


  1. <select id="findById" resultMap="StudentResult" parameterType="Integer">
  2. select * from t_student where id = #{id}
  3. </select>


  1. <select id="searchStudents" parameterType="Map" resultMap="StudentResult">
  2. select * from t_student
  3. where gradeId = #{gradeId}
  4. <if test="name != null">
  5. and name like #{name}
  6. </if>
  7. <if test="age != null">
  8. and age = #{age}
  9. </if>
  10. </select>


  1. <select id="searchStudents3" parameterType="Map" resultMap="StudentResult">
  2. select * from t_student
  3. <where>
  4. <if test="gradeId != null">
  5. gradeId = #{gradeId}
  6. </if>
  7. <if test="name != null">
  8. and name like #{name}
  9. </if>
  10. <if test="age != null">
  11. and age = #{age}
  12. </if>
  13. </where>
  14. </select>


  1. <select id="searchStudents2" parameterType="Map" resultMap="StudentResult">
  2. select * from t_student
  3. <choose>
  4. <when test="searchBy=='gradeId'">
  5. where gradeId = #{gradeId}
  6. </when>
  7. <when test="searchBy=='name'">
  8. where name like #{name}
  9. </when>
  10. <otherwise>
  11. where age = #{age}
  12. </otherwise>
  13. </choose>
  14. </select>


  1. <select id="searchStudents4" parameterType="Map" resultMap="StudentResult">
  2. select * from t_student
  3. <trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and|or">
  4. <if test="gradeId != null">
  5. gradeId = #{gradeId}
  6. </if>
  7. <if test="name != null">
  8. and name like #{name}
  9. </if>
  10. <if test="age != null">
  11. and age = #{age}
  12. </if>
  13. </trim>
  14. </select>



  1. <select id="searchStudents5" parameterType="Map" resultMap="StudentResult">
  2. select * from t_student
  3. <if test="gradeIds != null">
  4. <where>
  5. gradeId in
  6. <foreach collection="gradeIds" item="gradeId" open="("
  7. close=")" separator=",">
  8. #{gradeId}
  9. </foreach>
  10. </where>
  11. </if>
  12. </select>



  1. <update id="updateStudent" parameterType="Student">
  2. update t_student
  3. <set>
  4. <if test="name != null">
  5. name = #{name},
  6. </if>
  7. <if test="age != null">
  8. age = #{age} <!-- 自动剔除最后的逗号 -->
  9. </if>
  10. </set>
  11. where id = #{id}
  12. </update>
  1. <update id="update" parameterType="Student">
  2. update t_student set name =
  3. #{name},age = #{age} where id = #{id}
  4. </update>


  1. <delete id="delete" parameterType="Integer">
  2. delete from t_student where id = #{id}
  3. </delete>


  1. <!-- 插入 -->
  2. <insert id="add" parameterType="Student">
  3. insert into t_student(id,name,age) values(null,#{name},#{age})
  4. </insert>


  1. mybatis学习 十 动态 SQL

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