[Category("Grouping Operators")]
[Description("This sample uses group by to partition a list of numbers by " +
"their remainder when divided by 5.")]
public void DataSetLinq40()
{ var numbers = testDS.Tables["Numbers"].AsEnumerable();//testDS DataSet
foreach (var n in numbers)
var numberGroups =
from n in numbers
group n by n.Field<int>("number") % into g
select new { Remainder = g.Key, Numbers = g }; foreach (var g in numberGroups)
Console.WriteLine("Numbers with a remainder of {0} when divided by 5:", g.Remainder);
foreach (var n in g.Numbers)


             [Category("Grouping Operators")]
[Description("This sample uses group by to partition a list of words by " +
"their first letter.")]
public void DataSetLinq41()
{ var words4 = testDS.Tables["Words4"].AsEnumerable();
foreach (var g in words4)
var wordGroups =
from w in words4
group w by w.Field<string>("word")[] into g
select new { FirstLetter = g.Key, Words = g }; foreach (var g in wordGroups)
Console.WriteLine("Words that start with the letter '{0}':", g.FirstLetter);
foreach (var w in g.Words)


             [Category("Grouping Operators")]
[Description("This sample uses group by to partition a list of products by category.")]
public void DataSetLinq42()
{ var products = testDS.Tables["Products"].AsEnumerable(); var productGroups =
from p in products
group p by p.Field<string>("Category") into g
select new { Category = g.Key, Products = g }; foreach (var g in productGroups)
Console.WriteLine("Category: {0}", g.Category);
foreach (var w in g.Products)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + w.Field<string>("ProductName"));


             [Category("Grouping Operators")]
[Description("This sample uses group by to partition a list of each customer's orders, " +
"first by year, and then by month.")]
public void DataSetLinq43()
{ var customers = testDS.Tables["Customers"].AsEnumerable(); var customerOrderGroups =
from c in customers
CompanyName = c.Field<string>("CompanyName"),
YearGroups =
from o in c.GetChildRows("CustomersOrders")
group o by o.Field<DateTime>("OrderDate").Year into yg
Year = yg.Key,
MonthGroups =
from o in yg
group o by o.Field<DateTime>("OrderDate").Month into mg
select new { Month = mg.Key, Orders = mg }
}; foreach (var cog in customerOrderGroups)
Console.WriteLine("CompanyName= {0}", cog.CompanyName);
foreach (var yg in cog.YearGroups)
Console.WriteLine("\t Year= {0}", yg.Year);
foreach (var mg in yg.MonthGroups)
Console.WriteLine("\t\t Month= {0}", mg.Month);
foreach (var order in mg.Orders)
Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t OrderID= {0} ", order.Field<int>("OrderID"));
Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t OrderDate= {0} ", order.Field<DateTime>("OrderDate"));



 [Category("Grouping Operators")]
[Description("This sample uses GroupBy to partition trimmed elements of an array using " +
"a custom comparer that matches words that are anagrams of each other.")]
public void DataSetLinq44()
{ var anagrams = testDS.Tables["Anagrams"].AsEnumerable(); var orderGroups = anagrams.GroupBy(w => w.Field<string>("anagram").Trim(), new AnagramEqualityComparer()); foreach (var g in orderGroups)
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}", g.Key);
foreach (var w in g)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + w.Field<string>("anagram"));
} [Category("Grouping Operators")]
[Description("This sample uses GroupBy to partition trimmed elements of an array using " +
"a custom comparer that matches words that are anagrams of each other, " +
"and then converts the results to uppercase.")]
public void DataSetLinq45()
{ var anagrams = testDS.Tables["Anagrams"].AsEnumerable(); var orderGroups = anagrams.GroupBy(
w => w.Field<string>("anagram").Trim(),
a => a.Field<string>("anagram").ToUpper(),
new AnagramEqualityComparer()
); foreach (var g in orderGroups)
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}", g.Key);
foreach (var w in g)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + w);


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