一  theano内置数据类型


1. 惯常处理

x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
y = T.ivector('y') # the labels are presented as 1D vector of [int] labels # reshape matrix of rasterized images of shape
# (batch_size, 28*28) to a 4D tensor, 使其与LeNetConvPoolLayer相兼容
layer0_input = x.reshape((batch_size, 1, 28, 28)) >>> x.reshape((500, 3, 28, 28))
TensorType(float64, 4D)
>>> x.type
TensorType(float64, matrix)
>>> layer0_input.type
TensorType(float64, (False, True, False, False))
# 布尔值表示是否可被broadcast
>>> x.reshape((500, 3, 28, 28)).type
TensorType(float64, 4D)
>>> T.dtensor4().type
TensorType(float64, 4D)

2. theano.shared 向 numpy.ndarray 的转换

# train_set_x: theano.shared()类型
# 返回的正是ndarray类型,borrow=True表示返回的是“引用”

3. built-in data types



import theano.tensor as T

  • b开头,表示byte类型(bscalar, bvector, bmatrix, brow, bcol, btensor3,btensor4)
  • w开头,表示16-bit integers(wchar)(wscalar, wvector, wmatrix, wrow, wcol, wtensor3, wtensor4)
  • i开头,表示32-bit integers(int)(iscalar, ivector, imatrix, irow, icol, itensor3, itensor4)
  • l开头,表示64-bit integers(long)(lscalar, lvector, lmatrix, lrow, lcol, ltensor3, ltensor4)
  • f开头,表示float类型(fscalar, fvector, fmatrix, fcol, frow, ftensor3, ftensor4)
  • d开头,表示double类型(dscalar, dvector, dmatrix, dcol, drow, dtensor3, dtensor4)
  • c开头,表示complex类型(cscalar, cvector, cmatrix, ccol, crow, ctensor3, ctensor4)


  • scalar:0-dim ndarray
  • vector:1-dim ndarray
  • matrix:2-dim ndarray
  • tensor3:3-dim ndarray
  • tensor4:4-dim ndarray


>>> x = T.iscalar('x')
>>> type(x)
>>> x.type
TensorType(int32, scalar)


>>> x = T.dmatrix()
>>> x.type >>> x = T.matrix()
>>> x.type

在设计经典的卷积神经网络(CNN)时,在输入层和第一个隐层之间需要加一个卷积的动作,对应的api是theano.tensor.signal.conv.conv2d,其主要接受两个符号型输入symbolic inputs


  • mini_batch_size
  • # of feature input maps
  • image height
  • image width


  • # of feature output maps(也即 # of filters)
  • # of feature input maps
  • filter height
  • filter width
rng = np.random.RandomState(23455)
input = T.dtensor4('input')
w_shp = (2, 3, 9, 9)
# 3 means: rgb, 图像的三种颜色分量
w_bound = np.sqrt(np.prod(w_shp[1:]))
W = theano.shared(np.asarray(rng.uniform(low=-1./w_bound, high=1./w_bound, size=w_shp), dtype=input.dtype), name='W')
conv_out = conv.conv2d(input, W)
import numpy
import theano.tensor as T
from theano import function
x = T.dscalar('x')
y = T.dscalar('y')
z = x + y
f = function([x, y], z)
numpy.allclose(f(16.3, 12.1), 28.4) 输出为true
numpy.allclose(z.eval({x:16.3, y:12.1}, 28.4)) 输出为true

二 theano学习

tensor:高维数组,T 里面其实有scalar (一个数据点),vector (向量),matrix (矩阵),tensor3 (三维矩阵),tensor4 (四位矩阵)这些都落入tensor的范畴。

dscalar:不是一个类,是一个TensorVariable实例。  特别的,T.dscalar指:doubles(d)型的0维arrays(scalar)。

pp:一个函数,from theano import pp    print(pp(z))   则pretty-print 关于z的计算:输出(x+y).

以下为具体类型(theano 0.8.2):

import theano
a = theano.tensor.vector() # 引入tensor中的vector型
out = a + a**10
f = theano.function([a], out)
print(f([0,1,2])) # 输出[0. 2. 1026.]


import theano
import theano.tensor as T
x = T.dmatrix('x')
s = 1/(1 + T.exp(-x))
logistic = theano.function([x], s)
logistic([[0, 1],[-1, -2]]) # 输出array([[0.5 ,0.73105858],
[0.26894142 , 0.11920292]])


>>> a, b = T.dmatrices('a', 'b')             # dmatrices 提供多个输出,这是声明多变量的一个捷径
>>> diff = a - b
>>> abs_diff = abs(diff)
>>> diff_squared = diff**2
>>> f = theano.function([a, b], [diff, abs_diff, diff_squared])
>>> f([[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[0, 1], [2, 3]])
[array([[ 1., 0.],
[-1., -2.]]), array([[ 1., 0.],
[ 1., 2.]]), array([[ 1., 0.],
[ 1., 4.]])]


>>> from theano import In
>>> from theano import function
>>> x, y = T.dscalars('x', 'y')
>>> z = x + y
>>> f = function([x, In(y, value=1)], z) # 引入类In:允许你为函数参数进行更多细节上的特定化
>>> f(33)
>>> f(33, 2)
array(35.0) >>> x, y, w = T.dscalars('x', 'y', 'w')
>>> z = (x + y) * w
>>> f = function([x, In(y, value=1), In(w, value=2, name='w_by_name')], z) # 注意这里引入name
>>> f(33)
>>> f(33, 2)
>>> f(33, 0, 1)
>>> f(33, w_by_name=1)
>>> f(33, w_by_name=1, y=0)

利用共享变量(Shared Variables)

例如我们想造一个累加器,开始初始化为0,随着函数每被调用一次,累加器通过函数声明进行叠加。shared函数构造了一个称为 shared vairables的结构,其值被很多函数共享,其值可以通过调用.get_value()来access,通过.set_value()来modified.

另一个说明:在function中引入参数updates .function.updates必须以pairs(shared-variable, new expression)的列表形式提供,当然形式也可以是字典(其键为shared-variables,值为new expression)。顾名思义,update就是用后面的值代替前面的值。


>>> from theano import shared
>>> state = shared(0)
>>> inc = T.iscalar('inc')
>>> accumulator = function([inc], state, updates=[(state, state+inc)]) >>> print(state.get_value())
>>> accumulator(1)
>>> print(state.get_value())
>>> accumulator(300)
>>> print(state.get_value())
301 >>> state.set_value(-1)
>>> accumulator(3)
>>> print(state.get_value())
2 # 此时共享变量值为2,注意下文 >>> decrementor = function([inc], state, updates=[(state, state-inc)]) # 定义另一个函数来共享shared variable
>>> decrementor(2) # 给inc赋值为2
array(2) # 此时输出共享变量值还为2,注意上文
>>> print(state.get_value()) # update 将state更新为0


givens参数被用来替代任何符号变量,不仅仅是共享变量,你可以用来替代常量,表达式。注意不要引入一个互相依赖的替代品,因为替代者的顺序没有定义,所以他们会以任意顺序工作。实际中,可以将givens看作一种机制:允许你用不同的表示方法(evaluates to  a tensor of same shape and dtype,相同的尺寸和类型)替代你的任何公式。

>>> fn_of_state = state * 2 + inc
>>> # The type of foo must match the shared variable we are replacing
>>> # with the ``givens``
>>> foo = T.scalar(dtype=state.dtype) # 因为下文要用foo代替state,所以要获得相同类型
>>> skip_shared = function([inc, foo], fn_of_state, givens=[(state, foo)]) # 这里用foo代替state!
>>> skip_shared(1, 3) # we're using 3 for the state, not state.value # 这里的1 赋值给了inc, 3赋值给了foo, 在计算中,用foo代替了state
array(7) # state *2+inc变为 foo *2+inc ,所以为7
>>> print(state.get_value()) # old state still there, but we didn't use it # state 值没变,所以仍然为0

copy 函数

> import theano
>>> import theano.tensor as T
>>> state = theano.shared(0)
>>> inc = T.iscalar('inc')
>>> accumulator = theano.function([inc], state, updates=[(state, state+inc)],on_unused_input='ignore')
>>> accumulator(10)
>>> print(state.get_value())
10 >>> new_state = theano.shared(0)
>>> new_accumulator = accumulator.copy(swap={state:new_state}) # 利用swap参数将new_state替代原accumulate中的state
>>> new_accumulator(100)
>>> print(new_state.get_value())
100 >>> print(state.get_value()) # 原函数中的state值未变
10 >>> null_accumulator = accumulator.copy(delete_updates=True) # 再定义一个新的accumulator函数,新函数移除掉了update
>>> null_accumulator(9000)
>>> print(state.get_value()) # 这个新函数没有了uodates功能,同时也不再使用参数 inc
10 # 如果没有移除updates,则值应该为9010。移除后,只剩state的值

随机数 Random Numbers

from theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams import RandomStreams
from theano import function
srng = RandomStreams(seed=234)
rv_u = srng.uniform((2,2)) # 服从联合分布(uniform distribution)的2*2的随机矩阵
rv_n = srng.normal((2,2)) # 服从正态分布(normal distribution)的2*2的随机矩阵
f = function([], rv_u)
g = function([], rv_n, no_default_updates=True) #Not updating rv_n.rng #不再更新rv_n,即不管调用几次,这个值不变
nearly_zeros = function([], rv_u + rv_u - 2 * rv_u) # remark:一个随机变量在简单函数里只生成一次,所以这个函数值虽然有三次rv_u,但是函数值应该为零! >>> f_val0 = f()
>>> f_val1 = f() #different numbers from f_val0 # 两次调用,两种不同结果 >>> g_val0 = g() # different numbers from f_val0 and f_val1
>>> g_val1 = g() # same numbers as g_val0! # 两次调用,两种相同结果


rand(d0,d1,...,dn)          >>>np.random.rand(a,b)    a*b矩阵随机值

randn(d0,d1,...,dn)        >>>np.random.randn()  返回一个标准正态分布的样本

randint(low[,high,size])   >>>np.random.randint(2, size=10)  1*10维整型数组,最大值小于2        开区间

>>>np.random.randint(size=10, low=0, high=3)   1*10维整型数组,最低可取0,最大不可取3

random_integers(low[,high,size])  >>>np.random.random_integers(5, size=(3.,2.))   用法同randint,  闭区间

random_sample([size])、random([size])、ranf([size])、sample([size])   返回半开区间 [0.0, 1.0) 的随机浮点数

choice(a[,size,replace,p])   >>>np.random.choice(5,3)   最大为4,数目为3的一个随机数组

>>>np.random.choice(5,3,p=[0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0])   Generate a non-uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3:

>>> np.random.choice(5, 3, replace=False)          array([3,1,0])

Generate a uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3 without replacement

                                           >>> np.random.choice(5, 3, replace=False, p=[0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0])   array([2, 3, 0])

Generate a non-uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3 without replacement

      bytes:  返回随机字节         >>> np.random.bytes(10)      ‘ eh\x85\x022SZ\xbf\xa4‘ #random



shuffle(x):  现场修改序列,改变自身内容。(类似洗牌,打乱顺序)

>>> arr = np.arange(10)
>>> np.random.shuffle(arr)
>>> arr
[1 7 5 2 9 4 3 6 0 8]

This function only shuffles the array along the first index of a multi-dimensional array:

>>> arr = np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))
>>> np.random.shuffle(arr)
>>> arr
array([[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8],
[0, 1, 2]])


>>> np.random.permutation(10)
array([1, 7, 4, 3, 0, 9, 2, 5, 8, 6])
>>> np.random.permutation([1, 4, 9, 12, 15])
array([15, 1, 9, 4, 12])
>>> arr = np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))
>>> np.random.permutation(arr)
array([[6, 7, 8],
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5]])

有了以上知识,理解theano 0.8.2中关于logistics的经典例子不成问题:

import numpy
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
rng = numpy.random
N = 400 # training sample size
feats = 784 # number of input variables
# generate a dataset: D = (input_values, target_class)
D = (rng.randn(N, feats), rng.randint(size=N, low=0, high=2))
training_steps = 10000
# Declare Theano symbolic variables
x = T.dmatrix("x")
y = T.dvector("y")
# initialize the weight vector w randomly
# this and the following bias variable b
# are shared so they keep their values
# between training iterations (updates)
w = theano.shared(rng.randn(feats), name="w")
# initialize the bias term
b = theano.shared(0., name="b")
print("Initial model:")
# Construct Theano expression graph
p_1 = 1 / (1 + T.exp(-T.dot(x, w) - b)) # Probability that target = 1
prediction = p_1 > 0.5 # The prediction thresholded
xent = -y * T.log(p_1) - (1-y) * T.log(1-p_1) # Cross-entropy loss function
cost = xent.mean() + 0.01 * (w ** 2).sum()# The cost to minimize
gw, gb = T.grad(cost, [w, b]) # Compute the gradient of the cost
# w.r.t weight vector w and bias term b (we shall return to this in a following section of this tutorial) # Compile
train = theano.function( inputs=[x,y], outputs=[prediction, xent], updates=((w, w - 0.1 * gw), (b, b - 0.1 * gb)))
predict = theano.function(inputs=[x], outputs=prediction) # Train
for i in range(training_steps):
pred, err = train(D[0], D[1])
print("Final model:")
print("target values for D:")
print("prediction on D:")




results, updates = theano.scan(

fn = lambda y, p, x_tm2, x_tm1,A: y+p+x_tm2+xtm1+A,sequences=[Y, P[::-1]],  outputs_info=[dict(initial=X, taps=[-2, -1])]),non_sequences=A)

  • 参数fn是一个你需要计算的函数,一般用lambda来定义,参数是有顺序要求的,先是sequances的参数(y,p),然后是output_info的参数(x_tm2,x_tm1),然后是no_sequences的参数(A)。
  • sequences就是需要迭代的序列,序列的第一个维度(leading dimension)就是需要迭代的次数。所以,Y和P[::-1]的第一维大小应该相同,如果不同的话,就会取最小的。
  • outputs_info描述了需要用到前几次迭代输出的结果,dict(initial=X, taps=[-2, -1])表示使用前一次和前两次输出的结果。如果当前迭代输出为x(t),则计算中使用了(x(t-1)和x(t-2)。
  • non_sequences描述了非序列的输入,即A是一个固定的输入,每次迭代加的A都是相同的。如果Y是一个向量,A就是一个常数,总之,A比Y少一个维度。



>>> import theano
>>> import theano.tensor as T
>>> x = T.dvector('x')
>>> y = x ** 2
>>> J, updates = theano.scan(lambda i, y,x : T.grad(y[i], x), sequences=T.arange(y.shape[0]), non_sequences=[y,x])
>>> f = theano.function([x], J, updates=updates)
>>> f([4, 4])
array([[ 8., 0.],
[ 0., 8.]])


>>> x = T.dvector('x')
>>> y = x ** 2
>>> cost = y.sum()
>>> gy = T.grad(cost, x)
>>> H, updates = theano.scan(lambda i, gy,x : T.grad(gy[i], x), sequences=T.arange(gy.shape[0]), non_sequences=[gy, x])
>>> f = theano.function([x], H, updates=updates)
>>> f([4, 4])
array([[ 2., 0.],
[ 0., 2.]])

Seeding Stream、Sharing Streams Between Functions、Copying Random State Between Theano Graphs


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