
 class TimeMap:
def __init__(self):
self.ST = dict() def set(self, key: 'str', value: 'str', timestamp: 'int') -> 'None':
if key in self.ST.keys():
D = self.ST[key]#dict
D = dict()
self.ST.update({key:D}) def get(self, key: 'str', timestamp: 'int') -> 'str':
if key in self.ST.keys():
D = self.ST[key]
V = self.binSearch(timestamp,D)
return V
return '' def binSearch(self,target,D):
times = list(D.keys())
n = len(times)
minval = times[0]
maxval = times[-1]
if target < minval:
return '' if target == minval:
return D[times[0]] if target >= maxval:
return D[times[-1]] left = 0
right = n - 1
while left < right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if times[mid] == target:
return D[times[mid]]
elif times[mid]<target:
left = mid + 1
elif times[mid]>target:
right = mid - 1
if left == 0:
return D[times[left]]
return D[times[left-1]]




 class TimeMap:

     def __init__(self):
Initialize your data structure here.
self.dic = {} def set(self, key: 'str', value: 'str', timestamp: 'int') -> 'None':
if key in self.dic:
self.dic[key].append({'v': value, 't': timestamp})
self.dic[key] = [{'v': value, 't': timestamp}] def get(self, key: 'str', timestamp: 'int') -> 'str':
if key in self.dic:
for kv in reversed(self.dic[key]):
if timestamp >= kv['t']:
return kv['v']
return ""
return ""


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