Elasticsearch Painless语言(实现搜索打分基础)
With the release of Elasticsearch 5.x came Painless, Elasticsearch's answer to safe, secure, and performant scripting. We'll introduce you to Painless and show you what it can do. With the introduction of Elasticsearch 5.x over a year ago, we got a new scripting language, Painless. Painless is a scripting language developed and maintained by Elastic and optimized for Elasticsearch. While it's still an experimental scripting language, at its core Painless is promoted as a fast, safe, easy to use, and secure. In this article, we'll give you a short introduction to Painless, and show you how to use the language when searching and updating your data. On to Painless ... A Painless introduction The objective of Painless scripting is to make writing scripts painless for the user, especially if you're coming from a Java or Groovy environment. While you might not be familiar with scripting in Elasticsearch in general, let's start with the basics. Variables and Data Types Variables can be declared in Painless using primitive, reference, string, void (doesn't return a value), array, and dynamic typings. Painless supports the following primitive types: byte, short, char, int, long, float, double, and boolean. These are declared in a way similar to Java, for example, int i = 0; double a; boolean g = true;. Reference types in Painless are also similar to Java, except they don't support access modifiers, but support Java-like inheritance. These types can be allocated using the new keyword on initialization such as when declaring a as an ArrayList, or simply declaring a single variable b to a null Map like: ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
Map b;
Map g = [:];
List q = [1, 2, 3];
Lists and Maps are similar to arrays, except they don't require the new keyword on initialization, but they are reference types, not arrays. String types can be used along with any variable with or without allocating it with the new keyword. For example: String a = "a";
String foo = new String("bar");
Array types in Painless support single and multidimensional arrays with null as the default value. Like reference types, arrays are allocated using the new keyword then the type and a set of brackets for each dimension. An array can be declared and initialized like the following: int[] x = new int[2];
x[0] = 3;
x[1] = 4;
The size of the array can be explicit, for example, int[] a = new int[2] or you can create an array with values 1 to 5 and a size of 5 using: int[] b = new int[] {1,2,3,4,5};
Like arrays in Java and Groovy, the array data type must have a primitive, string, or even a dynamic def associated with it on declaration and initialization. def is the only dynamic type supported by Painless and has the best of all worlds when declaring variables. What it does is it mimics the behavior of whatever type it's assigned at runtime. So, when defining a variable: def a = 1;
def b = "foo";
In the above code, Elasticsearch will always assume a is a primitive type int with a value of 1 and b as a string type with the value of "foo". Arrays can also be assigned with a def, for instance, note the following: def[][] h = new def[2][2];
def[] f = new def[] {4, "s", 5.7, 2.8C};
With variables out of the way, let's take a look at conditionals and operators. Operators and Conditionals If you know Java, Groovy, or a modern programming language, then conditionals and using operators in Painless will be familiar. The Painless documentation contains an entire list of operators that are compatible with the language in addition to their order of precedence and associativity. Most of the operators on the list are compatible with Java and Groovy languages. Like most programming languages operator precedence can be overridden with parentheses (e.g. int t = 5+(5*5)). Working with conditionals in Painless is the same using them in most programming languages. Painless supports if and else, but not else if or switch. A conditional statement will look familiar to most programmers: if (doc['foo'].value = 5) {
doc['foo'].value *= 10;
else {
doc['foo'].value += 10;
Painless also has the Elvis operator ?:, which is behaves more like the operator in Kotlin than Groovy. Basically, if we have the following: x ?: y
the Elvis operator will evaluate the right-side expression and returns whatever the value of x is if not null. If x is null then the left-side expression is evaluated. Using primitives won't work with the Elvis operator, so def is preferred here when it's used. Methods While the Java language is where Painless gets most of its power from, not every class or method from the Java standard library (Java Runtime Environment, JRE) is available. Elasticsearch has a whitelist reference of classes and methods that are available to Painless. The list doesn't only include those available from the JRE, but also Elasticsearch and Painless methods that are available to use. Painless Loops Painless supports while, do...while, for loops, and control flow statements like break and continue which are all available in Java. An example for loop in Painless will also look familiar in most modern programming languages. In the following example, we loop over an array containing scores from our document doc['scores'] and add them to the variable total then return it: def total = 0;
for (def i = 0; i < doc['scores'].length; i++) {
total += doc['scores'][i];
return total;
Modifying that loop to the following will also work: def total = 0;
for (def score : doc['scores']) {
total += score;
return total;
Now that we have an overview of some of the language fundamentals, let's start looking at some data and see how we can use Painless with Elasticsearch queries. Loading the Data Before loading data into Elasticsearch, make sure you have a fresh index set up. You'll need to create a new index either in the Compose console, in the terminal, or use the programming language of your choice. The index that we'll create is called "sat". Once you've set up the index, let's gather the data. The data we're going to use is a list of average SAT scores by school for the year 2015/16 compiled by the California Department of Education. The data from the California Department of Education comes in a Microsoft Excel file. We converted the data into JSON which can be downloaded from the Github repository here. After downloading the JSON file, using Elasticsearch's Bulk API we can insert the data into the "sat" index we created. curl -XPOST -u username:password 'https://portal333-5.compose-elasticsearch.compose-44.composedb.com:44444/_bulk' --data-binary @sat_scores.json
Remember to substitute the username, password, and deployment URL with your own and add _bulk to the end of the URL to start importing data. Searching Elasticsearch Using Painless Now that we have the SAT scores loaded into the "sat" index, we can start using Painless in our SAT queries. In the following examples, all variables will use def to demonstrate Painless's dynamic typing support. The format of scripts in Elasticsearch looks similar to the following: GET sat/_search {
"script_fields": {
"some_scores": {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "def scores = 0; scores = doc['AvgScrRead'].value + doc['AvgScrWrit'].value; return scores;"
Within a script you can define the scripting language lang, where Painless is the default. In addition, we can specify the source of the script. For example, we're using inline scripts or those that are run when making a query. We also have the option of using stored, which are scripts that are stored in the cluster. Also, we have file scripts that are scripts stored in a file and referenced within Elasticsearch's configuration directory. Let's look at the above script in a little more detail. In the above script, we're using the _search API and the script_fields command. This command will allow us to create a new field that will hold the scores that we write in the script. Here, we've called it some_scores just as an example. Within this new script field, use the script field to define the scripting language painless (Painless is already the default language) and use the field inline which will include our Painless script: def scores = 0;
scores = doc['AvgScrRead'].value + doc['AvgScrWrit'].value;
return scores;
You'll notice immediately that the Painless script that we just wrote doesn't have any line breaks. That's because scripts in Elasticseach must be written out as a single-line string. Running this simple query doesn't require Painless scripting. In fact, it could be done with Lucene Expressions, but it serves just as an example. Let's look at the results: {
"_index": "sat",
"_type": "scores",
"_id": "AV3CYR8JFgEfgdUCQSON",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"cds": 1611760130062,
"rtype": "S",
"sname": "American High",
"dname": "Fremont Unified",
"cname": "Alameda",
"enroll12": 444,
"NumTstTakr": 298,
"AvgScrRead": 576,
"AvgScrMath": 610,
"AvgScrWrit": 576,
"NumGE1500": 229,
"PctGE1500": 76.85,
"year": 1516
"fields": {
"some_scores": [
The script is run on each document in the index. The above result shows that a new field called fields has been created with another field containing the name of the new field some_scores that we created with the script_fields command. Let's write another query that will search for schools that have a SAT reading score of less than 350 and a math score of more than 350. The script for that would look like: doc['AvgScrRead'].value < 350 && doc['AvgScrMath'].value > 350
And the query: GET sat/_search {
"query": {
"script": {
"script": {
"inline": "doc['AvgScrRead'].value < 350 && doc['AvgScrMath'].value > 350",
"lang": "painless"
This will give us four schools. Of those four schools, we can then use Painless to create an array containing four values: the SAT scores from our data and a total SAT score, or the sum of all the SAT scores: def sat_scores = [];
def score_names = ['AvgScrRead', 'AvgScrWrit', 'AvgScrMath'];
for (int i = 0; i < score_names.length; i++) {
def temp = 0;
for (def score : sat_scores) {
temp += score;
return sat_scores;
We'll create a sat_scores array to hold the SAT scores (AvgScrRead, AvgScrWrit, and AvgScrMath) and the total score that we'll calculate. We'll create another array called scores_names to hold the names of the document fields that contain SAT scores. If in the future our field names change, all we'd have to do is update the names in the array. Using a for loop, we'll loop through the document fields using the score_names array, and put their corresponding values in the sat_scores array. Next, we'll loop over our sat_scores array and add the values of the three SAT scores together and place that score in a temporary variable temp. Then, we add the temp value to our sat_scores array giving us the three individual SAT scores plus their total score. The entire query to get the four schools and the script looks like: GET sat/_search {
"query": {
"script": {
"script": {
"inline": "doc['AvgScrRead'].value < 350 && doc['AvgScrMath'].value > 350",
"lang": "painless"
"script_fields": {
"scores": {
"script": {
"inline": "def sat_scores = []; def scores = ['AvgScrRead', 'AvgScrWrit', 'AvgScrMath']; for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {sat_scores.add(doc[scores[i]].value)} def temp = 0; for (def score : sat_scores) {temp += score;} sat_scores.add(temp); return sat_scores;",
"lang": "painless"
Each document returned by the query will look similar to: "hits": {
"total": 4,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "sat",
"_type": "scores",
"_id": "AV3CYR8PFgEfgdUCQSpM",
"_score": 1,
"fields": {
"scores": [
One drawback of using the _search API is that the results aren't stored. To do that, we'd have to use the _update or _update_by_query API to update individual documents or all the documents in the index. So, let's update our index with the query results we've just used. Updating Elasticsearch Using Painless Before we move further, let's create another field in our data that will hold an array of the SAT scores. To do that, we'll use Elasticsearch's _update_by_query API to add a new field called All_Scores which will initially start out as an empty array: POST sat/_update_by_query {
"script": {
"inline": "ctx._source.All_Scores = []",
"lang": "painless"
This will update the index to include the new field where we can start adding our scores to. To do that, we'll use a script to update the All_Scores field: def scores = ['AvgScrRead', 'AvgScrWrit', 'AvgScrMath'];
for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {
def temp = 0;
for (def score : ctx._source.All_Scores) {
temp += score;
Using _update or the _update_by_query API, we won't have access to the doc value. Instead, Elasticsearch exposes the ctx variable and the _source document that allows us to access the each document's fields. From there we can update the All_Scores array for each document with each SAT score and the total average SAT score for the school. The entire query looks like this: POST sat/_update_by_query {
"script": {
"inline": "def scores = ['AvgScrRead', 'AvgScrWrit', 'AvgScrMath']; for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { ctx._source.All_Scores.add(ctx._source[scores[i]])} def temp = 0; for (def score : ctx._source.All_Scores) {temp += score;}ctx._source.All_Scores.add(temp);",
"lang": "painless"
If we want to update only a single document, we can do that, too, using a similar script. All we'll need to indicate is the document's _id in the POST URL. In the following update, we're simply adding 10 points to the AvgScrMath score for the document with id "AV2mluV4aqbKx_m2Ul0m". POST sat/scores/AV2mluV4aqbKx_m2Ul0m/_update {
"script": {
"inline": "ctx._source.AvgScrMath += 10",
"lang": "painless"
Summing up We've gone over the basics of Elasticsearch's Painless scripting language and have given some examples of how it works. Also, using some of the Painless API methods like HashMap and loops, we've given you a taste of what you could do with the language when updating your documents, or just modifying your data prior to getting your search results back. Nonetheless, this is just the tip of the iceberg for what's possible with Painless. 参见:
With the release of Elasticsearch 5.x came Painless, Elasticsearch's answer to safe, secure, and performant scripting. We'll introduce you to Painless and show you what it can do.
With the introduction of Elasticsearch 5.x over a year ago, we got a new scripting language, Painless. Painless is a scripting language developed and maintained by Elastic and optimized for Elasticsearch. While it's still an experimental scripting language, at its core Painless is promoted as a fast, safe, easy to use, and secure.
In this article, we'll give you a short introduction to Painless, and show you how to use the language when searching and updating your data.
On to Painless ...
A Painless introduction
The objective of Painless scripting is to make writing scripts painless for the user, especially if you're coming from a Java or Groovy environment. While you might not be familiar with scripting in Elasticsearch in general, let's start with the basics.
Variables and Data Types
Variables can be declared in Painless using primitive, reference, string, void
(doesn't return a value), array, and dynamic typings. Painless supports the following primitive types: byte, short, char, int, long, float, double, and boolean. These are declared in a way similar to Java, for example, int i = 0; double a; boolean g = true;
Reference types in Painless are also similar to Java, except they don't support access modifiers, but support Java-like inheritance. These types can be allocated using the new
keyword on initialization such as when declaring a
as an ArrayList, or simply declaring a single variable b
to a null
Map like:
ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
Map b;
Map g = [:];
List q = [1, 2, 3];
Lists and Maps are similar to arrays, except they don't require the new
keyword on initialization, but they are reference types, not arrays.
String types can be used along with any variable with or without allocating it with the new
keyword. For example:
String a = "a";
String foo = new String("bar");
Array types in Painless support single and multidimensional arrays with null
as the default value. Like reference types, arrays are allocated using the new
keyword then the type and a set of brackets for each dimension. An array can be declared and initialized like the following:
int[] x = new int[2];
x[0] = 3;
x[1] = 4;
The size of the array can be explicit, for example, int[] a = new int[2]
or you can create an array with values 1 to 5 and a size of 5 using:
int[] b = new int[] {1,2,3,4,5};
Like arrays in Java and Groovy, the array data type must have a primitive, string, or even a dynamic def
associated with it on declaration and initialization.
is the only dynamic type supported by Painless and has the best of all worlds when declaring variables. What it does is it mimics the behavior of whatever type it's assigned at runtime. So, when defining a variable:
def a = 1;
def b = "foo";
In the above code, Elasticsearch will always assume a
is a primitive type int
with a value of 1
and b
as a string type with the value of "foo"
. Arrays can also be assigned with a def
, for instance, note the following:
def[][] h = new def[2][2];
def[] f = new def[] {4, "s", 5.7, 2.8C};
With variables out of the way, let's take a look at conditionals and operators.
Operators and Conditionals
If you know Java, Groovy, or a modern programming language, then conditionals and using operators in Painless will be familiar. The Painless documentation contains an entire list of operators that are compatible with the language in addition to their order of precedence and associativity. Most of the operators on the list are compatible with Java and Groovy languages. Like most programming languages operator precedence can be overridden with parentheses (e.g. int t = 5+(5*5)
Working with conditionals in Painless is the same using them in most programming languages. Painless supports if
and else
, but not else if
or switch
. A conditional statement will look familiar to most programmers:
if (doc['foo'].value = 5) {
doc['foo'].value *= 10;
else {
doc['foo'].value += 10;
Painless also has the Elvis operator ?:
, which is behaves more like the operator in Kotlin than Groovy. Basically, if we have the following:
x ?: y
the Elvis operator will evaluate the right-side expression and returns whatever the value of x
is if not null
. If x
is null
then the left-side expression is evaluated. Using primitives won't work with the Elvis operator, so def
is preferred here when it's used.
While the Java language is where Painless gets most of its power from, not every class or method from the Java standard library (Java Runtime Environment, JRE) is available. Elasticsearch has a whitelist reference of classes and methods that are available to Painless. The list doesn't only include those available from the JRE, but also Elasticsearch and Painless methods that are available to use.
Painless Loops
Painless supports while
, do...while
, for
loops, and control flow statements like break
and continue
which are all available in Java. An example for
loop in Painless will also look familiar in most modern programming languages. In the following example, we loop over an array containing scores from our document doc['scores']
and add them to the variable total
then return it:
def total = 0;
for (def i = 0; i < doc['scores'].length; i++) {
total += doc['scores'][i];
return total;
Modifying that loop to the following will also work:
def total = 0;
for (def score : doc['scores']) {
total += score;
return total;
Now that we have an overview of some of the language fundamentals, let's start looking at some data and see how we can use Painless with Elasticsearch queries.
Loading the Data
Before loading data into Elasticsearch, make sure you have a fresh index set up. You'll need to create a new index either in the Compose console, in the terminal, or use the programming language of your choice. The index that we'll create is called "sat". Once you've set up the index, let's gather the data.
The data we're going to use is a list of average SAT scores by school for the year 2015/16 compiled by the California Department of Education. The data from the California Department of Education comes in a Microsoft Excel file. We converted the data into JSON which can be downloaded from the Github repository here.
After downloading the JSON file, using Elasticsearch's Bulk API we can insert the data into the "sat" index we created.
curl -XPOST -u username:password 'https://portal333-5.compose-elasticsearch.compose-44.composedb.com:44444/_bulk' --data-binary @sat_scores.json
Remember to substitute the username, password, and deployment URL with your own and add _bulk
to the end of the URL to start importing data.
Searching Elasticsearch Using Painless
Now that we have the SAT scores loaded into the "sat" index, we can start using Painless in our SAT queries. In the following examples, all variables will use def
to demonstrate Painless's dynamic typing support.
The format of scripts in Elasticsearch looks similar to the following:
GET sat/_search
"script_fields": {
"some_scores": {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "def scores = 0; scores = doc['AvgScrRead'].value + doc['AvgScrWrit'].value; return scores;"
Within a script
you can define the scripting language lang
, where Painless is the default. In addition, we can specify the source of the script. For example, we're using inline
scripts or those that are run when making a query. We also have the option of using stored
, which are scripts that are stored in the cluster. Also, we have file
scripts that are scripts stored in a file and referenced within Elasticsearch's configuration directory.
Let's look at the above script in a little more detail.
In the above script, we're using the _search
API and the script_fields
command. This command will allow us to create a new field that will hold the scores that we write in the script
. Here, we've called it some_scores
just as an example. Within this new script field, use the script
field to define the scripting language painless
(Painless is already the default language) and use the field inline
which will include our Painless script:
def scores = 0;
scores = doc['AvgScrRead'].value + doc['AvgScrWrit'].value;
return scores;
You'll notice immediately that the Painless script that we just wrote doesn't have any line breaks. That's because scripts in Elasticseach must be written out as a single-line string. Running this simple query doesn't require Painless scripting. In fact, it could be done with Lucene Expressions, but it serves just as an example.
Let's look at the results:
"_index": "sat",
"_type": "scores",
"_id": "AV3CYR8JFgEfgdUCQSON",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"cds": 1611760130062,
"rtype": "S",
"sname": "American High",
"dname": "Fremont Unified",
"cname": "Alameda",
"enroll12": 444,
"NumTstTakr": 298,
"AvgScrRead": 576,
"AvgScrMath": 610,
"AvgScrWrit": 576,
"NumGE1500": 229,
"PctGE1500": 76.85,
"year": 1516
"fields": {
"some_scores": [
The script is run on each document in the index. The above result shows that a new field called fields
has been created with another field containing the name of the new field some_scores
that we created with the script_fields
Let's write another query that will search for schools that have a SAT reading score of less than 350 and a math score of more than 350. The script for that would look like:
doc['AvgScrRead'].value < 350 && doc['AvgScrMath'].value > 350
And the query:
GET sat/_search
"query": {
"script": {
"script": {
"inline": "doc['AvgScrRead'].value < 350 && doc['AvgScrMath'].value > 350",
"lang": "painless"
This will give us four schools. Of those four schools, we can then use Painless to create an array containing four values: the SAT scores from our data and a total SAT score, or the sum of all the SAT scores:
def sat_scores = [];
def score_names = ['AvgScrRead', 'AvgScrWrit', 'AvgScrMath'];
for (int i = 0; i < score_names.length; i++) {
def temp = 0;
for (def score : sat_scores) {
temp += score;
return sat_scores;
We'll create a sat_scores
array to hold the SAT scores (AvgScrRead
, AvgScrWrit
, and AvgScrMath
) and the total score that we'll calculate. We'll create another array called scores_names
to hold the names of the document fields that contain SAT scores. If in the future our field names change, all we'd have to do is update the names in the array. Using a for
loop, we'll loop through the document fields using the score_names
array, and put their corresponding values in the sat_scores
array. Next, we'll loop over our sat_scores
array and add the values of the three SAT scores together and place that score in a temporary variable temp
. Then, we add the temp
value to our sat_scores
array giving us the three individual SAT scores plus their total score.
The entire query to get the four schools and the script looks like:
GET sat/_search
"query": {
"script": {
"script": {
"inline": "doc['AvgScrRead'].value < 350 && doc['AvgScrMath'].value > 350",
"lang": "painless"
"script_fields": {
"scores": {
"script": {
"inline": "def sat_scores = []; def scores = ['AvgScrRead', 'AvgScrWrit', 'AvgScrMath']; for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {sat_scores.add(doc[scores[i]].value)} def temp = 0; for (def score : sat_scores) {temp += score;} sat_scores.add(temp); return sat_scores;",
"lang": "painless"
Each document returned by the query will look similar to:
"hits": {
"total": 4,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "sat",
"_type": "scores",
"_id": "AV3CYR8PFgEfgdUCQSpM",
"_score": 1,
"fields": {
"scores": [
One drawback of using the _search
API is that the results aren't stored. To do that, we'd have to use the _update
or _update_by_query
API to update individual documents or all the documents in the index. So, let's update our index with the query results we've just used.
Updating Elasticsearch Using Painless
Before we move further, let's create another field in our data that will hold an array of the SAT scores. To do that, we'll use Elasticsearch's _update_by_query
API to add a new field called All_Scores
which will initially start out as an empty array:
POST sat/_update_by_query
"script": {
"inline": "ctx._source.All_Scores = []",
"lang": "painless"
This will update the index to include the new field where we can start adding our scores to. To do that, we'll use a script to update the All_Scores
def scores = ['AvgScrRead', 'AvgScrWrit', 'AvgScrMath'];
for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {
def temp = 0;
for (def score : ctx._source.All_Scores) {
temp += score;
Using _update
or the _update_by_query
API, we won't have access to the doc
value. Instead, Elasticsearch exposes the ctx
variable and the _source
document that allows us to access the each document's fields. From there we can update the All_Scores
array for each document with each SAT score and the total average SAT score for the school.
The entire query looks like this:
POST sat/_update_by_query
"script": {
"inline": "def scores = ['AvgScrRead', 'AvgScrWrit', 'AvgScrMath']; for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { ctx._source.All_Scores.add(ctx._source[scores[i]])} def temp = 0; for (def score : ctx._source.All_Scores) {temp += score;}ctx._source.All_Scores.add(temp);",
"lang": "painless"
If we want to update only a single document, we can do that, too, using a similar script. All we'll need to indicate is the document's _id
in the POST
URL. In the following update, we're simply adding 10 points to the AvgScrMath
score for the document with id "AV2mluV4aqbKx_m2Ul0m".
POST sat/scores/AV2mluV4aqbKx_m2Ul0m/_update
"script": {
"inline": "ctx._source.AvgScrMath += 10",
"lang": "painless"
Summing up
We've gone over the basics of Elasticsearch's Painless scripting language and have given some examples of how it works. Also, using some of the Painless API methods like HashMap and loops, we've given you a taste of what you could do with the language when updating your documents, or just modifying your data prior to getting your search results back. Nonetheless, this is just the tip of the iceberg for what's possible with Painless.
##########FunctionScoreQueryBuilder 终极打分实例##########
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<C#语言和数据库技术基础> 第一章1..NET Framework 框架2.sharp 尖锐,强烈的3.application 应用程序4.devel ...
- Elasticsearch java api 基本搜索部分详解
文档是结合几个博客整理出来的,内容大部分为转载内容.在使用过程中,对一些疑问点进行了整理与解析. Elasticsearch java api 基本搜索部分详解 ElasticSearch 常用的查询 ...
- ElasticSearch 2 (17) - 深入搜索系列之部分匹配
ElasticSearch 2 (17) - 深入搜索系列之部分匹配 摘要 到目前为止,我们介绍的所有查询都是基于完整术语的,为了匹配,最小的单元为单个术语,我们只能查找反向索引中存在的术语. 但是, ...
- ElasticSearch 2 (14) - 深入搜索系列之全文搜索
ElasticSearch 2 (14) - 深入搜索系列之全文搜索 摘要 在看过结构化搜索之后,我们看看怎样在全文字段中查找相关度最高的文档. 全文搜索两个最重要的方面是: 相关(relevance ...
- Elasticsearch学习之深入搜索一 --- 提高查询的精准度
1. 为帖子增加标题字段 POST /forum/article/_bulk { "} } { "doc" : {"title" : "th ...
- Elasticsearch数据库 | Elasticsearch-7.5.0应用基础实战
Elasticsearch 是一个可用于分布式以及符合RESTful 风格的搜索和数据分析引擎.-- Elastic Stack 官网 关于Elasticsearch的"爱恨情仇" ...
- Elasticsearch Painless script编程
我们之前看见了在Elasticsearch里的ingest node里,我们可以通过以下processor的处理帮我们处理我们的一些数据.它们的功能是非常具体而明确的.那么在Elasticsearch ...
- 转:在ElasticSearch之下(图解搜索的故事)
ElasticSearch 2 (9) - 在ElasticSearch之下(图解搜索的故事) 摘要 先自上而下,后自底向上的介绍ElasticSearch的底层工作原理,试图回答以下问题: 为什么我 ...
- What are the top 10 things that we should be informed about in life
1.Realize that nobody cares, and if they do, you shouldn't care that they care. Got a new car? Nobod ...
- sql server dba之路
转自:https://blog.csdn.net/dba_huangzj/article/details/7841441 在专职DBA工作一年过一个月以后,开通了CSDN的博客专栏,在第一篇文章中,我 ...
- 怎样将Excel包含某字符的单元格填充颜色
在处理数据的时候,xmyanke想将Excel中包含某字符的单元格填充蓝色,比较容易看清,弄了好一阵子都没完成,最后试用条件格式处理了一下,终于实现了. 比如要将A1到A12区间包含数字1的单元格填充 ...
- GTID的主从复制的配置
主库配置: (一).修改配置文件:在my.cnf配置文件中开启如下选项. [mysqld] #GTID: gtid_mode=on enforce_gtid_consistency=on server ...
- CodeForces - 786B Legacy (线段树+DIjkstra+思维)
题意:给N个点和Q条选项,有三种类型的选项:1.从u到v花费w修建一条路:2.从u到下标区间为[L,R]的点花费w修建一条路; 3.从下标区间为[L,R]的点到u花费w修建一条路. 然后求起点s到其余 ...
- cocos2d-x与着色器设计--入门篇(游云凌天原创)
http://blog.csdn.net/danjinxiangsi/article/details/43949955 着色器(Shader)应用与计算机图形学领域,指一组提供计算机图形资源在渲染时执 ...
- Xshell 或者 Xftp 突然连不上阿里云
今天突然发现使用xshell 远程连接不上阿里云,废了好大的劲,才明白的差不多.只要不出意外有以下几种情况:1.安全组中有没有你需要连接的端口,2.防火墙是否关闭,3.端口是否开放权限,4.是否安装了 ...
- 做为 Apple Store App 独立开发者,你要搞限时促销,为你的应用生成激活码(或者优惠券),使用 Python 如何生成 200 个激活码(或者优惠券)?
import random import string def GenKey(length): chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits return ...
- react native 之异步请求
第一章 异步请求 fetch的运用 在react native 中异步请求一般用fetch这个方法, fetch的格式如下: const params ={ "charset" ...
- 关于camera 构架设计的一点看法
camera的构架目前来看有两种,一种是集中式管理,比如说建立一个引擎,引擎向上提供接口,向下管理所有模块.把camera的所有功能划分为不同的模块,又引擎统一管理.模块的结构就比较随意了,可以统一接 ...