Mount DVD on CentOS

need to mount CD/DVD on CentOS Temporarily or Permanently? Here’s the Process Us Linux Pro’s Follow:

Login to a terminal window as root

from here to ls /dev

as you can see, there’s alot of stuff here (usually it’s /dvd or /sr0) but how can we be sure?

issue the following two commands to find out what Linux Thinks is the CD/DVD ROM:

ls /dev -l | grep dvd

ls /dev -l | grep cd

Linux seems pretty confident that it’s /dev/sr0 (does windows know how to do that?) Your situation may provide different output, use that.

alright, so at this point, we are talking about the following device: /dev/sr0 (always use the full path)

let’s make a directory to mount it to:

mkdir /mnt/DVD

from here, all we have to do is mount the device

to do a temporary mount (one time only until reboot) issue the following Command:

to do a permanent boot, edit /etc/fstab

Like a good Linux Admin, use the # sign, and put a comment in

from here /dev/sr0 will be mounted to /mnt/DVD the filesystem type and  filesystem defaults

Save and quit

issue the almighty Linux Command that Re-Mounts ALL FILESYSTEMS

you should get a notice that it will mount as read-only, that means it mounted, and we can read from it, perfect!

ls /mnt/DVD

as you can see this is an integration services DVD mounted on this CentOS Linux Box.

That’s it!

To Get a Hosted CentOS Linux Server visit to get started today!

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