miniz.c is a lossless, high performance data compression library in a single source file that implements the zlib(RFC 1950) and Deflate(RFC 1951) compressed data format specification standards.
miniz.c also contains simple to use functions for writing .PNG format image files and reading/writing/appending .ZIP format archives.
#include "funset.hpp" #include "../../src/miniz/miniz.c" typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned int uint; #define my_max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define my_min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define BUF_SIZE (1024 * 1024) // Demonstrates miniz.c's compress() and uncompress() functions (same as zlib's), // also a crude decompressor fuzzy test. int test_miniz_1() { // The string to compress. static const char *s_pStr = "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson."; uint step = 0; int cmp_status; uLong src_len = (uLong)strlen(s_pStr); uLong cmp_len = compressBound(src_len); uLong uncomp_len = src_len; uint8 *pCmp, *pUncomp; uint total_succeeded = 0; printf("miniz.c version: %s\n", MZ_VERSION); do { // Allocate buffers to hold compressed and uncompressed data. pCmp = (mz_uint8 *)malloc((size_t)cmp_len); pUncomp = (mz_uint8 *)malloc((size_t)src_len); if ((!pCmp) || (!pUncomp)) { printf("Out of memory!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Compress the string. cmp_status = compress(pCmp, &cmp_len, (const unsigned char *)s_pStr, src_len); if (cmp_status != Z_OK) { printf("compress() failed!\n"); free(pCmp); free(pUncomp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Compressed from %u to %u bytes\n", (mz_uint32)src_len, (mz_uint32)cmp_len); if (step) { // Purposely corrupt the compressed data if fuzzy testing (this is a very crude fuzzy test). uint n = 1 + (rand() % 3); while (n--) { uint i = rand() % cmp_len; pCmp[i] ^= (rand() & 0xFF); } } // Decompress. cmp_status = uncompress(pUncomp, &uncomp_len, pCmp, cmp_len); total_succeeded += (cmp_status == Z_OK); if (step) { printf("Simple fuzzy test: step %u total_succeeded: %u\n", step, total_succeeded); } else { if (cmp_status != Z_OK) { printf("uncompress failed!\n"); free(pCmp); free(pUncomp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Decompressed from %u to %u bytes\n", (mz_uint32)cmp_len, (mz_uint32)uncomp_len); // Ensure uncompress() returned the expected data. if ((uncomp_len != src_len) || (memcmp(pUncomp, s_pStr, (size_t)src_len))) { printf("Decompression failed!\n"); free(pCmp); free(pUncomp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } free(pCmp); free(pUncomp); step++; // Keep on fuzzy testing if there's a non-empty command line. } while (step <= 2); printf("Success.\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Demonstration of miniz.c's ZIP archive API's. Adds a bunch of filesto, // dumps file stat info on each file in the archive, then extracts a single file into memory. int test_miniz_2() { // The string to compress. static const char *s_pTest_str = "MISSION CONTROL I wouldn't worry too much about the computer. First of all, there is still a chance that he is right, despite your tests, and" \ "if it should happen again, we suggest eliminating this possibility by allowing the unit to remain in place and seeing whether or not it" \ "actually fails. If the computer should turn out to be wrong, the situation is still not alarming. The type of obsessional error he may be" \ "guilty of is not unknown among the latest generation of HAL 9000 computers. It has almost always revolved around a single detail, such as" \ "the one you have described, and it has never interfered with the integrity or reliability of the computer's performance in other areas." \ "No one is certain of the cause of this kind of malfunctioning. It may be over-programming, but it could also be any number of reasons. In any" \ "event, it is somewhat analogous to human neurotic behavior. Does this answer your query? Zero-five-three-Zero, MC, transmission concluded."; static const char *s_pComment = "This is a comment"; int i, sort_iter; mz_bool status; size_t uncomp_size; mz_zip_archive zip_archive; void *p; const int N = 5; //50; char data[2048]; char archive_filename[64]; static const char *s_Test_archive_filename = "E:/GitCode/Messy_Test/testdata/"; assert((strlen(s_pTest_str) + 64) < sizeof(data)); printf("miniz.c version: %s\n", MZ_VERSION); // Delete the test archive, so it doesn't keep growing as we run this test remove(s_Test_archive_filename); // Append a bunch of text files to the test archive for (i = (N - 1); i >= 0; --i) { sprintf(archive_filename, "%u.txt", i); sprintf(data, "%u %s %u", (N - 1) - i, s_pTest_str, i); // Add a new file to the archive. Note this is an IN-PLACE operation, so if it fails your archive is probably hosed (its central directory may not be complete) but it should be recoverable using zip -F or -FF. So use caution with this guy. // A more robust way to add a file to an archive would be to read it into memory, perform the operation, then write a new archive out to a temp file and then delete/rename the files. // Or, write a new archive to disk to a temp file, then delete/rename the files. For this test this API is fine. status = mz_zip_add_mem_to_archive_file_in_place(s_Test_archive_filename, archive_filename, data, strlen(data) + 1, s_pComment, (uint16)strlen(s_pComment), MZ_BEST_COMPRESSION); if (!status) { printf("mz_zip_add_mem_to_archive_file_in_place failed!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Add a directory entry for testing status = mz_zip_add_mem_to_archive_file_in_place(s_Test_archive_filename, "directory/", NULL, 0, "no comment", (uint16)strlen("no comment"), MZ_BEST_COMPRESSION); if (!status) { printf("mz_zip_add_mem_to_archive_file_in_place failed!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Now try to open the archive. memset(&zip_archive, 0, sizeof(zip_archive)); status = mz_zip_reader_init_file(&zip_archive, s_Test_archive_filename, 0); if (!status) { printf("mz_zip_reader_init_file() failed!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Get and print information about each file in the archive. for (i = 0; i < (int)mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&zip_archive); i++) { mz_zip_archive_file_stat file_stat; if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&zip_archive, i, &file_stat)) { printf("mz_zip_reader_file_stat() failed!\n"); mz_zip_reader_end(&zip_archive); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Filename: \"%s\", Comment: \"%s\", Uncompressed size: %u, Compressed size: %u, Is Dir: %u\n", file_stat.m_filename, file_stat.m_comment, (uint)file_stat.m_uncomp_size, (uint)file_stat.m_comp_size, mz_zip_reader_is_file_a_directory(&zip_archive, i)); if (!strcmp(file_stat.m_filename, "directory/")) { if (!mz_zip_reader_is_file_a_directory(&zip_archive, i)) { printf("mz_zip_reader_is_file_a_directory() didn't return the expected results!\n"); mz_zip_reader_end(&zip_archive); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } // Close the archive, freeing any resources it was using mz_zip_reader_end(&zip_archive); // Now verify the compressed data for (sort_iter = 0; sort_iter < 2; sort_iter++) { memset(&zip_archive, 0, sizeof(zip_archive)); status = mz_zip_reader_init_file(&zip_archive, s_Test_archive_filename, sort_iter ? MZ_ZIP_FLAG_DO_NOT_SORT_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY : 0); if (!status) { printf("mz_zip_reader_init_file() failed!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { sprintf(archive_filename, "%u.txt", i); sprintf(data, "%u %s %u", (N - 1) - i, s_pTest_str, i); // Try to extract all the files to the heap. p = mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_heap(&zip_archive, archive_filename, &uncomp_size, 0); if (!p) { printf("mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_heap() failed!\n"); mz_zip_reader_end(&zip_archive); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Make sure the extraction really succeeded. if ((uncomp_size != (strlen(data) + 1)) || (memcmp(p, data, strlen(data)))) { printf("mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_heap() failed to extract the proper data\n"); mz_free(p); mz_zip_reader_end(&zip_archive); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Successfully extracted file \"%s\", size %u\n", archive_filename, (uint)uncomp_size); printf("File data: \"%s\"\n", (const char *)p); // We're done. mz_free(p); } // Close the archive, freeing any resources it was using mz_zip_reader_end(&zip_archive); } printf("Success.\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Demonstrates how to use miniz.c's deflate() and inflate() functions for simple file compression. // Command line tool for file compression/decompression. int test_miniz_3() { static uint8 s_inbuf[BUF_SIZE]; static uint8 s_outbuf[BUF_SIZE]; const char *pMode; FILE *pInfile, *pOutfile; uint infile_size; int level = Z_BEST_COMPRESSION; z_stream stream; int p = 1; const char *pSrc_filename; const char *pDst_filename; long file_loc; printf("miniz.c version: %s\n", MZ_VERSION); int argc = 5; char* argv[5] {"", "-l5", "c", "E:/GitCode/Messy_Test/testdata/", "E:/GitCode/Messy_Test/testdata/"}; //char* argv[5] {"", "-l5", "d", "E:/GitCode/Messy_Test/testdata/", "E:/GitCode/Messy_Test/testdata/"}; if (argc < 4) { printf("Usage: example3 [options] [mode:c or d] infile outfile\n"); printf("\nModes:\n"); printf("c - Compresses file infile to a zlib stream in file outfile\n"); printf("d - Decompress zlib stream in file infile to file outfile\n"); printf("\nOptions:\n"); printf("-l[0-10] - Compression level, higher values are slower.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } while ((p < argc) && (argv[p][0] == '-')) { switch (argv[p][1]) { case 'l': { level = atoi(&argv[1][2]); if ((level < 0) || (level > 10)) { printf("Invalid level!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; } default: { printf("Invalid option: %s\n", argv[p]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } p++; } if ((argc - p) < 3) { printf("Must specify mode, input filename, and output filename after options!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if ((argc - p) > 3) { printf("Too many filenames!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } pMode = argv[p++]; if (!strchr("cCdD", pMode[0])) { printf("Invalid mode!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } pSrc_filename = argv[p++]; pDst_filename = argv[p++]; printf("Mode: %c, Level: %u\nInput File: \"%s\"\nOutput File: \"%s\"\n", pMode[0], level, pSrc_filename, pDst_filename); // Open input file. pInfile = fopen(pSrc_filename, "rb"); if (!pInfile) { printf("Failed opening input file!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Determine input file's size. fseek(pInfile, 0, SEEK_END); file_loc = ftell(pInfile); fseek(pInfile, 0, SEEK_SET); if ((file_loc < 0) || (file_loc > INT_MAX)) { // This is not a limitation of miniz or tinfl, but this example. printf("File is too large to be processed by this example.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } infile_size = (uint)file_loc; // Open output file. pOutfile = fopen(pDst_filename, "wb"); if (!pOutfile) { printf("Failed opening output file!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Input file size: %u\n", infile_size); // Init the z_stream memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream)); stream.next_in = s_inbuf; stream.avail_in = 0; stream.next_out = s_outbuf; stream.avail_out = BUF_SIZE; if ((pMode[0] == 'c') || (pMode[0] == 'C')) { // Compression. uint infile_remaining = infile_size; if (deflateInit(&stream, level) != Z_OK) { printf("deflateInit() failed!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (;;) { int status; if (!stream.avail_in) { // Input buffer is empty, so read more bytes from input file. uint n = my_min(BUF_SIZE, infile_remaining); if (fread(s_inbuf, 1, n, pInfile) != n) { printf("Failed reading from input file!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } stream.next_in = s_inbuf; stream.avail_in = n; infile_remaining -= n; //printf("Input bytes remaining: %u\n", infile_remaining); } status = deflate(&stream, infile_remaining ? Z_NO_FLUSH : Z_FINISH); if ((status == Z_STREAM_END) || (!stream.avail_out)) { // Output buffer is full, or compression is done, so write buffer to output file. uint n = BUF_SIZE - stream.avail_out; if (fwrite(s_outbuf, 1, n, pOutfile) != n) { printf("Failed writing to output file!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } stream.next_out = s_outbuf; stream.avail_out = BUF_SIZE; } if (status == Z_STREAM_END) break; else if (status != Z_OK) { printf("deflate() failed with status %i!\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (deflateEnd(&stream) != Z_OK) { printf("deflateEnd() failed!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if ((pMode[0] == 'd') || (pMode[0] == 'D')) { // Decompression. uint infile_remaining = infile_size; if (inflateInit(&stream)) { printf("inflateInit() failed!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (;;) { int status; if (!stream.avail_in) { // Input buffer is empty, so read more bytes from input file. uint n = my_min(BUF_SIZE, infile_remaining); if (fread(s_inbuf, 1, n, pInfile) != n) { printf("Failed reading from input file!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } stream.next_in = s_inbuf; stream.avail_in = n; infile_remaining -= n; } status = inflate(&stream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); if ((status == Z_STREAM_END) || (!stream.avail_out)) { // Output buffer is full, or decompression is done, so write buffer to output file. uint n = BUF_SIZE - stream.avail_out; if (fwrite(s_outbuf, 1, n, pOutfile) != n) { printf("Failed writing to output file!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } stream.next_out = s_outbuf; stream.avail_out = BUF_SIZE; } if (status == Z_STREAM_END) break; else if (status != Z_OK) { printf("inflate() failed with status %i!\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (inflateEnd(&stream) != Z_OK) { printf("inflateEnd() failed!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { printf("Invalid mode!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fclose(pInfile); if (EOF == fclose(pOutfile)) { printf("Failed writing to output file!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Total input bytes: %u\n", (mz_uint32)stream.total_in); printf("Total output bytes: %u\n", (mz_uint32)stream.total_out); printf("Success.\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Uses tinfl.c to decompress a zlib stream in memory to an output file int test_miniz_4() { // need include "tinfl.c", conflict with "miniz.c" // reference: example4.c return 0; } // Demonstrates how to use miniz.c's low-level tdefl_compress() and tinfl_inflate() API's for simple file to file compression/decompression. // The low-level API's are the fastest, make no use of dynamic memory allocation, and are the most flexible functions exposed by miniz.c. int test_miniz_5() { // reference: example5.c // conflict with other examples(1/2/3) return 0; } // Demonstrates how to miniz's PNG writer func int test_miniz_6() { // reference: example6.c // conflict with other examples(1/2/3) return 0; }
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