一、使用 asyncio 总结

最近在公司的一些项目中开始慢慢使用python 的asyncio, 使用的过程中也是各种踩坑,遇到的问题也不少,其中有一次是内存的问题,自己也整理了遇到的问题以及解决方法详细内容看:https://www.syncd.cn/article/memory_trouble

在前面整理的三篇asyncio文章中,也都是使用asyncio的一些方法,但是在实际项目中使用还是避免不了碰到问题, 在这周的工作中遇到之前碰见过的问题,一个初学asyncio写代码中经常会碰到的问题,我的业务代码在运行一段时间后提示如下错误提示:

Task was destroyed but it is pending!task: <Task pending coro=<HandleMsg.get_msg() done, defined at ex10.py:17> wait_for=<Future cancelled>>



二、“Task was destroyed but it is pending!”


import asyncio
from asyncio import Queue
import uuid
from asyncio import Lock
from asyncio import CancelledError
queue = Queue()
class HandleMsg(object):
def __init__(self, unid, coroutine_queue, handle_manager):
self.unid = unid
self.coroutine_queue = coroutine_queue
self.handle_manager = handle_manager
async def get_msg(self):
while True:
coroutine_msg = await self.coroutine_queue.get()
msg_type = coroutine_msg.get("msg")
if msg_type == "start":
print("recv unid [%s] is start" % self.unid)
print("recv unid [%s] is end" % self.unid)
# 每个当一个unid收到end消息为结束
await self.handle_manager.del_unid(self.unid)
class HandleManager(object):
def __init__(self):
self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
self.lock = Lock(loop=self.loop)
self.handle_dict = dict()
async def unid_bind(self, unid, coroutine_queue):
async with self.lock:
self.handle_dict[unid] = coroutine_queue
async def get_queue(self, unid):
async with self.lock:
if unid in self.handle_dict:
return self.handle_dict[unid]
async def del_unid(self, unid):
async with self.lock:
if unid in self.handle_dict:
def make_uniqueid():
uniqueid = str(uuid.uuid1())
uniqueid = uniqueid.split("-")
uniqueid = "".join(uniqueid)
return uniqueid
async def product_msg():
while True:
unid = make_uniqueid()
msg_start = {"unid": unid, "msg": "start"}
await queue.put(msg_start)
msg_end = {"unid": unid, "msg": "end"}
await queue.put(msg_end)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
await asyncio.sleep(0.2, loop=loop)
async def consumer_from_queue(handle_manager):
while True:
msg = await queue.get()
print("consumer recv %s" % msg)
msg_type = msg.get("msg")
unid = msg.get("unid")
if msg_type == "start":
coroutine_queue = Queue() # 用于和handle_msg协程进行数据传递
handle_msg = HandleMsg(unid, coroutine_queue, handle_manager)
await handle_manager.unid_bind(unid, coroutine_queue)
await coroutine_queue.put(msg)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# 每次的start消息创建一个task 去处理消息
coroutine_queue = await handle_manager.get_queue(unid)
await coroutine_queue.put(msg)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
handle_manager = HandleManager()
# 在最开始创建了两个task 分别是生产者和消费者


consumer recv {'unid': '784f436cfaf388f611e94ca974e1ffbe', 'msg': 'start'}
consumer recv {'unid': '784f436cfaf388f611e94ca974e1ffbe', 'msg': 'end'}
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<HandleMsg.get_msg() done, defined at demo.py:17> wait_for=<Future cancelled>>
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<HandleMsg.get_msg() done, defined at demo.py:17> wait_for=<Future cancelled>>
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<HandleMsg.get_msg() done, defined at demo.py:17> wait_for=<Future cancelled>>
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<HandleMsg.get_msg() done, defined at demo.py:17> wait_for=<Future cancelled>>
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<HandleMsg.get_msg() done, defined at demo.py:17> wait_for=<Future cancelled>>
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<HandleMsg.get_msg() done, defined at demo.py:17> wait_for=<Future cancelled>>


  1. Task was destroyed but it is pending!
  2. task: <Task pending coro=<HandleMsg.get_msg() done, defined at demo.py:17> wait_for=<Future cancelled>>

上面提示的其实就是我的task 是在pendding状态的时候被destroyed了,代码行数以及调用方法都告诉我们了是在:HandleMsg.get_msg() done, defined at demo.py:17


注意:这里我其实也有一个不理解的地方:关于这个task为什么会会destroyed,这个协程里是一个死循环一直在收消息,当queue里面没有消息协程也应该一直在await 地方在等待才对,但是如果我们把收到end消息的那个地方的删除unid和queue的绑定关系不删除,那么这个任务是不会被descroyed。所以没有完全明白这里的机制,如果明白的同学欢迎留言讨论


async def get_msg(self):
while True:
coroutine_msg = await self.coroutine_queue.get()
msg_type = coroutine_msg.get("msg")
if msg_type == "start":
print("recv unid [%s] is start" % self.unid)
print("recv unid [%s] is end" % self.unid)
# 每个当一个unid收到end消息为结束
await self.handle_manager.del_unid(self.unid)
current_task = asyncio.Task.current_task()
current_task.cancel() # 手动cancel 当前的当前的task
except CancelledError as e:
print("unid [%s] cancelled success" %self.unid)



Request that this task cancel itself.
This arranges for a CancelledError to be thrown into the wrapped coroutine on the next cycle through the event loop. The coroutine then has a chance to clean up or even deny the request using try/except/finally.
Unlike Future.cancel(), this does not guarantee that the task will be cancelled: the exception might be caught and acted upon, delaying cancellation of the task or preventing cancellation completely. The task may also return a value or raise a different exception.
Immediately after this method is called, cancelled() will not return True (unless the task was already cancelled). A task will be marked as cancelled when the wrapped coroutine terminates with a CancelledError exception (even if cancel() was not called).





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