

  • PIP
pip install pysnooper
import pysnooper

def number_to_bits(number):
if number:
bits = []
while number:
number, remainder = divmod(number, 2)
bits.insert(0, remainder)
return bits
return [0] number_to_bits(6)


Starting var:.. number = 6
21:14:32.099769 call 3 @pysnooper.snoop()
21:14:32.099769 line 5 if number:
21:14:32.099769 line 6 bits = []
New var:....... bits = []
21:14:32.099769 line 7 while number:
21:14:32.099769 line 8 number, remainder = divmod(number, 2)
New var:....... remainder = 0
Modified var:.. number = 3
21:14:32.099769 line 9 bits.insert(0, remainder)
Modified var:.. bits = [0]
21:14:32.099769 line 7 while number:
21:14:32.099769 line 8 number, remainder = divmod(number, 2)
Modified var:.. number = 1
Modified var:.. remainder = 1
21:14:32.099769 line 9 bits.insert(0, remainder)
Modified var:.. bits = [1, 0]
21:14:32.099769 line 7 while number:
21:14:32.099769 line 8 number, remainder = divmod(number, 2)
Modified var:.. number = 0
21:14:32.099769 line 9 bits.insert(0, remainder)
Modified var:.. bits = [1, 1, 0]
21:14:32.099769 line 7 while number:
21:14:32.099769 line 10 return bits
21:14:32.099769 return 10 return bits






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