# Sending emails using Gmail and msmtp
# Author: [Josef Jezek](http://about.me/josefjezek)
# Donate: [Gittip](https://www.gittip.com/josefjezek)
# Link: [Gist](https://gist.github.com/6194563)
# Usage: setup-msmtp-for-gmail.sh sudo apt-get update -q
sudo apt-get install msmtp-mta ca-certificates heirloom-mailx -yq if command -v zenity >/dev/null; then
GMAIL_USER=$(zenity --entry --title="Gmail username" --text="Enter your gmail username with domain (username@gmail.com):")
GMAIL_PASS=$(zenity --entry --title="Gmail password" --text="Enter your gmail password:" --hide-text)
read -p "Gmail username with domain (username@gmail.com): " GMAIL_USER
read -p "Gmail password: " GMAIL_PASS
fi echo # an empty line if [ -z "$GMAIL_USER" ]; then echo "No gmail username given. Exiting."; exit -; fi
if [ -z "$GMAIL_PASS" ]; then echo "No gmail password given. Exiting."; exit -; fi sudo tee /etc/msmtprc >/dev/null <<__EOF
# Accounts will inherit settings from this section
auth on
tls on
tls_certcheck off
# tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
logfile /var/log/msmtp.log # A first gmail address
account gmail
host smtp.gmail.com
password $GMAIL_PASS # A second gmail address
account gmail2 : gmail
from username@gmail.com
user username@gmail.com
password password # A freemail service
account freemail
host smtp.freemail.example
from joe_smith@freemail.example
user joe.smith
password secret # A provider's service
account provider
host smtp.provider.example # Set a default account
account default : gmail
__EOF sudo chmod /etc/msmtprc
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /etc/msmtprc HOST=$(hostname) sudo mail -vs "Email relaying configured at ${HOST}" $GMAIL_USER <<__EOF
The postfix service has been configured at host '${HOST}'.
Thank you for using this postfix configuration script.
__EOF echo "I have sent you a mail to $GMAIL_USER"
echo "This will confirm that the configuration is good."
echo "Please check your inbox at gmail."
运行完后,将修改用户和组位当前用户(sudo chown xxx:xxx /etc/msmtprc),然后可以将/etc/msmtprc拷贝为~/.msmtprc,此外,记得登陆gmail邮箱,看看是不是存在安全提示,
点击"allowing access to less secure apps",然后打开i如下设置:
然后即可以用git send-email提交kernel补丁了:(可以参考王叔叔和宋叔叔分享给大家的资料, 或点这里)
1、配置git send-email如下(.gitconfig)
smtpserver = /usr/bin/msmtp
git format-patch -
比如生成的patch是: 0001-ASoC-compress-Set-reasonable-compress-id-string.patch
git format-patch -s -n --cover-letter --thread
./scripts/checkpatch.pl -ASoC-compress-Set-reasonable-compress-id-string.patch
./scripts/get_maintainer.pl -ASoC-compress-Set-reasonable-compress-id-string.patch
git send-email --to xx@xx --to xx@xx --cc xx@xx --cc xx@xx -ASoC-compress-Set-reasonable-compress-id-string.patch
如果提交的是一些列patch的话,将这些patch在一个git send-email中发送。
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