
  • Given a string, convert it to an integer. * You may assume the string is a valid
  • integer number that can be presented by a * signed 32bit integer (-231 ~ 231-1).


给出 "123", 返回 123.

public class Solution {
* @param str: A string
* @return: An integer
public int stringToInteger(String str) {
// write your code here return Integer.parseInt(str);
//return Integer.valueOf(str); }
public class Solution {
* @param str: A string
* @return: An integer
public int stringToInteger(String str) {
// write your code here
int integer = 0;
int negative = 0;//1为true是负数,0为false是正数 if (str.charAt(0) == '-'){
negative = 1;
} for (int i = negative; i < str.length(); i++){
integer = integer * 10 + str.charAt(i)-'0';
//i=0 integer=0*10+1=1;
//i=1 integer=1*10+0=10;
//i=2 integer=10*10+0=100;
//i=3 integer=100*10+0=1000;
} if (negative == 1){
integer = -integer;
return integer;

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