July 11th 2017 Week 28th Tuesday
No possession, but use, in the only riches.
These days I have bought tens of books about artificial intelligence, deep learning, data mining, and automatic pilot, just planning to make a little preparation for my next career.
I think the final purpose of artificial intelligence, is to give more freedom to human beings or to help them, not to replace them.
The latter, in my humble opinion, is the main concerns of many people who have little knowledge about AI, they fear that they would be discarded by the epoch with fast-moving technical progresses.
Such fear, is not unreasonable, at least it can be seen in the recent economic and technical trends in China, for example, many innovations in the sharing economy and manufacturing factories, has obviously proved that many people would be replaced by robotic machines.
Therefore, if you possess the high-end technology, you will be winner.
If you don't possess those things, at least you must have some knowledge about how to use them.
Those who would ignore this fact are destined, I believe, for decline and irrelevance.
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
From Arthur C. Clarke.
You never know where is your limit if you don't try to challenge it.
Things always seem impossible until they are done.
If you think you can't do it, maybe you will never have the chance to make it realized, even it truns out to be very simple.
Please remember your dreams and fight for them.
You must know what you want from life, and there is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible, that is, the fear of failure.
Once you start to challenge your limits, even if you may fail at last, you still can improve your work and your skills to a higher level.
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