
11:23:37  [Apache]     Problem detected!
11:23:37  [Apache]    Port 443 in use by “vmware-hostd.exe”!
11:23:37  [Apache]     Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
11:23:37  [Apache]     You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
11:23:37  [Apache]     or reconfigure Apache to listen on a different port



1.打开菜单 编辑→参数(Edit–> Preferences),如下图:

2.选择 共享虚拟机(Shared VMs),如下图:


3.点击 改变位置(Change Setting),如下图:

4. 点击 禁用共享(Disable Sharing),如下图:




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