1. 通过输入/输出在线程间进行通信通常很有用。提供线程功能的类库以“管道”的形式对线程间的输入/输出提供了支持。它们在Java输入/输出类库中的对应物就是PipedWriter类(允许任务向管道写)和PipedReader类(允许不同任务从同一个管道中读取)。这个模型可以看成是“生产者 - 消费者”问题的变体,这里的管道就是一个封装好的解决方案。管道基本上是一个阻塞队列,存在于多个引入BlockingQueue之前的Java版本中。

  2. 下面是一个简单例子,两个任务使用一个管道进行通信:

    Class :

package lime.thinkingInJava._021._005._005;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PipedReader;
import java.io.PipedWriter;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /**
* @Author : Lime
* @Description :
* @Remark :
class Sender implements Runnable{
private Random rand = new Random(47);
private PipedWriter out = new PipedWriter();
public PipedWriter getPipedWriter(){
return out;
public void run(){
while (true){
for(char c = 'A'; c <= 'z';c++){
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(e + " Sender sleep Interrupted");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println(e + " Sender write exception");
class Receiver implements Runnable{
private PipedReader in;
public Receiver(Sender sender) throws IOException {
in = new PipedReader(sender.getPipedWriter());
public void run(){
while (true){
//Blocks until characters are there;
System.out.println("Read : " + (char)in.read());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println(e + " Receiver read exception");
public class PipedIO {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Sender sender = new Sender();
Receiver receiver = new Receiver(sender);
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

  3. Console :

Read : A
Read : B
Read : C
Read : D
Read : E
Read : F
Read : G
Read : H
Read : I
Read : J
Read : K
Read : L
Read : M
Read : N
Read : O
Read : P
Read : Q
java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted Sender sleep Interrupted
java.io.InterruptedIOException Receiver read exception

  4. Sender和Receiver代表了需要互相通信两个任务。Sender创建了一个PipedWriter,它是一个单独的对象;但是对于Receiver,PipedReader的建立必须在构造器中与一个PipedWriter相关联。Sender把数据放进Writer,然后休眠一段时间(随机数)。然而,Receiver没有Sleep()和wait()。但当它调用read()时,如果没有更多的数据,管道将自动阻塞。


  在shutdownNow()被调用时,可以看到PipedReader与普通I/O之间最重要的差异 ------ PipedReader是可中断的。如果你将in.read()调用修改为System.in.read(),那么interrupt()将不能打断read()调用。

  5. PipedWriter的wirte() 源码解析

* Writes the specified <code>char</code> to the piped output stream.
* If a thread was reading data characters from the connected piped input
* stream, but the thread is no longer alive, then an
* <code>IOException</code> is thrown.
* <p>
* Implements the <code>write</code> method of <code>Writer</code>.
* @param c the <code>char</code> to be written.
* @exception IOException if the pipe is
* <a href=PipedOutputStream.html#BROKEN> <code>broken</code></a>,
* {@link #connect(java.io.PipedReader) unconnected}, closed
* or an I/O error occurs.
public void write(int c) throws IOException {
if (sink == null) {
throw new IOException("Pipe not connected");
//调用PipedReader的receive(c)方法,将c放入PipedReader的char buffer[]中
* Receives a char of data. This method will block if no input is
* available.
synchronized void receive(int c) throws IOException {
if (!connected) {
throw new IOException("Pipe not connected");
} else if (closedByWriter || closedByReader) {
throw new IOException("Pipe closed");
} else if (readSide != null && !readSide.isAlive()) {
throw new IOException("Read end dead");
} //获取输出流线程
writeSide = Thread.currentThread();
while (in == out) {
//判断char buffer[] 是否已满
if ((readSide != null) && !readSide.isAlive()) {
throw new IOException("Pipe broken");
/* full: kick any waiting readers */
// 间隔1000毫秒唤醒写线程 -- start
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new java.io.InterruptedIOException();
// 间隔1000毫秒唤醒写线程 -- end
if (in < 0) {
//判断char buffer[] 为空
in = 0;
out = 0;
buffer[in++] = (char) c;
if (in >= buffer.length) {
in = 0;

  6. PipedRead的read() 源码解析

* Reads the next character of data from this piped stream.
* If no character is available because the end of the stream
* has been reached, the value <code>-1</code> is returned.
* This method blocks until input data is available, the end of
* the stream is detected, or an exception is thrown.
* @return the next character of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the
* stream is reached.
* @exception IOException if the pipe is
* <a href=PipedInputStream.html#BROKEN> <code>broken</code></a>,
* {@link #connect(java.io.PipedWriter) unconnected}, closed,
* or an I/O error occurs.
public synchronized int read() throws IOException {
if (!connected) {
throw new IOException("Pipe not connected");
} else if (closedByReader) {
throw new IOException("Pipe closed");
} else if (writeSide != null && !writeSide.isAlive()
&& !closedByWriter && (in < 0)) {
throw new IOException("Write end dead");
} readSide = Thread.currentThread();
int trials = 2;
while (in < 0) {
//判断char buffer[] 为空
if (closedByWriter) {
/* closed by writer, return EOF */
return -1;
if ((writeSide != null) && (!writeSide.isAlive()) && (--trials < 0)) {
throw new IOException("Pipe broken");
/* might be a writer waiting */
// 间隔1000毫秒唤醒读线程 -- start
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new java.io.InterruptedIOException();
// 间隔1000毫秒唤醒读线程 -- start
int ret = buffer[out++];
if (out >= buffer.length) {
out = 0;
if (in == out) {
/* now empty */
in = -1;
return ret;

  7. 鸣谢

    PipedWriter PipedReader 源码分析


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