("120-150mm")]
From120To150 = 5, [EnumTitle("150-200mm")]
From150To200 = 6, [EnumTitle("200-300mm")]
From200To300 = 7, [EnumTitle("More than 300mm")]
Above300 = 8
} /// <summary>
/// Fangxing two chamber room five room five room above
/// </summary>
public enum EnumRoomGroup
[EnumTitle("Unlimited", IsDisplay = false)]
None = 0, [EnumTitle("A room")]
Room1 = 1, [EnumTitle("Room two")]
Room2 = 2, [EnumTitle("3")]
Room3 = 3, [EnumTitle("Four")]
Room4 = 4, [EnumTitle("Room five")]
Room5 = 5, [EnumTitle("More than five rooms")]
Above5 = 6

Controller code[RadioBox]

            ViewData.Add("EnumPriceGroup", new SelectList(EnumHelper.GetItemValueList<EnumData.EnumPriceGroup>(), "Key", "Value"));
ViewData.Add("EnumAcreageGroup", new SelectList(EnumHelper.GetItemValueList<EnumData.EnumAcreageGroup>(), "Key", "Value"));
ViewData.Add("EnumRoomGroup", new SelectList(EnumHelper.GetItemValueList<EnumData.EnumRoomGroup>(), "Key", "Value"));

View code[RadioBox]


Controller code[CheckBox]

TagRepository tagrep = new TagRepository(); 
            var tag = tagrep.GetModelList().Where(d=>d.TypeID==1);
ViewBag.Tags = new SelectList(tag, "TagID", "TagName");
var tag1 = tagrep.GetModelList().Where(d => d.TypeID == 2);
ViewBag.Tags1 = new SelectList(tag1, "TagID", "TagName");
var tag2 = tagrep.GetModelList().Where(d => d.TypeID == 3);
ViewBag.Tags2 = new SelectList(tag2, "TagID", "TagName");
 /// <summary>
/// Add GET: /admin/House/Add
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">The entity class</param>
/// <param name="fc"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[Authorize, HttpPost, ValidateInput(false)]
public ActionResult Add(House model, FormCollection fc,int[] Tags, int[] Tags1,int[] Tags2)
{ model.State = 1;
model.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
HouseControllerrep.SaveOrEditModel(model); if (Tags.Length > 0)
{ foreach (int gsi in Tags){
TagHouseMapping thmtag = new TagHouseMapping();
thmtag.HouseID = model.HouseID;
thmtag.State = 1;
thmtag.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
if (Tags1.Length > 0)
{ foreach (int gsi in Tags1)
TagHouseMapping thmtag = new TagHouseMapping();
thmtag.TagID = gsi;
thmtag.HouseID = model.HouseID;
thmtag.State = 1;
thmtag.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
if (Tags2.Length > 0)
{ foreach (int gsi in Tags2)
TagHouseMapping thmtag = new TagHouseMapping();
thmtag.TagID = gsi;
thmtag.HouseID = model.HouseID;
thmtag.State = 1;
thmtag.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
return RedirectToAction("Index");

View code[CheckBox]


The effect of CheckBoxList

The effect of RadioBoxList


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