

Employee 表包含所有员工,他们的经理也属于员工。每个员工都有一个 Id,此外还有一列对应员工的经理的 Id。


| Id | Name | Salary | ManagerId |


| 1 | Joe | 70000 | 3 |

| 2 | Henry | 80000 | 4 |

| 3 | Sam | 60000 | NULL |

| 4 | Max | 90000 | NULL |


给定 Employee 表,编写一个 SQL 查询,该查询可以获取收入超过他们经理的员工的姓名。在上面的表格中,Joe 是唯一一个收入超过他的经理的员工。


| Employee |


| Joe |







---- oracle ----
/* Write your PL/SQL query statement below */
select c.Name as Employee
select a.Name,
(a.Salary - b.Salary) as Salary
from Employee a
left join Employee b
on a.ManagerID = b.Id
) c
where c.Salary > 0 ---- 868ms


---- oracle ----
/* Write your PL/SQL query statement below */
select a.Name as Employee
from Employee a
left join Employee b
on a.ManagerID = b.Id
where a.Salary > b.Salary ---- 528ms


---- MySQL ----
select a.Name as Employee
from Employee a,
Employee b
where a.ManagerId = b.Id
and a.Salary > b.Salary; ---- 260ms


内连接会自动过滤null,所以关联的时候无须再设定ManagerId is not null过滤条件。

子查询性能 & 关联查询,到底哪个快?验证一番。

直接通过from table a, table b会产生笛卡尔积,影响效率。



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