January 08th, 2018 Week 02nd Monday
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
From Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Sometimes it may be good to be a man who can hold on his bottom-line and can withstand any temptation.
If he was considered to be a man with no moral bottom-line and always sits on the fence and falls on the side of the stronger, then it would become very difficult for him to win the trust of others.
But sometimes it would be better to be a man who can adjust himself swiftly according to the changes around him.
Particularly, in this fast-moving world, it is a matter of cardinal significance to be able to change with the times, otherwise we would be forsaken by the era.
It is said that the art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings, but obviously I don't understand such art of living.
Back to my own problem, actually I think I am a determined person with very firm will and I am also a model in personal morality, at least I think so.
A determined person always tries to finish his job, no matter how hard it is, I know I can, but I should be aware of the effectiveness, or else people will be not as patient as I think to wait for me completing my work.
Totally rubbish, isn't it?
How about spending more time on some useful things?
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